Biden Sets a Record for Lowest Number of Refugees Admitted in One Year, Contractors Cry

As the 2021 fiscal year wrapped up, resettlement contractors*** are directing their anger at Joe Biden, as that meany Trump can no longer be blamed for his “nativist” and “racist” slowdown of refugee admissions under the Refugee Act of 1980.

But, LOL! They aren’t going so far as to call their team—Biden or Harris— names and disparage their characters for the lowest number of refugee admissions on record.

Editor:  Readers remember that the border invaders and most of the unvetted Afghan deluge are not considered legitimate refugees (yet).

They are “hanging by a thread!” says Lutheran CEO Krish O’Mara Vignarajah who is barely making it on a quarter of a million annual salary supplied by US taxpayers!

Here is what The Hill is saying, and I have to laugh because once again we have Lutheran CEO Vignarajah crying about how little funding is flowing to the contractors for their ‘charitable’ good works.

“Increasing the figure earlier on would have meant an infusion of resources [aka money, your money–ed] that were especially needed by local resettlement agencies that were hanging on by a thread.”

I’m not picking on Vignarajah, some contractor do-gooder CEOs make gobs more than she does, it is just that she can’t seem to stay out of the limelight.

The Hill:

Biden on track to beat Trump’s record for fewest resettled refugees

I was interested to see that although Joe told Congress that the ceiling for the 2022 fiscal year will be 125,000 refugees from Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East—a flow that was supposed to begin 4 days ago—he has yet to sign the order.

After a litany of complaints about Biden’s back and forth on the ceiling in his first months in office, The Hill reporter comments:

The reversal was whiplash for the resettlement agencies that contract with the government and who had set about rehiring staff in order to rebuild a system that atrophied under the Trump administration.

Uh-oh! Biden is making the contractors jittery with this:

Biden notified Congress of his recommendation to set the refugee cap at 125,000 for the coming fiscal year, though he has yet to sign the presidential determination that makes it official. 

But the report seems to express some internal doubt about the government’s ability to meet that goal, writing to Congress that the State Department would issue funding for 65,000 refugees.

“Those funding levels will be re-evaluated and increased as appropriate as the year progresses and as it becomes clearer how much progress can be made against the target,” the White House wrote.

Read the whole article, there are some interesting bits of information for serious students of the refugee resettlement industry.

Lutherans Hanging by a Thread?  Hardly!

So, once again I made a trip to USA Spending!  See what I found!  Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is presently at about 87% federally funded (you can calculate that by examining a recent IRS Form 990).

Check out their taxpayer-funded boodle here (Screenshot below)

It is very clear that Trump’s presence in the White House didn’t deplete their funds and in fact they did better under some Trump years than under Obama!

It is my fervent hope that one day a real reporter will call them out for their poor-mouthing lies….

From USA Spending:


*** These are the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors. Not only do they place refugees in cities large and small but are in the driver’s seat when determining which cities will get which refugees.

Editor:  Apologies from me for not being able to keep up with everyone’s requests for information.  I am overloaded on all fronts as I try to maintain some balance in my life. 

Searching for something? I urge you to use the search window here at RRW, there are literally nearly 10,000 posts archived here.

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Oh Joy! Just What America Needs—More Homeless People! Afghans this Time?

“We also know without significant resources, there’s the real prospect of homelessness for some of these families.”

(Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service President and CEO Krish O’Mara Vignarajah)


So what did they expect with Biden’s careless and illegal airlift of tens of thousands of needy Afghans!

Homeless in Sacramento, a top Afghan resettlement site! Will they soon be joined by Afghans?


How did they not see this coming?  From CNN no less:

Refugee groups race to find housing for 53,000 Afghan evacuees

(CNN)Refugee resettlement agencies*** are racing to find housing for the approximately 53,000 Afghans on military bases in the United States who will eventually be resettled in the country, but the groups are facing a strained — and expensive — housing market.

Every year, refugee agencies find houses or apartments for refugees to live once they’re admitted to the United States. It’s a cumbersome process that often happens months before a refugee arrives. But the frenzied evacuation of Afghans from Afghanistan has turned the process on its head, with agencies trying to find housing for refugees who are already in the US with limited funds.

Cry me a river!

“We’re expected as a resettlement agency to do the work over the next three to four months that we did over four years,” said Jenny Yang, senior vice president of advocacy and policy at World Relief.

The difficulty is compounded by the fact that refugee agencies were already under strain after years of low admissions under the Trump administration, requiring them to close offices and lay off staff. That meant they also lost some existing relationships with landlords.

The federal government provides a one-time payment of $2,275 for each Afghan an agency serves, of which $1,225 is available for agencies to use for direct assistance like housing and basic necessities, including furniture and silverware. The other bulk of the money is used to cover administrative costs.  (Ha! Ha! That means money for the contractors—for salaries, office space, travel and so forth!—ed)

While outside help and donations might add to those funds, rent remains expensive. The national median rent rose to $1,302 in September, up 15% from a year ago, according to a report from Apartment List, a rental listing site.

