Greenfield at Frontpage: Saving Afghan Interpreters is a Scam

In case you missed it, Daniel Greenfield writing at Frontpage magazine did some serious research on Biden’s airlift of the tens of thousands of so-called “interpreters” from Afghanistan headed to a town near you (but not to Delaware!).

My recent post is here:

“First” Wave of Biden’s Afghan Airlift! “Interpreters” Headed to Virginia

See Greenfield here:

‘Saving Afghan Interpreters’ is a Scam That Would Bring 100,000 Afghans to U.S.

Politicians put Afghans first and Americans last.

Getting the United States out of Afghanistan is relatively easy compared to getting Afghanistan out of America. The latest stage of the withdrawal is accompanied by frantic calls to “save Afghan interpreters” coming from the same media that also wants us out of Afghanistan.

But what’s the use of leaving Afghanistan if we’re going to bring it with us to America?

The “interpreter” scam is one of the longest running immigration hoaxes on record.

Continue reading here for all the gory details.

And, to help move Afghanistan to America, Biden has approved $100 million in spending to get the job done.

LOL!  Just now as I looked through old posts here at RRW I came across this one from 2008 about Biden pushing for more Special Immigrant Visas for “interpreters” from Iraq and Afghanistan knowing that none would go to Delaware.

Senator Joe Biden is such a hypocrite

And going further back in Memory Lane, all of this started when Ted Kennedy snuck a special refugee plan for Iraqis into a must-pass Defense Authorization bill as I reported here in 2007:

How many Iraqi refugees will be resettled in Hyannisport?

“First” Wave of Biden’s Afghan Airlift! “Interpreters” Headed to Virginia

I am sorry I seem to be fixated on this subject, but it really gets my blood boiling.

After all the blood and treasure we have spent in Afghanistan, the Islamic country is still ungovernable and somehow it is our responsibility to move upwards of 100,000 Afghans to American towns with all the lavish benefits ‘refugees’ receive.

Pentagon spox retired Admiral John Kirby (you will remember him from the Obama Administration). Does no reporter ever ask him how many have we already resettled in America? Or are they all purposefully keeping that information away from the taxpaying public?

And to top it off!  All of the news reports I see, including this one from Defense One, NEVER tell readers that we have already admitted approximately 70,000 so-called interpreters and their families to America for years now (and yes, tens of thousands came during the Trump years).

How many interpreters could there possibly be?

The reality of course is that anyone who drove our garbage to the dump, worked for any non-profit group or even for an allied government, is eligible for a ticket to America for the whole family!

And, to make it even worse in my mind, this Special Immigrant Visa Program, first launched for Iraqis, never went through Congress in the normal process but in fact was simply tagged onto a must-pass Defense Authorization bill by then Senator Ted Kennedy in the dark of night.

See my post a couple of days ago at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ where this subject is not off topic—it is a fraud!

Charter Flights Getting Ready to Fly Thousands of Afghans to American Cities

Now this, thanks to reader Karen.

It is NOT the FIRST wave!  That is fake news!

First Wave of Afghan Interpreters Head to Fort Lee

Afghan interpreters and their families who have been cleared to come to the United States will be initially housed at Fort Lee, Va., the White House announced Monday. 

The Army base—and potentially other military installations in the U.S.—will serve as a short-term home for arriving Afghans whose work for the United States during military operations in Afghanistan has imperiled them and their families.

“These are brave Afghans and their families whose service to the United States has been certified by the embassy in Kabul and have completed thorough SIV security vetting processes,” said State Department spokesman Ned Price.

The first chartered flights of evacuating Afghans are expected to arrive before the end of the month, Price said.

So far, about 700 interpreters and 1,800 of their dependents have been cleared for evacuation to the United States, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said.

Fort Lee is located about 130 miles south of the Pentagon, close to Richmond.

“We’re going to give these people a safe place to stay for a few days while they finish the processing that they have to finish before they can then be resettled elsewhere in the United States,” Kirby said.


