Muslim sets Buddhist woman on fire in Burma; ignites new wave of violence

Before I get to today’s news, please please pay attention!    I’ve been writing about the Rohingya Muslims of Burma for more than five years.  We have (to date) 145 posts in a special category we set up just to chronicle the recent history of the Rohingya in Burma (Myanmar), Bangladesh and elsewhere because we could … Continue reading Muslim sets Buddhist woman on fire in Burma; ignites new wave of violence

Appeals Court: No asylum in America for German homeschoolers

We will take Chechens, Somalis and Rohingya Muslims, but not persecuted Christians from Germany who pose no threat to America.  Go figure! From The Local (German edition). Hat tip Fjordman via twitter: An American appeals court has denied a fundamentalist Christian family from Germany the right to asylum in the US. The family claimed they … Continue reading Appeals Court: No asylum in America for German homeschoolers

Lindsey Graham looking for more security screening for certain aliens in S.744

Here is an amendment to S.744 that is probably sending the refugee industry into conniption-fits.  They don’t want any more security screening that slows the flow of third-worlders into the US.  If it fails to pass it will send yet another signal that S.744 will endanger our security. And, you have to laugh because, should … Continue reading Lindsey Graham looking for more security screening for certain aliens in S.744

How many “Stateless” people are running around America looking for asylum?

This is another of those questionable sections of  S.744 (the Gang of Eight amnesty bill) we should be concerned about: Section 3405: SEC. 210A. PROTECTION OF CERTAIN STATELESS PERSONS IN THE UNITED STATES. ‘(a) Stateless Persons- ‘(1) IN GENERAL- In this section, the term ‘stateless person’ means an individual who is not considered a national … Continue reading How many “Stateless” people are running around America looking for asylum?