Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society bringing Syrian Muslims to Philly

This is a longish story meant to be warm and fuzzy about how the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society*** is injecting diversity into crime-ridden Philly.  That should be really good for the struggling African Americans there, but who cares about them, HIAS is being paid to do a job.  This is a business. The reporter has … Continue reading Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society bringing Syrian Muslims to Philly

Minneapolis City Council: Please send Syrian Muslims to our city!

As if they don’t have enough problems with the tens of thousands of Somalis living in Minnesota, the Minneapolis city council passed a resolution yesterday, welcoming Syrians to join the gang in Minneapolis. Frankly, I’ve wondered why so few Syrians have been sent (by the US State Department) to Minnesota so far and wondered if … Continue reading Minneapolis City Council: Please send Syrian Muslims to our city!

Rochester, NY: Confirmation that the US State Department has packed the pipeline with refugees in advance of Trump

This is direct confirmation from a resettlement contractor in Rochester, NY that indeed the pipeline of refugees headed to America is packed to overflowing and that local resettlement agencies are struggling to cope with the numbers. Of course this means that refugees will suffer as will local communities, governments/school systems that must adjust to rapid … Continue reading Rochester, NY: Confirmation that the US State Department has packed the pipeline with refugees in advance of Trump

First Syrians to Rutland, VT in direct challenge to Donald Trump

The US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) said in a press release in recent days that they were going ahead with their plans to open an office in Rutland, VT for the purpose of placing 100 Syrians (the first 100!) in the city where those plans have drawn heated controversy since last spring. Throwing … Continue reading First Syrians to Rutland, VT in direct challenge to Donald Trump

Nearly 30,000 'refugees' admitted in last 15 months from two terror-exporting countries

Those two countries are Syria and Somalia*** as the Obama Administration works overtime to pour as many refugees in to the US as they can before Donald Trump takes office on January 20th. The numbers we have been reporting in recent weeks go way beyond anything we have seen in the last nearly ten years … Continue reading Nearly 30,000 'refugees' admitted in last 15 months from two terror-exporting countries