So America! Are you ready for Rohingya Muslims and their 'cultural' differences?

Thanks to Joanne for sending this news a couple of days ago. In Australia a Rohingya refugee was sentenced to five years in prison for raping a ten year old boy.  The convicted Muslim man said it was culturally acceptable to rape children where he came from in Burma (aka Myanmar). (Gee, could this be … Continue reading So America! Are you ready for Rohingya Muslims and their 'cultural' differences?

They are at it again! “Active Voice” promotes another immigrant propaganda film; will air on Al Jazeera

Longtime readers may remember “Active Voice” as the Far Left/Open borders promoters of that propaganda film about Shelbyville, TN which portrayed local critics of the growing Somali population there as a bunch of redneck boobs who eventually saw the light and reached out with “welcoming” arms to the Africans drawn there by Tyson Foods (looking … Continue reading They are at it again! “Active Voice” promotes another immigrant propaganda film; will air on Al Jazeera

Pittsburgh: Language barriers complicate refugee mental health treatment

A radio station reporter has discovered that Pittsburgh, PA has taken a lot of refugees in need of health treatment (including mental health treatment) that they may not be getting.  I’ll bet it’s happening where you live too, and partly because no one is available to translate for the mental health provider. The issue of … Continue reading Pittsburgh: Language barriers complicate refugee mental health treatment