In letter to Sec. of State John Kerry, Rep. Trey Gowdy demands answers about planned Spartanburg resettlement

Update April 14th:  There is more here and here today as Gowdy causes a stir. This press release and letter (below) were issued today by the office of South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy.   For new readers, click here, for background on the controversy. Gowdy is the Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee responsible for the … Continue reading In letter to Sec. of State John Kerry, Rep. Trey Gowdy demands answers about planned Spartanburg resettlement

World Net Daily reports about Spartanburg and refugee resettlement secrecy

Reporter Leo Hohmann, who has done great work over the last year or so exposing the refugee resettlement industry in the US has posted another good piece in the wake of my post earlier in the week about how the nine major resettlement contractors are picking the towns to colonize. I’m off to Washington this … Continue reading World Net Daily reports about Spartanburg and refugee resettlement secrecy

Spartanburg, SC update: Citizens want resettlement agency/feds to present a plan to the community for public review and discussion

Update and correction:  Pastor Chris Pollard has asked us to make it clear to our readers that his organization, Come Closer Spartanburg, has not asked for nor received any federal funding for resettlement of refugees in Spartanburg.  We are glad to report that his group’s Christian charity comes from their members and not the federal … Continue reading Spartanburg, SC update: Citizens want resettlement agency/feds to present a plan to the community for public review and discussion

Comment worth noting: Since Spartanburg is my home…

Editor:  We have a special category here we call ‘Comments worth noting’ to showcase comments we believe more readers need to see.  This is a comment in response to ‘Jake’ at our record-breaking post on Spartanburg about the plan by the US State Department to open a resettlement office in the city.  ‘Jake’ said I … Continue reading Comment worth noting: Since Spartanburg is my home…

Breaking News: Spartanburg, South Carolina targeted to be colonized as next refugee ‘seed’ community

Update July 13: Spartanburg citizens formalize ‘Pocket of Resistance,’ here. Update June 6:  A Spartanburg resident answers the “compassion” argument, here. Update June 5:  US State Department ignores Gowdy, sends first refugees to Spartanburg, here. Update June 4:  More on the latest State Dept. response to Rep.Trey Gowdy, here. Update June 3:  Rep. Trey Gowdy … Continue reading Breaking News: Spartanburg, South Carolina targeted to be colonized as next refugee ‘seed’ community