It really doesn’t help their case that the CEO of the Lutheran contractor, Vignarajah pulls down a quarter of a million dollar a year salary!  Maybe she could take a pay cut in order to help more Afghans, or better still invite a few to live in her home.

“The housing crisis is essentially what Americans are experiencing but imagine approaching it when you don’t have a nest egg, you don’t have a safe income yet, you have no landlord references or history,” said Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, president and CEO at Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, a refugee resettlement agency.

So far, few Afghan evacuees have left the eight military installations that are being used to house Afghans while they finish processing, ranging from a couple dozen to a hundred a day, according to an administration official.

“It’s obviously going to need to be thousands of people moving off a week,” a senior administration official told CNN.

“We’re also cognizant of the fact that if we move people off too quickly before we have adequate housing and the other wrap-around services that people need set up that they could end up in a situation where they don’t succeed from the start in their new homes, so we’re trying to get the balance right.”

LOL!  I love how the Left always figures out a new way to say something for media consumption.

“Wrap-around services”=WELFARE!  Taxpayer funded welfare!

There is a lot more information in the CNN report, click here.

BTW, they will likely get their federal payola for housing the Afghans, but it will be to the detriment of low income Americans, minorities, the disabled, and young people getting started who will suffer from increased housing costs.

*** Here are the nine federally funded refugee resettlement agencies which have been begging for more clients (refugees) to fill their coffers.

By the way, I don’t know how it is even legal for them to be tasked and paid to resettle parolees—parolees are not legitimate refugees.

EditorApologies from me for not being able to keep up with everyone’s requests for information.  I am overloaded on all fronts as I try to maintain some balance in my life. 

Searching for something? I urge you to use the search window here at RRW, there are literally nearly 10,000 posts archived here.

Some of you have noticed that I have deactivated my Facebook page—yes, I have.

My e-mail boxes are full and overflowing! The very best way to reach me is to send a comment to this post if there is something you want me to see.  I do review and moderate comments every day or so, and if you have sent me  some information that is off topic, I won’t post it, but will see it.

The Middle East Moves to Michigan

First it was Iraqis and soon it will be Afghans who call Michigan home…

Michigan Live has done a very good job of analyzing refugee data and pointing out that Michigan is in the top five most ‘welcoming’ states in America when it comes to refugees, especially Muslims from the Middle East!

Michigan among top 5 states for most refugees in the last decade

Michigan received the fourth-most refugees of any state in the last decade.

Michigan admitted 30,467 refugees from 52 countries since 2010, according to the U.S. Department of State, and more than half immigrated from Iraq. Michigan was a top destination for refugees during a spike caused by the Iraq War, and the state is expected to be a key player in the effort to resettle refugees seeking a new start after the Afghanistan War ended last month.

Texas, California and New York were the only states to bring in more refugees since 2010. Texas nearly doubled Michigan’s total with 59,878 refugees.

Michigan ranked 11th in the country for refugees per 100,000 residents. Plains states — North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Idaho — led the nation in refugees per capita.

Five states during the last decade — Texas, California, New York, Michigan, and Arizona — received one-third of all refugees resettled nationwide.

There is much more about other states too.  This is a screenshot of an interactive map Michigan Live published. Go check it out.

One important point the Michigan story highlights is that refugees do move from where they were originally placed by a resettlement contractor.

They move to live with their own cultural groups, in other words, they move to be with their own kind of people.  It is funny that no one calls them racist for that!

So once an enclave has begun to build, it will grow.   Somalis to Minnesota is a case in point.

See my many posts on Michigan by clicking here.  (And please use my search window as a starting point for your research.)

If you missed it, see a succinct summary of how Biden’s first wave of Afghan  evacuees (they are not legitimate refugees) are being categorized and where they will be placed (Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies).


EditorApologies from me for not being able to keep up with everyone’s requests for information.  I am overloaded on all fronts as I try to maintain some balance in my life.  Some of you have noticed that I have deactivated my Facebook page—yes, I have.

My e-mail boxes are full and overflowing! The very best way to reach me is to send a comment to this post if there is something you want me to see.  I do review and moderate comments every day or so, and if you have sent me  some information that is off topic, I won’t post it, but will see it.

‘Religious Charities’ Praise Biden’s 125,000 Refugee Admission Plan

This new batch of poor people from all over the world could begin arriving a week from tomorrow!

See my post on Tuesday where I pointed out that the new wave is over and above the millions of impoverished people arriving through various means since Biden took office.

Indeed, the now-arriving Afghan evacuees are not included in the 125,000—they are over and above that number!

However, some say it isn’t enough.  They wanted 200,000 for Fiscal Year 2022!

