In Oregon: “A beautiful cycle of charity?”

On Sunday I reported that Democrat writer Steven Roberts (of the DC/NYC bubble) had posted a syndicated column praising Republican governors for betraying the President’s first effort to reform the US Refugee Admissions Program and opening their welcoming arms to more refugees for their states that will ultimately cost state taxpayers millions to care for. … Continue reading In Oregon: “A beautiful cycle of charity?”

Leftists Rejoice as Republican Governors Embrace Refugees, Stick it to Trump

Here we go again! In order to bludgeon the President, here comes another misinformed diatribe using the Republican governors who consented to receiving more impoverished people for their states’ taxpayers to care for. The writer (Steven Roberts) is a longtime Democrat who has lived in the Washington, DC/New York City elitist bubble as the husband of journalist … Continue reading Leftists Rejoice as Republican Governors Embrace Refugees, Stick it to Trump

Tensions grow in Ft. Wayne, IN over placement of Rohingya Muslims in Burmese neighborhoods

Update October 8th: 22 Rohingya (posing as refugees) in Bangladesh charged in massacre of Hindus, here. This is not new news to me! I’ve been hearing about this problem for years—the US State Department, with unwavering faith, seems to think it can place Muslims in Christian communities and the melting pot will perform its magic … Continue reading Tensions grow in Ft. Wayne, IN over placement of Rohingya Muslims in Burmese neighborhoods

Crooks, thieves and fraudsters: You will never be told their immigration status

I get questions almost daily from readers who would like statistics on immigrant criminals, specifically they want data on crimes committed by refugees, asylum seekers, unaccompanied alien children, other legals and illegals.  As far as I know, no such data is available to the public and I doubt it is being maintained by law enforcement … Continue reading Crooks, thieves and fraudsters: You will never be told their immigration status

Refugees do NOT bring in more tax dollars than they consume in social services

This news was all over my alerts yesterday morning (one version of the story at Business Insider): Study finds refugees actually pay the US government thousands more than they get from it The glowing (and deceptive) report was clearly released now as a run-up to World Refugee Day next Tuesday and has probably been widely … Continue reading Refugees do NOT bring in more tax dollars than they consume in social services