San Diego IRC office gets slap on wrist from US State Department

I reported the news here.  The giant New York City-based International Rescue Committee was found to be placing refugee families in housing that violated local codes and surprise! a local reporter investigated the story. The original investigation was posted on KPBS (not a rightwing news outlet!). Over the ten years I’ve been writing about the … Continue reading San Diego IRC office gets slap on wrist from US State Department

Airbnb partners with refugee contracting agency to put-up refugees worldwide

Volunteers must open their minds along with their rooms… (Airbnb) The International Rescue Committee, one of nine federal resettlement contractors***, is always working the angles with David Miliband (former British Foreign Secretary) as it CEO.  LOL! But watch out! the British national, making decisions about who is resettled in places like Montana, might soon jump … Continue reading Airbnb partners with refugee contracting agency to put-up refugees worldwide

Utah, Tennessee seeing cuts in budget and staff as flow of refugees to US slows; it is their own fault!

Sorry to keep repeating myself, but someone once told me people have to hear things seven times before it sinks in. One side benefit of the Trump refugee slowdown (but 50,000 isn’t that low! as I explained here) is that the public is learning that the federal refugee contractors have failed to keep their end … Continue reading Utah, Tennessee seeing cuts in budget and staff as flow of refugees to US slows; it is their own fault!

NYT allows wealthy British subject to lecture us about "fundamental American values"

I want to scream!  I missed this op-ed from January 27th, but the International Rescue Committee is retweeting it this morning and it caught my eye. ***Update***  Look at this ridiculous piece in The Guardian about Miliband (barf!). But, we learn one interesting bit of news—he wants a big job at the UN. Here we … Continue reading NYT allows wealthy British subject to lecture us about "fundamental American values"