So what else is new! Of course, many of them lie. The only difference is that once in a blue moon one is caught!
I have a couple of stories this morning that could be posted either here or at ‘Frauds and Crooks!’ This one, and then up next Rep. Ilhan Omar story breaks internationally.
Mobile man who lied about Iraqi military record avoids prison – but loses something more valuable
Holy cow! He had been in Saddam Hussein’s Army for 20 years! So much for the much ballyhooed “robust vetting” of refugees.
MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) – An Iraq native who lied about his military record to get into the United States avoided prison Friday but lost something more valuable – his American citizenship.
Saad Taha Ahmed lived a quiet life in southwest Alabama for nearly a decade as a refugee from war-torn Iraq. U.S. officials granted him refugee status in 2010 and placed him in Mobile.
Ahmed, whose full name is Saad Taha Ahmed Yousif Al-Qaysy, became a legal permanent resident in 2011 and got citizenship in 2015.
Then investigators discovered Ahmed’s secret – he was not a victim of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s military; he was a member of it.
On Friday, Chief U.S. District Judge Kristi DuBose sentenced Ahmed to three years’ probation for the fraud and ordered that his citizenship be revoked.
“It sounds like you did what you did for your family,” the judge said. “But you still violated the law, and you applied for citizenship under false pretenses.”
After the hearing, a U.S. Border Patrol agent took the defendant into custody and indicated he would be put into deportation proceedings.
In his written plea agreement, Ahmed admitted that he concealed the full extent of his military service, telling American officials in his refugee application that he was in the army only from 1987 to 1991 to fulfill compulsory military service.
In fact, according to court documents, he entered the army in 1983 and remained for 20 years until the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. During those two decades, Ahmed rose to the rank of colonel, the most senior officer position short of general.
Looking around for additional information, I found this Court documentthat says the government initially attempted to seal the case against Saad Taha Ahmed Yousif Al-Qaysy.
If someone wants to write a book, I have over 650 posts on Iraqi refugees going back a dozen years archived here at RRW. Of course, Iraqis represent one of the largest movements of Middle East migrants to the US in the last decade.
According to reports from very angry elected officials in Baldwin County, Alabama, there is nothing on the federal land but airstrips for practice landings and takeoffs and a hayfield at the moment. Construction of housing, including sewer and water, will be very costly. But apparently the Obama Administration is in the process of determining if the Dept. of Defense sites in Alabama would be good ones to “temporarily” house some of the tens of thousands of so-called ‘unaccompanied alien children’ streaming across the US border at the moment. Why do they care if the ‘children’ are near an airfield? I wondered if ‘refugee’ camps like this proposed location might be built and later used to airlift larger numbers of Syrians and Middle Easterners/Africans to the US. Seems like its an awfully expensive plan for a “temporary” facility.
I suspect that considering a site in Alabama is probably because the Obama Administration wants to take a whack at Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, the most important Senator in America questioning Obama’s opening our doors to illegals of all sorts (this article uses the word “refugee” in the title, these are not refugees!), and the fact that Sessions is a chief adviser to the Donald Trump campaign.
Forget Alabama for a minute and consider the import of this story—they are anticipating another summer invasion of the US border, perhaps larger than the invasion of 2014 as a Trump Presidency looms on the horizon.
And, could this involve the creation of a ‘refugee camp’ for future use?
A plan from the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to assess the feasibility of housing unaccompanied illegal immigrant children at two airfields in Baldwin County is being met with hostility by elected officials at the federal and local levels because of concerns about the lack of infrastructure at the sites and the plan’s potential impact on the county.
ORR, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, notified officials of the assessments in a letter last week. In the letter Rose Hacking, an HHS representative, said ORR is trying to identify locations to provide shelter for potential increases in unaccompanied children apprehended at the Mexican border.
The letter notified officials HHS would soon schedule site assessments at the Naval Outlying Fields in Silverhill and Josephine to determine the feasibility of using the sites as semipermanent shelters if HHS exceeds its current shelter capacity.
According to Hacking’s letter HHS currently has 8,700 beds in its “shelter network” and an additional 2,000 beds on reserve if needed. Some reserve beds are already available at the Homestead Job Corps Center in Homestead, Florida, and the semipermanent structures would be used only if the department were to experience a “substantial” increase in unaccompanied children.
Andrea Helling, ORR chief of staff, said the temporary shelters are typically used for roughly 30 days while the unaccompanied children are evaluated in the court system. She stressed none of the children who may come to Baldwin County sites would impact the county school system or the local health care system.
Baldwin County Commission President Tucker Dorsey.
According to Helling, the assessors will inspect the sites to determine the ease of installing temporary infrastructure and buildings. They also consider each sites’ proximity to airports and the amount of land available for construction.
Baldwin County Commission President Tucker Dorsey said county officials have not been told how many children may be moved to the site in the event it is used.
“Forget the fact that these would be children who are in the country illegally and the federal government doesn’t properly enforce immigration law,” Dorsey said. “Apart from that, this would be a logistical nightmare for us and them.”
Dorsey said while both sites are large, the federal government would have to install infrastructure and construct buildings at a great cost because the sites currently amount to nothing more than large fields with landing strips.
The Office of Refugee Resettlement is shelling out nearly $1 billion this year (FY2016) to take care of the children.
And, the ‘children’ who arrived in FY2015 are 82% teenagers and 68% of the total are boys. See here.
In his State of the State address earlier this week, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley spoke disparagingly about the secrecy that surrounds the resettlement of refugees into 48 US states (they want 50, but so far Wyoming and Montana are holdouts) including his own. Of course, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) pounced. Khaula Hadeed recently spoke at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Her topic: Islamophobia is it real?
