As I have been reporting, September is the month when the President normally sends a “determination” to the Hill (for consultation only) in which he reports what the refugee admissions ceiling will be in the upcoming fiscal year which begins October 1. However, he is not required by law to agree to admit any refugees.
There are rumors that President Trump will simply not send anything to Congress effectively signaling a suspension of the program.
Editor: BTW, regular readers of RRW might be interested in seeing two posts at Frauds and Crooks that could easily have been posted here because they are refugee related. See hereand here.
Below we havenews from ABCabout a letter to Pompeo from mostly a bunch of people you (or I) have never even heard of who participated in changing America by changing the people for decades.
Trump admin urged to accept refugees amid concerns it will indefinitely delay admissions
A group of prominent former U.S. officials is joining state and local governments, U.S. lawmakers, religious leaders and resettlement agencies in urging the Trump administration to increase refugee admissions in fiscal year 2021 amid historic need around the world.
The administration is supposed to consult with Congress and make a decision by the end of the fiscal year, in one week. But there is growing concern that President Donald Trump will decide to zero out refugee admissions, delay them indefinitely, or reduce the admissions cap even further.
A State Department spokesperson declined to comment on Trump’s cap and “the internal discussions or the timeline related to its development,” but told ABC News it was ultimately the president’s decision.
Reutersreported earlier this month that the administration is considering postponing or further cutting admissions.
Seven former U.S. officials who ran the refugee admissions program under both Republican and Democrat administrations urged Secretary of State Mike Pompeoto express alarm at such a suspension and call for a “substantial increase” in admissions.
Do we believe for a second that this letter will hold any sway with the President?
Here is the nothingburger letterand the signatories (Purcell and Dewey are reportedly Republicans):
The Honorable Frank Loy
Former Director of the Bureau of Refugee Programs (1980–1981) Former Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs
James N. Purcell, Jr.
Former Director of the Bureau of Refugee Programs (1982–1986) Former Director General of the International Organization for Migration
The Honorable Phyllis Oakley
Former Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration (1994–1997) Former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research
The Honorable Arthur Dewey
Former Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration (2002–2005) Former United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees
Samuel Witten
Former Acting Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees, and Migration (2007–2009) Former Deputy Legal Adviser for the U.S. Department of State
The Honorable Eric Schwartz
Former Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration (2009–2011) Former NSC Senior Director for Multilateral and Humanitarian Affairs
The Honorable Anne C. Richard
Former Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration (2012–2017) Former Director of the Secretary’s Office of Resources, Plans, and Policy, Department of State
Update: Breitbart has just learned that the Vermont Health Dept. has treated 17 cases of ACTIVE Tuberculosis in the refugee population placed in that state by the US State Department.
I’ve been remiss in not reporting on the drama in Rutland, VT last week as the Aldermen there voted on whether to place a referendum seeking the public’s approval (or disapproval) of the city becoming Vermont’s next federal resettlement site. The Aldermen of Rutland, VT are asking Richard (Asst. Sec. of State for Populations, Refugees and Migration) for more information on the plans for the city. The nerve of them!
I am woefully behind on the Vermont news (although I did post on the latest regarding ACTIVE TB in the state here), so forgive me if more important things have happened since the vote. reports on the vote (they voted to not put the referendum on the ballot).
By the way, the focus has been on Syrian refugees resettling there, but once an office is open, a smattering of many other ethnic groups will be brought in—Somalis, Congolese, Burmese, Iraqis and so forth—making assimilation even harder as each ethnic group creates its core community. Myriad ethnic groups also increase the expense to local tax payers for the school system and even the health department as interpreters must be provided for each group.
You shouldread for all the details of the debate, but I wanted to emphasize one thing mentioned by one of the Aldermen:
David Trapeni, a two-time mayoral candidate and the organizer of the petition drive, criticized the resettlement plan as too open-ended.
“It’s not a hundred — it’s hundreds of refugees that come,” Trapeni said. “Once you open that door that’s it — you’re going to get hundreds, and you’re not going to have any say.”
