Suggestion for President Trump: save millions by cutting funding for the International Rescue Committee

Everyday I start my day at around 5 a.m. with CNN.  I recommend that you all consider doing that (not necessarily at that hour!) because it is so informative to see how they spin the news each and every day. Kind of fires me up to get to work! This morning CNN showed a clip … Continue reading Suggestion for President Trump: save millions by cutting funding for the International Rescue Committee

Anne Richard leaves her perch as chief refugee promoter for Obama with not much to show!

In an interview at Refugees Deeply, Anne Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, says she is “shocked” by the national conversation on refugees and laments that the once bipartisan support for refugee resettlement has almost disappeared during Obama’s term in office. Editor:  Anne Richard is a political appointee and as such … Continue reading Anne Richard leaves her perch as chief refugee promoter for Obama with not much to show!

Article explains why Texas withdrawal from Refugee Program may benefit resettlement in state (in long run)

For everyone getting excited about governors withdrawing from the Refugee Admissions Program, please take a breath. The feds will simply pick a non-profit refugee contractor to run the program unless the governor takes the second step and that is, after being declared a Wilson-Fish state, he or she joins the Tennessee Tenth Amendment case prepared … Continue reading Article explains why Texas withdrawal from Refugee Program may benefit resettlement in state (in long run)

Drudge headline: Soros promoting worldwide refugee crisis as "new normal"

Invasion of Europe news…… We have been writing about George Soros’ role for years in directing and manipulating the worldwide refugee crisis, but now thanks to leaked e-mails (and one important memo, so far) we are seeing the extent of it.  Soros is a power-hungry one-worlder who also likes money and I feel some sympathy … Continue reading Drudge headline: Soros promoting worldwide refugee crisis as "new normal"