…. the Afghans are not expected to stay long-term, and are not expected to arrive all at once, Kirby said. During their stay, they will receive additional medical screening as the final step in completing the SIV process, Kirby said.  Their stay, medical care and food and housing costs will be covered by the State Department, Kirby said.  [State Department? You are paying for this!—-ed]

“The State Department will work with OMB for appropriate funding for this,” Kirby said.

18,000 MORE on top of the already resettled 70,000!

The State Department has said that about 18,000 interpreters are seeking a special immigrant visa for themselves and their family members. As of June, most of those applicants were only in the early stages of their paperwork and security vetting. 

The number will surely surpass 100,000 before Biden leaves the White House.

Continue reading here.

2,931 Afghans have already arrived this fiscal year with Virginia being the third most ‘welcoming’ state after California and Texas.

If you missed my post from a few days ago, see what Afghan men are doing to Austria!

Austria’s Afghan Refugee Problem: Will it be Our Problem Soon?

And this…..

Afghan Refugees Expected to Overrun Europe

Austria’s Afghan Refugee Problem: Will it be Our Problem Soon?


This Invasion of Europe story should be a wake-up call to Americans as the Biden administration gets ready to begin airlifting Afghan ‘refugees’ to the United States.

And, I suspect the administration is counting on you being so distracted by the southern border invasion you won’t notice those being flown in on the taxpayer’s dime from one of the most backward countries on earth.

Biden to Move Thousands MORE Afghans to Towns Near You


An article by Dr. Cheryl Benard at The National Interest is must-reading as we open our doors to more Afghans.

(It may look like a lot, but I have only snipped a small portion of the detailed account of Afghans creating chaos and fear in Austria. Emphasis below is mine.)


I’ve Worked with Refugees for Decades. Europe’s Afghan Crime Wave Is Mind-Boggling.

Afghans stand out among the refugees committing crimes in Austria and elsewhere. Why?


In 2014, when waves of refugees began flooding into western Europe, citizens and officials alike responded with generosity and openness. Exhausted refugees spilled out of trains and buses to be met by crowds bearing gifts of clothing and food, and holding up placards that read “Welcome Refugees.”

This was a honeymoon that could not last. Some of the upcoming difficulties had been anticipated: that the newcomers did not speak the local languages, might be traumatized, would probably take a long time to find their footing, and had brought their ethnic, religious and sectarian conflicts with them, causing them to get into battles with each other. All of these things happened but—as Angela Merkel promised—were manageable. “Wir schaffen das.”

Remember this:

Benard continues….

But there was one development that had not been expected, and was not tolerable: the large and growing incidence of sexual assaults committed by refugees against local women. These were not of the cultural-misunderstanding-date-rape sort, but were vicious, no-preamble attacks on random girls and women, often committed by gangs or packs of young men.

At first, the incidents were downplayed or hushed up—no one wanted to provide the right wing with fodder for nationalist agitation, and the hope was that these were isolated instances caused by a small problem group of outliers. As the incidents increased, and because many of them took place in public or because the public became involved either in stopping the attack or in aiding the victim afterwards, and because the courts began issuing sentences as the cases came to trial, the matter could no longer be swept under the carpet of political correctness. And with the official acknowledgment and public reporting, a weird and puzzling footnote emerged. Most of the assaults were being committed by refugees of one particular nationality: by Afghans.


Migrants (mostly men) crowd an Austrian train station.


This is not an article that has been fun for me to write. I have worked on issues related to refugees for much of my professional life, from the Pakistani camps during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan to Yemen, Sudan, Thailand, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Lebanon, Bosnia, Nicaragua and Iraq, and have deep sympathy for their plight. But nowhere had I encountered a phenomenon like this one. I had seen refugees trapped in circumstances that made them vulnerable to rape, by camp guards or soldiers. But for refugees to become perpetrators of this crime in the place that had given them asylum? That was something new.


A few weeks ago, the Austrian city of Tulln declared a full stop to any further refugee admissions. As the mayor made clear, that decision was aimed at Afghans, but for legal and administrative reasons it could only be promulgated in a global way. That had not been the city’s intention—to the contrary, it had just completed the construction of an expensive, brand-new facility for incoming asylum seekers, which would now, the mayor declared, be given over to another purpose. His exact words: “We’ve had it.” The tipping point, after a series of disturbing incidents all emanating from Afghans, was the brutal gang rape of a fifteen-year-old girl, snatched from the street on her way home, dragged away and serially abused by Afghan refugees.