I cannot stress enough how significant Trapeni’s comment is. He is exactly right! You cannot shut the spigot off once the pipeline starts to flow. You can’t next year say, well, that doesn’t work for us and expect the feds and their contractor to shutter the office they opened and fire the staff. This program builds on itself because first, the agency is paid by the head to resettle the refugees, and secondly they are hellbent on bringing in the family members once the original seeds are planted.You will be even more vilified when you say we don’t want families reunited.
In the controversy in Spartanburg, SC a year ago, the contractor/feds promised to bring in only 50 refugees, now the plan for next year is 150 (I didn’t check the exact number, but it is at least that many). It will not end, just ask the mayors of Manchester, NH or Amarillo, TX who have been trying for years to close the spigot!
Aldermen ask Asst. Sec. of State Anne Richard for more information
This (news) is a very interesting turn of events and frankly I have to give this local body a thumbs-up for even taking an initiative like this. Basically they are signaling that local governments have a right to all the facts. That is the last thing the refugee industry wants to set a precedent about. The arrogant feds and contractors are so accustomed to operating in secrecy that they don’t want to be in a position to answer questions. A word of caution…
However, when pressed they have been able to put on shows for the public as they did in Spartanburg, SC and in Twin Falls, Idaho where they came to town and held private meetings (Spartanburg) or held a stacked public meeting as they did in Twin Falls and gave their positive spin on refugee resettlement. (So Rutland should be prepared for such a propaganda initiative from Washington.)
Nevertheless, every city government should be so audacious as to demand more answers from the federal government. After all, your town will be changed forever!
I’ll be very interested to see how Ms. Richard responds to the letter (read it here). Will she decide the controversy in Rutland isn’t worth pushing any further and move on to another (weaker) target town in Vermont? Or, will she put up a fight here as a show of power by bringing in her dog and pony show? Read the whole story at the Times Argus.
Our Rutland archive is here (for new readers!).
…..and thus who comes to your towns.
I just saw this photo on Twitter (right). Anne Richard Asst. Secretary of State signs a so-called ‘Framework for Cooperation‘ agreement with the new UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Anne Richard, Asst. Sec. of State for PRM signing cooperation agreement with new UNHCR Filippo Grandi.
It seems that we began this ‘Framework for Cooperation’ with the UNHCR in the year 2000 (Madeleine Albright’s reign in Clinton’s last year in office and obviously continued through Bush and Obama). I had always wondered when we began to rely almost completely on the UN for direction on who is resettled in America.
The Framework for Cooperation is a policy document that defines the priorities and commitments of the UN refugee agency and the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (BPRM) for cooperation and collaboration throughout the year. The annual accord also acts as a guide to measure impact and performance.
The first such framework cooperation agreement between UNHCR and PRM was signed in 2000, and the practice has continued as a testament to the mutual confidence and commitment that the two sides have in each other as partners.The US Government continues to be UNHCR’s biggest donor.
So one way of looking at this is that we give UNHCR most of their money and then we let them tell us what to do. Huh?
And, who said we must have shared objectives and priorities with the UN in the first place? Calling President Trump, let’s fix this ASAP in January 2017.
After all, it is the UN that is picking mostly Muslim Syrians for resettlement to the US (as they are the Iraqis and Somalis!).
You know thatrefugee ‘reform’ bill being marked up tomorrow in the House Judiciary Committee, if they are serious about reform, how about an amendment to sever these ties. I’ll bet there was never a law in the first place that required us to cooperate in this formal manner with the UN refugee agency!
I didn’t have the patience to search for this year’s agreement (if it’s even available), but hereis one for 2012-2013.
Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne C. Richard, is traveling and making some news on the Syrian refugee resettlement plan.
Asst. Sec. of State Richard and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees socialist, Antonio Guterres. The UN has selected 11,000 (90% Muslim) Syrian refugees for the US!
But, there is nothing much new here. Nevertheless readers, especially new readers, need to know that this is a very very low number compared to what the Obama State Department wanted for this year and you can bet there is much gnashing of teeth going on in the contractor communitywhich wanted 12,000-15,000 THIS year.
