Senator Rand Paul: Did the meatpackers, hungering for cheap captive labor, get to him?

…..or was it Grover Norquist that got to him? Oh brother, looks like we are having another invasion of the body snatchers moment.  Just when I thought there was someone speaking up for American workers besides NumbersUSA and Rush Limbaugh we learn that Paul has been snatched by big business interests.   (Imagine a conversation) Kentucky … Continue reading Senator Rand Paul: Did the meatpackers, hungering for cheap captive labor, get to him?

Christian RIGHT now shilling for big business/Muslims and supporting “comprehensive immigration reform”

(Just an aside) I’m sure it hasn’t escaped readers here at RRW that “comprehensive” never includes reforming the refugee resettlement program. An Act of God or an Act of Grover (Norquist)? The coalition largely driven (up to now) by big business (cheap labor!), the Christian Left, and the hard core Open Borders Socialists, can say … Continue reading Christian RIGHT now shilling for big business/Muslims and supporting “comprehensive immigration reform”

Greeley, CO school system struggling to educate all of the refugee kids; want meatpacker to help pay for it

Yesterday, I thought I would check and see what was new in Greeley (Weld County) Colorado after all of the turmoil there in 2008 over a demand by newly arrived Somali workers at meatpacking plants to have special break times during Ramadan.  At first Swift caved in to their demands and then all hell broke … Continue reading Greeley, CO school system struggling to educate all of the refugee kids; want meatpacker to help pay for it

Oh boy, here we go again “meatpacker” sob stories; demands for “rights”

It’s been awhile since we’ve had a story about meatpackers and their immigrant labor.  Heck, a few years ago we set up whole categories on the controversy.  We had stories from Emporia, KS, Greeley, CO, Shelbyville, TN, Ft. Morgan, CO and Grand Island, NE.*   Most of those involved Somali refugees demanding their rights to … Continue reading Oh boy, here we go again “meatpacker” sob stories; demands for “rights”

Fox News’ Murdoch joins big companies, rich mayors, to push for Amnesty

I missed this story last week, but got it today thanks to Richard Falknor at Blue Ridge Forum who sent me this post at Debbie Schlussel from a few days ago. Now why do you think billionaires and these multinational companies want amnesty for illegal aliens?  To be nice to the downtrodden of the world?  … Continue reading Fox News’ Murdoch joins big companies, rich mayors, to push for Amnesty