Invasion of Europe continues as Italy ‘rescues’ 4,000 migrants in one week

This (below) is an Associated Press story published in the Washington Post on Friday.  In the final paragraphs of the article we are given some important statistics. From the WaPo: ROME — Italian authorities say they have rescued more than 4,000 would-be migrants at sea over the past four days as the war in Syria … Continue reading Invasion of Europe continues as Italy ‘rescues’ 4,000 migrants in one week

Invasion of Europe continues as 80,000 Africans are poised to attack Spanish territory

We told you about this almost two weeks ago and posted a map at right.  Spain has territory on the Moroccan coast and obviously Morocco is allowing tens of thousands of African migrants through its country in their attempt to break into the Spanish territory. The New York Times has now joined the fray with … Continue reading Invasion of Europe continues as 80,000 Africans are poised to attack Spanish territory

Belgium, Germany, Greece: the invasion of Europe continues….

….making the natives restless! In Belgium, Afghans demanded asylum! From Russia Today (hat tip: pungentpeppers): Up to 350 Afghan asylum-seekers and their supporters set up a camp in Belgium’s western town of Mons, urging local authorities to arrange a meeting with Belgian Prime Minister to demand residency papers. The Prime Minister was not at home, … Continue reading Belgium, Germany, Greece: the invasion of Europe continues….