Invasion of Europe: In Germany they are all claiming to be Syrians!

Invasion of Europe news….. Look at this photograph!  Can you imagine how Americans would go mad if this was coming down their streets!   No surprise that German authorities are being snookered as the world’s economic migrants have magically transformed themselves into Syrian refugees—the most desirable category of migrant you could possibly be these days—as … Continue reading Invasion of Europe: In Germany they are all claiming to be Syrians!

Invasion of Europe: UK says 500,000 migrants waiting to make Mediterranean crossing into Europe

We should call the Invasion of Europe Gadhafi’s Revenge! The former Libyan leader (before his untimely “demise” at the hands of a coalition of French, British and American smart people) warned that Europe would be conquered, not with guns and swords, but with an invasion by masses of humanity overwhelming the continent from Africa and … Continue reading Invasion of Europe: UK says 500,000 migrants waiting to make Mediterranean crossing into Europe

Malta ‘invasion of Europe’ news: More die crossing Mediterranean, UN says EU must rescue them

But, how about using the Australian model (which is saving lives) and turning the boats back to Libya and other launching points in North Africa?  It is the only option to save Europe! Our correspondent in Malta is reporting that this latest wave of migrants is (according to Italian press) being herded on to boats … Continue reading Malta ‘invasion of Europe’ news: More die crossing Mediterranean, UN says EU must rescue them

Europe has not yet developed the backbone that Australia has in blocking invasion

More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news….. This is yet one more story about the invasion of Europe and how the continent is bracing for the next onslaught of migrants from North Africa as spring advances, but near the end of the Breitbart piece the answer to the dilemma is clear to all who are willing to … Continue reading Europe has not yet developed the backbone that Australia has in blocking invasion