Catholic Charities criticised for treatment of gay Iraqi refugees

It is not clear which Catholic Charities neglected this gay couple, but it looks like Nashville Catholic Charities is one of the agencies that did not follow the Operational Guidance required by the US State Department as part of their contract with the government.   Here is the gist of the story from the Dallas Voice: … Continue reading Catholic Charities criticised for treatment of gay Iraqi refugees

To unhappy Iraqi refugees: Contact the Iraqi Embassy, others

I got to thinking about all we are hearing about Iraqi refugees struggling in the United States, living in substandard housing in dangerous neighborhoods and finding no jobs.  Most recently we had a firestorm of discussion at this post about Houston, TX about a volag leaving refugees high and dry and a similar story from Sacramento (here).  That is … Continue reading To unhappy Iraqi refugees: Contact the Iraqi Embassy, others

Iraqi refugees overwhelm Detroit-area nonprofits — and are they Christian?

The headline of the Assyrian International News Agency article is actually Thousands of Iraqi Refugees Overwhelm Service Agencies in Detroit.  But I knew you would think that meant government welfare agencies, while it really means private self-help  groups. It begins: Prior to 2006, strict immigration policies didn’t allow refugees fleeing the violence in Iraq to enter the … Continue reading Iraqi refugees overwhelm Detroit-area nonprofits — and are they Christian?

Comment worth noting: the system is failing Iraqi refugees in Houston

Update January 17th:  For unhappy Iraqi refugees, here is where you can send your complaints.  Start with the Iraqi Embassy! State Department!  What are you thinking!  The system is crashing.  Whether in Pittsburgh, PA, or Bowling Green, KY or Greensboro, NC or Ft. Wayne, IN and now Houston, TX, it cannot be sustained in its … Continue reading Comment worth noting: the system is failing Iraqi refugees in Houston