Burmese biter was headed for New Bern, NC; are we importing mentally ill in refugee program?

Yes, we are. We have been doing so for all the years I’ve written this blog. Many stories show up in our ‘Crimes’ category as those with mental illness end up committing crimes of greater or lesser degree. This is just the latest, in case you missed it a couple of days ago. So much … Continue reading Burmese biter was headed for New Bern, NC; are we importing mentally ill in refugee program?

Repost: Ten US cases of refugee Islamic terror arrests/convictions

Editor:  A reader asked me over the weekend for the statistics on refugees committing crimes. I told him that as far as I know there is no place where crime statistics compiled those cases by immigration status. For new readers, because there is no actual data that I know of (unless buried in the bowels … Continue reading Repost: Ten US cases of refugee Islamic terror arrests/convictions

ADL twitter campaign #ThisIsARefugee is an opportunity for fun!

The Anti-Defamation League, pushing back on the Trump Administration’s efforts to slow the flow of potentially dangerous refugees to America, has launched a twitter campaign titled #ThisIsARefugee. Putting a face on the refugee issue…. Announced on February 12th, their campaign isn’t getting much traction except from Pamela Geller and yours truly. I posted some of … Continue reading ADL twitter campaign #ThisIsARefugee is an opportunity for fun!

Repost: US Cases of refugees arrested or convicted on terror charges, and other heinous crimes

Dear dishonest (anti-Trump) mainstream media reporters, why can’t you report that he might have a point about our security! I’ve had requests from readers in the last day or so for a list of cases where refugees/asylees have been arrested and have either been convicted on terrorism related charges or are in the process of … Continue reading Repost: US Cases of refugees arrested or convicted on terror charges, and other heinous crimes