It took a while for the pattern to be recognized because, until recently, western European media deliberately refrained from identifying an assailant’s refugee or asylum status, or his country of origin. [Sounds familiar—ed]  Only when the correlation became so dramatic that it was itself newsworthy did this policy change. At that point, it became clear that the authorities had known about, and for political reasons had deliberately covered up, large-scale incidences of sexual assault by migrants. For example, a gang of fifty Afghans who terrorized women in the neighborhood of the Linz train station had been brushed off by a government official with the remark that this was an unfortunate consequence of bad weather, and that once summer came the young men would disperse into the public parks and no longer move in such a large, menacing pack. The public was not amused.

Wow! The Austrian media is naming criminals’ ethnic origin!

I could write the same report about Sweden, Germany, or any other country of asylum in Europe, but I am focusing on examples from Austria because that’s the European country I come from and know best. So let’s take a look at the Austrian press. This from Österreich, the daily newspaper distributed for free on public transit and thus read, basically, by almost everyone. Front page: Afghan (eighteen) attacks young woman at Danube Festival. “Once again there has been an attempted rape by an Afghan. A twenty-one-year-old Slovak tourist was mobbed and groped by a group of men. She managed to get away, but was pursued by one of them, an Afghan asylum seeker who caught her and dragged her into the bushes. Nearby plainclothes policemen noticed the struggle and intervened to prevent the rape at the last moment.” Page ten: “A twenty-five-year-old Afghan attempted to rape a young woman who was sitting in the sun in the park. Four courageous passersby dragged the man off the victim and held him until the police arrived.” Page twelve: “Two Afghans have been sentenced for attempting to rape a woman on a train in Graz. The men, who live in an asylum seekers’ residence, first insulted the young woman with obscene verbal remarks before attacking her. When she screamed for help, passengers from other parts of the train rushed to her aid.”

Sounds like Islamic supremacism, the Hijra, straight up!

This brings us to a third, more compelling and quite disturbing theory—the one that my Afghan friend, the court translator, puts forward. On the basis of his hundreds of interactions with these young men in his professional capacity over the past several years, he believes to have discovered that they are motivated by a deep and abiding contempt for Western civilization. To them, Europeans are the enemy, and their women are legitimate spoils, as are all the other things one can take from them: housing, money, passports. Their laws don’t matter, their culture is uninteresting and, ultimately, their civilization is going to fall anyway to the horde of which one is the spearhead. No need to assimilate, or work hard, or try to build a decent life here for yourself—these Europeans are too soft to seriously punish you for a transgression, and their days are numbered.

And it’s not just the sex crimes, my friend notes. Those may agitate public sentiment the most, but the deliberate, insidious abuse of the welfare system is just as consequential. Afghan refugees, he says, have a particular proclivity to play the system: to lie about their age, to lie about their circumstances, to pretend to be younger, to be handicapped, to belong to an ethnic minority when even the tired eye of an Austrian judge can distinguish the delicate features of a Hazara from those of a Pashtun.

Well this isn’t going to happen! Rigorous vetting by the Biden administration to weed out the degenerate young males!

…the relevance to U.S. refugee policy is sadly obvious. It will require rigorous vetting indeed to weed out such deeply disturbed, degenerate young males whose willingness to be deceptive is so pronounced and whose motives are so irrational.

Which brings me to a final theory being vented in Austria: that these destructive, crazed young men are being intentionally infiltrated into western Europe to wreak havoc: to take away the freedom and security of women; change patterns of behavior; deepen the rifts between liberals, who continue to defend and find excuses, and a right wing that calls for harsh measures and violent responses; to inflict high costs and aggravation on courts and judicial systems and generally make a mess of things.

They don’t need a “deliberate plan,” their religion is the plan! And, they know the great replacement is underway!

