UNHCR opens refugee pow-wow in Geneva tomorrow, plans for America’s refugees

And, they are going to be planning for America to get more Muslims.  Well, they don’t say it exactly that way, but that is the gist of it. Here is the press briefing from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (on the “consultation”).  I wonder how many American bureaucrats and NGOs on the taxpayer’s dime … Continue reading UNHCR opens refugee pow-wow in Geneva tomorrow, plans for America’s refugees

Minnesota: Iraqi Muslim gets 3 years for ripping off food stamp program for $3 million

Does that sound about right to you?  Three years in jail for $3 million worth of fraud!   And, then the OBAMA Justice Department has to throw in a lesson on the phony economics of the redistribution of wealth! This is one of the largest food stamp rip-offs I’ve reported so far in my extra-curricular hobby … Continue reading Minnesota: Iraqi Muslim gets 3 years for ripping off food stamp program for $3 million

Greensboro, NC refugee activist visits Jordan IOM office, more Iraqis please

A couple of days ago I came across this column written by Raleigh Bailey about his recent visit to the International Organization for Migration office in Jordan.  Among other things he appears to have been interested in the slow flow of Iraqis to the US.  You get a feeling from his piece that he laments … Continue reading Greensboro, NC refugee activist visits Jordan IOM office, more Iraqis please