Refugee advocates think Trump can't change Obama's 110,000 refugee goal for this year

I have no time to say much about this sob story in South Carolina’s The State newspaper about Muslim refugees resettled in the Carolinas (mostly in North Carolina) because I have to dash to jury duty again today.  But, I can’t not mention this little blip from Jason Lee.  We wrote about him on many … Continue reading Refugee advocates think Trump can't change Obama's 110,000 refugee goal for this year

Three Arkansas members of Congress question new resettlement plan for Fayetteville area

Fayetteville, Arkansas is one of the newest resettlement sites approved by the US State Department to accommodate the large number of refugees that Barack Obama has proposed for FY2017. We previously learned that there are 47 new sites, most chosen in secrecy.  Below is the list of those we have heard about so far.*** From … Continue reading Three Arkansas members of Congress question new resettlement plan for Fayetteville area

Ten things your town needs to know as it is targeted for refugee resettlement

Editor: If that title looks familiar, then you must be a long time reader.  But, it occurred to me just this morning, answering an e-mail from a reader, that since we get new followers every day and since we have now posted 7,624 articles here at RRW, that maybe re-posting some of those from time to … Continue reading Ten things your town needs to know as it is targeted for refugee resettlement