But, before I get to the news, let me say that this governor could do an awful lot more to help with restoring states’ rights regarding this program than simply spouting words. He is one of twelve governors who have a ready-made 10th Amendment case just waiting for him to put his name on at the Thomas More Law Center. It would only take one brave governor to test the legality of what the federal government has been doing to towns and cities for years.
If the governor is going to bring on the wrath of CAIR, he might as well do it with something that matters!
MONTGOMERY — A Muslim advocacy group on Thursday asked to meet with Gov. Robert Bentley about statements he made on a refugee resettlement program that the group says were “derogatory and dehumanizing.”
During his State of the State address on Tuesday, Bentley criticized the federal refugee resettlement program for not disclosing refugees’ background information to government officials in the states where they settle. Bentley alluded to terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, and said “among those killers was a refugee from a terrorist nation.” The governor later said, “Many have entered our state from terrorist nations.“
Khaula Hadeed, executive director of the Alabama chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said in a statement that labeling a predominantly Muslim country as a terrorist nation promotes prejudice.
Changing America by changing the people!
This is not only about Bentley disparaging Muslims. Hadeed and CAIR understand the need to continue the UN/US state Department Refugee Admissions Program an important source of Muslim immigrants they need for the Hijrah (the migration).
Hadeed should take up the issue of ‘terrorist nations’ with Obama’s US State Department!
Just yesterday a reader asked me which countries are ‘state sponsors of terrorism.’ I have to admit I had never looked that up, but was then surprised to learn that there are ONLY three designated as such and they were designated decades ago: Iran, Sudan and Syria!
So when Bentley refers to terrorist nations, and is discussing Syria, he has it right.
….some legal observers say that Alabama’s (and Texas before it) legal arguments are off track.
There are two excellent articles this morning that go into detail about what Alabama alleges in its lawsuit and what a better alternative legal attack might be.
First we have Michael Patrick Leahy writing at Breitbart (click here) and Leo Hohmannhere at World Net Daily, both must have given Richard Thompson (at the Thomas More Law Center) a busy afternoon fielding questions!
Truth be told, my head hurts on these legal points and so I’m leaving it to you, my dear readers, to sort through these articles. I’m going to say a bit more at my other blog, American Resistance 2016!
Here are the opening paragraphs of Hohmann’s article at WND: Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel, Thomas More Law Center.
Alabama has become the second state to sue the federal government alleging that it has failed to “consult” with state officials while secretly placing foreign refugees into communities.
The suit claims the Obama administration has violated the terms of the Refugee Act of 1980, which says the federal government “shall consult regularly” with states before placing refugees.
A spokeswoman for Gov. Robert Bentley told the Associated Press the lawsuit was filed Thursday, following a similar suit by Texas a month ago.
But an expert on the 1980 law governing refugee resettlement told WND that neither suit stands a chance of stopping the flow of refugees into Texas or Alabama.
Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, said his organization is not involved in either the Texas or the Alabama cases because he believes there is a stronger case to be made on the grounds of the 10th Amendment.
“They filed a suit on the grounds that the feds have failed to consult with the state on the location of refugees in the state, and failure to consult is a term that has no real definition to it. Texas has filed a similar suit that thus far has not gone anywhere,” Thompson said. “Thomas More Law Center’s position is that there is a constitutional claim and that claim is based on the 10th Amendment.”
….and a third, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, wants answers from the federal government. I had hoped to spend a lot of time this morning writing about the Governors, but unfortunately I have other duties today (of all days) that will keep me from posting all of the breaking news that is coming to us in the wake of the Paris massacre. But, LOL!, there are so many people writing about refugees now that I can soon retire!
Here (below) is the NYT on the governors (we told you about Michigan yesterday,here). What is so important about this news is that we are going to learn whether the governors have ANY POWER AT ALL TO SAY “NO” because we have long been told that they don’t by the federal refugee industry and its contractors.
If you are in one of these three states (Alabama, Michigan and Louisiana), you need to shore-up your governor now, because I suspect they are going to get hounded by the No Borders agitators and the refugee contractors (and so-called ‘church’ people) working there. Even if no Syrians have been admitted, or only a small number, you must make your voice heard now!
From the New York Times:
The governors of Alabama and Michigan said on Sunday they would not allow refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria to be resettled in their states, citing the attacks on Paris.
Alabama Governor Bentley: American citizens’ security comes first.
“As your governor, I will not stand complicit to a policy that places the citizens of Alabama in harm’s way,” Gov. Robert J. Bentley of Alabama, a Republican, said in a statement.
In Michigan, which has a sizable Arab-American population, Gov. Rick Snyder, also a Republican, said his state would not accept Syrian refugees, and he urged the State Department to review its procedures.
Syrians have already settled in Michigan, with one agency relocating about 200 of them in the past year, The Detroit Free-Press reported.
“Michigan is a welcoming state and we are proud of our rich history of immigration,” Mr. Snyder said in a statement. “But our first priority is protecting the safety of our residents.”
Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana has asked White House officials for information on how many Syrian refugees have relocated to his state, The Associated Press reported. Governor Jindal, a Republican, said he sought the information “in hopes that the night of horror in Paris is not duplicated here.”
I wish I had more time to talk to you about Alabama and Louisiana as so-called ‘Wilson-Fish’ states (learn what that means here) because in those states (there are 12 of them), the state government has been cut out of the refugee resettlement decision-making process altogether with the program administered from Washington through a non-profit group. I’m not saying governors in other states have much (or any control), but in these 12 states, the state and local taxpayers are completely unprotected.
If Jindal and Bentley really want to do something they need to begin to understand the system in their states, and stop it!
We are going to see now if governors have any say at all!