For the record, I am not convinced that there is a deliberate plan behind this, but I do agree that angry and unstable young men are susceptible to destructive paths. Those paths can lead to ideological extremism and terrorism, or to the formation of gangs and packs that attack, harm and destroy. As we have seen, presently many of their attacks are inept and easily blocked by random civilian passersby. But they will get more skillful over time, and Europe had best develop a defense against them.

The Left has to do some “hard thinking!”  Good luck with that!

Finally, the Left has to do a bit of hard thinking. It’s fine to be warm, fuzzy and sentimental about strangers arriving on your shores, but let’s also spare some warm, fuzzy and sentimental thoughts for our own values, freedoms and lifestyle. Girls and women should continue to feel safe in public spaces, be able to attend festivals, wear clothing appropriate to the weather and their own liking, travel on trains, go to the park, walk their dogs and live their lives. This is a wonderful Western achievement, and one that is worth defending.

Read the whole thing (and weep).

More on the way:

Afghan Refugees Expected to Overrun Europe

Endnote:  Whenever I see a story about Muslims working to destroy Vienna I think about how the Poles saved Europe on September 11th-12th, 1683 at the Gates of Vienna and it brings tears to my eyes.

President Trump understands!

The siege of Vienna was remembered in Poland yesterday

See my Invasion of Europe archive by clicking here.

Biden to Move Thousands MORE Afghans to Towns Near You

“There is a home for you in the United States….” (but not in Delaware as that state doesn’t take refugees!)

(Joe Biden)

The Biden Administration is getting ready to airlift tens of thousands more out of Afghanistan by the end of July.

Nevermind that in the last eight years or so we admitted about 70,000 Afghan so-called interpreters and their families to the US!   How many more could there possibly be?  

I don’t know about you but every time I hear (even from conservative mouthpieces in the media) that we owe it to them to pay for their migration to America I want to scream.

Are we going to save citizens of every country on earth that can’t seem to get its s*** together to govern itself? 

And, if you are wondering, I am not making it up that we have already brought tens of thousands of Afghans to America.  See (below) a post I wrote in 2019 and see that we were up to 56,000 at that point already.  With a little digging at the Refugee Processing Center I found another 13,000 brought in since then!

The nine refugee contractors***, which are contracted by the US State Department to place them in towns of the contractor’s choosing, actually financially got by in the lean Trump years by placing their Afghan “clients.”  (Trump did not restrict Afghans in the so-called Muslim ban!)

The resettlement agencies are now surely licking their chops at the pending arrival of thousands in one fell swoop!

Special Immigrant Visa Holders Coming in by the Thousands from Afghanistan, but Iraqi Flow has Slowed

(Handy summary charts like the one screenshot in the above post are no longer accessible at the Refugee Processing Center.)

Here is the latest news, this from ABC:

By the way there are many stories across the corporate media, ABC just happens to be the first one I saw this a.m.

Biden administration to begin evacuating Afghans who aided US in late July

The Biden administration will begin evacuation flights in late July for Afghans who have aided the U.S. military and diplomatic missions, according to a senior administration official.

President Joe Biden earlier this month said all U.S. combat forces will be out of Afghanistan by Aug. 31 and defended his decision to leave the country in the face of Taliban gains in the area.


The evacuation effort, dubbed Operation Allies Refuge, will relocate Afghans who have applied for a U.S. Special Immigrant Visa and their families to a safe third country, but it is still unclear how many of these translators, guides and other contractors will be moved and to exactly where.

Yes! Muslim countries are a better choice. Keep them in their religious and cultural comfort zones!

Earlier this month, a U.S. official told ABC News that Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan — Afghanistan’s neighbors to the north — have all been under consideration as third-country options, while a second official said the list includes the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, both of which are home to U.S. military facilities where Afghans could be brought.

The military gets to take care of foreign nationals that in another time in history would be called invading forces!  And, with all the border jumpers at US military installations, how is there room for Afghans?

Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby confirmed that the administration is also now considering using U.S. military installations in the continental U.S. “for short-term use,” as well as U.S. military installations in other countries that have “appropriate temporary residences and associated support infrastructure,” he said.