By the way,  they really aren’t “faith-based” religious charities as Episcopal News trumpets, but handsomely funded federal contractors hiding under a veneer of Jewish and Christian humanitarian zeal.***

From Episcopal News Service:

Faith-based agencies celebrate ‘return to moral leadership’ as Biden raises refugee ceiling to 125,000

[Religion News Service] Faith-based refugee resettlement groups are celebrating the Biden administration’s proposal to admit as many as 125,000 refugees to the United States in the coming year, calling the decision a “return to moral leadership.”

The news came Sept. 20 as the Biden administration submitted its report to Congress setting the refugee ceiling for the new fiscal year, which begins in October.

The proposal fulfills a campaign pledge from President Joe Biden and reverses years of cuts to the U.S. refugee resettlement program by former President Donald Trump.

LOL!  Church World Service celebrating a return to moral leadership!

I get to use one of my all-time favorite photos of Church World Service Leftist political activists!

“Today we celebrate a return to moral leadership and our nation’s commitment to welcome and generosity,” Church World Service Senior Vice President Erol Kekic said Monday in a written statement.

We need money, money, money to do our religious work!

Still, amid a pandemic and the work of rebuilding the U.S. refugee resettlement system after four years of devastating cuts, the U.S. had admitted only 7,637 refugees in 2021 through the end of August.

Faith-based refugee resettlement groups — which make up the backbone of the U.S. refugee resettlement system — agreed Monday there is more work to be done.

Even as they praised the higher refugee ceiling, the groups also asked Congress to commit to rebuilding and fully funding the U.S. refugee resettlement program so it could reach that number.

Vignarajah formerly worked for Obama.

“Raising this cap without dedicating significant resources, personnel, and measures to streamline the process would be largely symbolic,” said Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service President and CEO Krish O’Mara Vignarajah.

Six of the nine refugee agencies the U.S. government contracts to resettle refugees in the country are faith-based: Church World Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, HIAS (founded as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, World Relief and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

They wanted 200,000 more poor people for American taxpayers to support!

Church World Service and HIAS both noted they had called on the Biden administration to raise the number of refugees allowed into the U.S. this coming year even higher — to 200,000.

Keep reading….

This will all make America stronger says Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service President and CEO Krish O’Mara Vignarajah (as she pulls down a quarter of a million dollar salary, more than Senators and Members of Congress or Supreme Court Justices, at an organization that is almost completely funded by US taxpayers)!



*** For new readers here are the nine federal resettlement contractors, six of which are (ha! ha!) “faith-based” ‘religious charities’!

For long time readers (who get sick of me writing about the contractors) know that the only way to reach past and around the mainstream media is to repeat, and repeat, and repeat some more, and maybe that is the best contribution I can make!

I have the patience to report on them day after day, and year after year!

Hope springs eternal that some day corporate media will tell the truth that these are not charities, but are indeed extended arms of the federal government which have been doing their ‘good works’ for 40 years.



Biden Sets FY22 Refugee Ceiling at 125,000

Every September the President sets a ceiling (a cap!) for how many refugees could be admitted to the US in the coming fiscal year which begins on October 1st.

As he threatened, Biden is setting that cap at 125,000.***

What you need to know about this number is that the 125,000 is in addition to:

~Afghan evacuees estimated in the tens of thousands.

~Special immigrant visa holders estimated in the tens of thousands.

~Illegal aliens flooding our borders estimated to be over a million so far.

~An unknown number of visa overstays.

~Temporary Protected Status migrants who never go home.

~50,000 a year Visa lottery winners.

~And, upwards of a million or so legal immigrants coming to take American jobs….


Don’t fall for the mentally feeble grandpa Joe image. This guy is truly evil. And, that is something I don’t say lightly.

No need to worry about election fraud going forward.

All will ultimately be voting Democrats by the time this bunch gets a term or two in the White House.

As I said the other day, follow John Binder at Breitbart for refugee news on almost a daily basis.


Joe Biden Plans Bringing 10 Times as Many Refugees to U.S. Next Year

President Joe Biden is planning to bring to the United States in Fiscal Year 2022 about 10 times as many refugees as he will have brought this year, the State Department confirmed on Monday.

In May, Biden announced he would raise the refugee resettlement cap to 62,500 refugees for Fiscal Year 2021 — more than four times the cap that former President Trump imposed for the year at about 15,000 refugees.

For Fiscal Year 2022, which begins October 1, Biden will set the cap at 125,000 refugees who can be resettled across the U.S. over the subsequent 12 months, a State Department notice to Congress confirmed. The data projects that the Biden administration will have brought about 12,500 refugees to the U.S. by the end of Fiscal Year 2021.

The cap is merely a numerical limit and not a goal for the State Department to reach.

Continue reading here.

***There is no way our country can sustain this number of desperate people in need of food, housing, medical care and education for the children.