Associated Press does yet another ‘same old story’ about Iraqi refugees struggling in the US

If you are interested, go here and read the story.  But, I assure you it’s the same story we have been writing about for more than a year in our Iraqi refugee category (with 425 posts!). These are the basic points the reports always include: *Iraqis suffered because of the US invasion of Iraq, so we … Continue reading Associated Press does yet another ‘same old story’ about Iraqi refugees struggling in the US

Iraqi refugees bringing over the family; importing one’s own labor

This is another of those same old stories about how Iraqi refugees can’t find employment and are suffering in America.  We probably have thirty such stories already.  Just change the names of the refugees and their resettlement city and its the same lament.  And, of course the International Refugee Committee is always in there begging … Continue reading Iraqi refugees bringing over the family; importing one’s own labor

Phoenix: Iraqi refugees protest against the International Rescue Committee and the UN

Here’s a story I didn’t see in the nightly news.   A dozen Iraqi refugees resettled by the International Rescue Committee (IRC)  in Arizona protested outside State government offices saying they have been left in the lurch by the IRC—gosh where have we heard this story before! Demonstrating Tuesday outside the State Capitol, Marwan Eldosari said … Continue reading Phoenix: Iraqi refugees protest against the International Rescue Committee and the UN

How many Iraqi refugees will come to the US in FY 2010?

Duhhhh!  We don’t know, so says Eric P. Schwartz at the US State Department.    As we speak, the Office of Population Refugees and Migration (PRM) in the US State Department is haggling, probably with Ms  Power in the White House, and trying to decide just how many refugees President Obama will be putting in his FY2010 Determination Letter  to … Continue reading How many Iraqi refugees will come to the US in FY 2010?