7,000 Africans made it to Europe over the Easter weekend as invasion heats up

Invasion of Europe news….     Also heating up is the exchange of words between the so-called rescue ships and the EU’s migration authority. EU agencies accuse NGO migrant rescue boats of creating a “pull factor” which only encourages more people to try to reach Europe in anything that floats. There are a bunch of … Continue reading 7,000 Africans made it to Europe over the Easter weekend as invasion heats up

All they needed to do to save Europe from invasion was to turn back just a couple of boats

….but it is too late. Here is a long story at Bloomberg Businessweek that you don’t have to read. It is an overly-long, detailed account of the travails of a Somali migrant (is he even telling the truth?) being trafficked in to Europe.     The invasion began in earnest when Obama and Hillary destabilized … Continue reading All they needed to do to save Europe from invasion was to turn back just a couple of boats

US Asylum fraud a growing problem; will success of European Muslim invasion inspire more?

I believe it will! We have written often over the years about asylum fraud.  But, before I give you the latest story, just a reminder about terminology in use here in America. A “refugee” is generally considered someone who claims they will be persecuted for one of several reasons and is transported here to America … Continue reading US Asylum fraud a growing problem; will success of European Muslim invasion inspire more?

Hungarian Prime Minister: Soros behind invasion of Europe

I’ve thought this very same thing! More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news….. We have written several stories over the last few years about Soros involvement in various countries, here, here, and here promoting the rights of Somalis as they colonize Scandinavia. See also news about Soros’ handbook for Muslim invaders to Europe, here. From Bloomberg Business: … Continue reading Hungarian Prime Minister: Soros behind invasion of Europe

Hillary (and the girls) are to blame for Libyan hellhole, European invasion

A trip down memory lane…. As I listened to testimony yesterday at the Benghazi hearing I was reminded of the many posts I’ve written over the years about how Hillary was directly involved in the destruction of the Libyan state that ultimately led to the use of that country as an important launch pad for … Continue reading Hillary (and the girls) are to blame for Libyan hellhole, European invasion