Annual RRW round-up for 2016

Happy New Year!
Just short of 2 million views were recorded at Refugee Resettlement Watch this past year—only a tiny number less than our top year so far (2015) when the refugee issue broke through and became a major political issue widely discussed in government circles and around kitchen tables (just as I am writing this, Fox News is doing a refugee segment based on a recent Breitbart story).  That is not a lot of viewers by big blog standards, but for a single issue blog, I’m thrilled by those numbers.

Purchase of my booklet benefits a national security organization.

In July of 2017, Refugee Resettlement Watch turns ten!  In our first full year, 2008, we had just short of 200,000 views and the numbers have grown ever since. The largest number of our readers arrive simply through search engines, followed by facebook and twitter users who send around our posts.
To date we have written 8,143 posts (I’ll give you the top three for the year shortly).
I checked my first youtube video yesterday for the first time in a long time and see that it has 2,651,000+ views.  And, I had a look at Amazon to get some information about my little book.
Wow! I have never looked at the reviews and now see that there are 117 of them.  Only 9 are critical.  So thanks to all who took time to give a thumbs-up to ‘Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America.
This will make you laugh! Amazon placed this comment in the 9 critical ones:

3.0 out of 5 stars Good little book
ByChelsea M.on July 10, 2015
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
Good little book! Glad the author gave information such as this – more people should care. Only gave a 3 because it made me mad – the book deserves a 5.


The highlight of my year was the summer roadtrip I made where I met so many of you, some for the first time! I put 6,000 miles on my car over 30 days. Thanks to all who welcomed me and took time to tell me about what is happening in your communities and what you are doing about it.
Another highlight of 2016 was receiving this coveted award from the Southern Poverty Law Center.  What the SPLC doesn’t get is that by listing me in this esteemed group, they actually further encourage me to keep doing what I am doing!

Drum roll for the Top Three Posts of 2016!

Amarillo, TX being destroyed by refugee overload

Brussels is coming to a town near you! Time for a moratorium on Muslim migration to America!

HUGE! Food stamp fraud bust in Baltimore, check out the names, see a pattern?

On this third top post of last year….
For years I followed food stamp fraud (trafficking) stories (like this one), but because the refugee issue was exploding, I had to necessarily curtail my interest in this HUGE form of fraud on American taxpayers. We aren’t talking about the little fraud involving purchasing items not allowed in the SNAP program, but huge multi-million dollar food stamp fraud called trafficking mostly at immigrant owned/managed convenience stores.  I cannot understand why no reporters are interested in what could be Pulitzer Prize worthy investigative work (assuming the PP went to politically incorrect journalism!).  To date, to my knowledge, no real journalist has taken on this major scam on America!
If anyone wants to get a start, type ‘food stamp fraud’ in to RRW’s search window and get some background on trafficking.

Next, here are the Top Ten Countries from which readers arrived at RRW in 2016 (excluding the US of course):





South Africa






For new readers:  See recent monthly round-ups for instructions on getting the most out of RRW (at the end of both the October roundup, here, and at the end of the November roundup, here.)

More comments from me on commenting….

Always looking for a way to find more time to research and write (and have a life!), I’m making a change in how I handle your comments. I’ve always moderated comments and excluded ones that include foul language, ad hominem attacks against other commenters, and threats of violence, but I am going to further limit them.
First, not wanting to sound too unkind, but RRW is written by me alone and as most blogs do, it reflects the blogger’s political views (in other words my political views).  Although I am happy that so many people want to hear what I have to report, I don’t make a living at this. This is a labor of love and I am not paid for my work by anyone. Notice I have no ads here at RRW, so traffic is not an issue for me. If you don’t like my views, don’t visit!
A prime example of the point I am making is about Israel and Jews. I have said this before and I guess I may have to keep repeating it!  I am a supporter of the state of Israel and I don’t believe there is a Jewish conspiracy to change AmericaIt is my opinion that it is progressive political ideology that is attempting to change America by changing the people.  Progressives come from all major religious groups and includes those with no religious beliefs as well.  So, I have not been, and am not going to, post any comments about a Jewish conspiracy.
RRW isn’t a forum for you to write a blog within my blog.  How about creating your own blog!
Increasingly, so many of you are sending many links in each comment and often the comment does not relate in any way to the post where the comment has been placed. I can’t look at all your links and still find time to write and research.
So (starting today) I am asking you to limit comments (you can disagree with what I have said, with the above exception) to about 150 words and to include only one or two links.  If you have something longer to say, write to me at and ask me to consider your longer piece as a guest post.
I’ll try harder to check that e-mail address if you promise to not send me e-mails all day long on every subject under the sun! (I have no staff, no interns!)  I too am interested in many issues, but there is not enough time in the day. I’m a firm believer in focusing on one or two issues in order to accomplish something. I don’t think being the most well-read person on the internet accomplishes much!
Enough!  Again Happy New Year (and sorry to sound so mean and opinionated, but I want to not burn out!)!
P.S. This is no time to sit back, or burn out! Keep the pressure on Donald Trump to do what he promised during his Presidential campaign!