The Lutherans, for one, are jumping for joy!  More paying clients and more diversity to spread to unsuspecting American towns and cities!

Vignarajah with her former boss.

The White House’s announcement Wednesday is “a vital step forward in honoring the promise we made to Afghan allies who faithfully served our mission,” said Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, president and CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, one of the country’s largest refugee resettlement agencies.

But “there are still far too many questions left unanswered, including who exactly and how many people are eligible for evacuation,” she added.

Continue reading here.


*** For new readers, these are the nine federal refugee contractors which will be placing Joe’s 125,000 new refugees (not including border-jumping illegal aliens) beginning October 1, in addition to however many thousands more Afghans are flown into America—all on your dime!

Afghan Refugees Expected to Overrun Europe

From time to time, I try to keep my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive supplied with fresh material.

Here is one for you.  An opinion writer at Modern Diplomacy says Europe must get ready for the next big wave of ‘refugees’ from the Middle East as the US is finally getting out of Afghanistan along with coalition forces that have been there for almost twenty years!

The writer, Hayat Bangash, says the West must rebuild Afghanistan or the terrorists will be back in force.

So what does Bangash think the US has been doing for nearly two decades as American taxpayers are weary of propping up dysfunctional Muslim countries.

By the way, it won’t just be Europe experiencing the next wave of migration, the US will (and already is!) bringing them in by the thousands!  See here. (It is a good thing I captured that data in 2019 because it is not available now.)

Many thousands more have come into the US since….

Special Immigrant Visa Holders Coming in by the Thousands from Afghanistan, but Iraqi Flow has Slowed

A well worn route from Afghanistan to the heart of Europe…..

And, of course northward into Austria, Germany, France and beyond!

From Modern Diplomacy:

Is Europe ready to handle Afghan refugees?

In anticipation of the looming uncertainty, Afghans are lining up at the handful of remaining embassies in Kabul. As American and European troops leave, many Afghans intend to flee their country before things get worse. If they get visas, well and good. If they don’t, most will nonetheless be leaving as refugees.

The refugee trail starts from Afghanistan, passes through Iran, Turkey and Greece to eventually culminate in mainland Europe. The journey takes months to complete and is made possible by a network of smugglers who pay as little regard to international law as they do to human life. By the time the surviving refugees reach Europe, most are sick, malnourished and devoid of worldly belongings.

While the world is still grappling with refugees from Syria, the next challenge will be accommodating those from Afghanistan. European nations will have to come up with ways to either keep Afghan refugees at their homes in Afghanistan or welcome and integrate them into the European society. Although the experience of doing so hasn’t been much successful in the case of Syrian refugees, what is haunting Afghans, too, is uncertainty.

Many of the current refugees from Afghanistan are educated. When starting on their journeys, they think of Europe as a kind of heaven. On reaching, however, they find their educational qualifications invalid and their residential status uncertain. This poses a grave obstacle in their path to integration. Many have to take up menial jobs, saturating the job market in the host countries and fueling a hostile attitude toward them.

The refugee influx was a major reason for Brexit and the rise of populist governments in Europe.

As Europeans saw a potential threat to their society and their way of life, they sought protection in politicians who perennially look inwards. The result is now a range of countries where conservative leaders are gaining a foothold. Anti-immigrant and nationalist sentiments are rising and there have even been organized protests against the refugees.


The solution to the impending crisis for Europe boils down to a single point: don’t forget to rebuild the countries that you bomb. Rebuilding attempts have been going on ever since the Taliban were ousted from Kabul but the successive regimes installed in their place could hardly move their country forward.

Afghan politicians have been trying to cover rampant corruption, ethnic nepotism and appeasement of warlords by placing the blame for the problems of their country on neighbors.


If European and American leaders do not come up with a form of Marshall Plan to raise the economic conditions of Afghanistan, it is only a matter of time that they will be coming back with their bombs to uproot the next wave of extremism.

So what about that definition of insanity—doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.  After nearly two decades, there is no American will to rebuild Afghanistan!  Let the French and Germans have a go at it!