Native Americans and Somalis trying to get along with each other

I came across this news in a Native American publication last week about how an effort is being made in Minnesota to bring two ethnic groups together that have been at odds for some time apparently. From The Circle: Native American and Somali communities in Minneapolis have lived close to each other ever since the … Continue reading Native Americans and Somalis trying to get along with each other

Conflict in Arizona: Africans vs. African Americans

This story shows how stupid it is to think skin color is an important category. From the article: Africans make up a small but growing part of the black population in metro-Phoenix, which limits opportunities for interaction. According to the 2008 American Community Survey, “foreign-born Africans” number around 18,500 in Maricopa County, or 10.8 percent … Continue reading Conflict in Arizona: Africans vs. African Americans

American blacks disproportionately hurt by high immigration numbers

Here is an opinion piece that appeared in the Washington Times earlier in the week stating the obvious about high immigration numbers.  American blacks are the first to lose jobs when immigration is out of control. Like just about everyone else, it seems, the CBC (Congressional Black Caucus) has its own list of grievances with the man in the … Continue reading American blacks disproportionately hurt by high immigration numbers

African-Americans vs. African immigrants (again!)

This is a theme we have reported on several times in the past.*  Violence is on the rise in traditional African- American communities where numbers of African (largely Muslim) immigrants are on the increase.   The difference here is that it’s the New York Times publishing the politically incorrect news.   Hat tip:  a friend from Tennessee. … Continue reading African-Americans vs. African immigrants (again!)

Why is it a morally superior position to promote the welfare of immigrants to the detriment of Americans?

…while many of those are low income Americans?  That is a question that has been bugging me for a couple of years—ever since I first became aware of the refugee issue when the Virginia Council of Churches (with funding from the federal government) came to our county and dropped off a few hundred refugees.    Why do groups like … Continue reading Why is it a morally superior position to promote the welfare of immigrants to the detriment of Americans?