Unaccompanied minors or victims of human trafficking?

We have written a lot lately about the spike in the number of illegal alien children coming across US borders without their parents—most recently here in December.  Those that aren’t turned over to family members (who may themselves be illegal aliens), end up in the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement and at least … Continue reading Unaccompanied minors or victims of human trafficking?

Secrecy still surrounds the placement of ‘unaccompanied alien minors;’ frustrates law enforcement

Here is a story from South Carolina (a state btw that does not take a lot of refugees) where they have discovered that several hundred of the alien minors who streamed across our southern border have been sent. There is nothing earth-shattering here, it is probably happening in every state, but the local county sheriff … Continue reading Secrecy still surrounds the placement of ‘unaccompanied alien minors;’ frustrates law enforcement

Unaccompanied Alien Children are NOT Refugees, Tennessee Controversy Highlights “Conflation” Issue

A post for diehard refugee watchers! For more than a dozen years (that is the time I’ve been following the US Refugee Admissions Program), I’ve watched the Open Borders propagandists and their media lackeys sell the idea that those mostly teenaged illegal alien border crossers that began flooding our southern border in massive waves during … Continue reading Unaccompanied Alien Children are NOT Refugees, Tennessee Controversy Highlights “Conflation” Issue