Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society bringing Syrian Muslims to Philly

This is a longish story meant to be warm and fuzzy about how the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society*** is injecting diversity into crime-ridden Philly.  That should be really good for the struggling African Americans there, but who cares about them, HIAS is being paid to do a job.  This is a business.
The reporter has the facts down fairly well and I recommend reading it, especially for Pennsylvania residents who should know that your state is in the top ten resettlement states in the nation right now.

HIAS’s Philly rep Rona Buchalter is worried about what Trump will do once he arrives at the White House. Bio and photo are at HIAS’s website: http://hiaspa.org/rona-buchalter

I quibble with the selective reporting here where we are told that the refugees get $1,125 each (from US taxpayers). To be completely accurate it should be mentioned that the contractor (HIAS here) gets an equal amount for its payment to do their ‘charitable’ work.  All of the contractors are quaking in their boots now as the wait to see what Donald Trump does after Friday because cutting the numbers means cutting their income!

HIAS Pennsylvania is an affiliate of one of those nine organizations that receives funding from the U.S. Department of State to resettle refugees. They are funded to provide initial casework and help refugees spend $1,125 per person they get in assistance from the government to pay for housing, groceries, bills and other necessities. From there, it’s enrolling kids in school, finding adults work and getting families integrated into their communities. Quickly.

By the way, I once had an American, who was trying to help a new refugee family in his neighborhood, contact me to ask why the refugee doesn’t get the full $2,250 because the contractor was not helping the family. Why? This is a business!

How many Syrians since the beginning of the 2017 fiscal year?

I haven’t checked the Syrian numbers at Wrapsnet lately, so checked just now.

In the first 3 and 1/2 months of the fiscal year (it began on Oct. 1, 2016) we have admitted 4,005 Syrians, and 98% are Muslims.

Here is where they were ‘planted’ in Pennsylvania from October 1, 2016 to January 15, 2017:

98% of Syrians arriving in US are Muslims.

For new readers, know that it was HIAS which first directed the Southern Poverty Law Center to investigate RRW, see here.
***They don’t want to be called by their full name anymore, they changed it to HIAS (why was that?).

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