The main reason the Syrians are not yet on the way big time is that the FBI can’t get them screened for security.
Do not forget that the contractors have recently begun lobbying to raise the ceiling for all refugees arriving in the US from 70,000 set by Obama last September to possibly 100,000.
BEIRUT: The United States has admitted 648***refugees from Syria’s civil war and expects to allow in several thousand more, a U.S. official said on Thursday.
The 648 had been selected from 11,000 cases referred to the United States by the United Nations refugee agency, said Assistant Secretary of State Anne Richard. [By the way, by creating this backlog of referred cases the UN puts pressure on the US to get moving!—ed]
Richard said it took the United States one or two years to process each refugee case, with checks that included security and medical assessments as well as analysis of whether individuals were at risk of persecution or death.
“I think that the numbers will go up, I know we are expecting to bring 1,000-2,000 to the U.S. by the end of September and several thousand next year,” she said.
Look at this next line! They are blaming the slowdown on the Republicans when it is Obama’s own FBI that is the hold-up (thankfully!):
The Republican-led House Committee on Homeland Security has criticised the programme, saying the United States lacks the resources to fully investigate the backgrounds of refugees from Syria, where Islamic State militants and other hardline groups are active.
Richard said it was clearly not the intention of the programme to allow in militants.
“The people that we seek to bring are those who have severe medical conditions, widows and orphans,” she said. “These are very vulnerable cases and these are the ones that we are particularly focused on.” [These are very expensive refugees—ed]
So, to which states have the Syrians been distributed so far?
We checked the State Department data bases beginning in early 2012 to the first of April and here is what we learned:
***The number is actually 682 (as of 4/1/2015).
617 are Muslims and 65 are from other religions. The vast majority are Sunni Muslims. That makes the Muslim refugees 90% of the flowwhich is what we have been predicting because the UN is picking our refugees! I expect that percentage to hold into the future.
Here is where they went (top five states in red):
Arizona (33)
Arkansas (1)
California (87)
Colorado (8)
Connecticut (3)
Florida (30)
Georgia (19)
Idaho (13)
Illinois (70)
Indiana (25)
Kansas (5)
Kentucky (5)
Maine (1)
Maryland (26)
Massachusetts (28)
Missouri (6)
Nevada (7)
New Hampshire (3)
New Jersey (31)
New Mexico (6)
New York (8)
North Carolina (34)
Ohio (15)
Oregon (1)
Pennsylvania (42)
Tennessee (17)
Texas (86)
Utah (12)
Virginia (16)
Washington (22)
West Virginia (1)
Wisconsin (1)
Click herefor what is now a massive archive on ‘Syrian refugees.’
Endnote: I can’t impress upon readers enough that this Syrian Muslim pipeline has to be slowed. And, in fact, there is absolutely no justification for the huge flows of Iraqi and Somali Muslims to the US either!
Well, what do you know, some international criticism building because the US has not opened its arms (yet!) to mass numbers of Syrian refugees.
But, as I have pointed out on many occasions, Obama’s name is never linked with the criticism as Bush’s was always linked in media blasts every month for probably a year before the Bush Administration opened the spigot for Iraqi refugees (that are now coming in at a rate of over 20,000 a year!).
We have also been pointing out that the refugee resettlement contractors*** have been demanding 12,000-15,000 Syrians a year be admitted. They were getting geared up—finding new towns in which to resettle them—and then a few weeks ago the boom dropped when the FBI testifiedin the House Homeland Security Committee that there is no way they can properly screen the Syrians. Of course, there is no way to properly screen the over 800 Somalis entering the US every month now either!
Anne Richard Asst. Secretary of State with UNHCR Antonio Guterres: partners in deciding what third-worlders are coming to your town!
This is interesting news, despite the lifting of the ban on material support, the Obama Administration has yet to apply the lesser screening requirements to Syrians.
By the way, if you saw the record-breaking post on Spartanburg, SC you know that one group World Relief would like to settle in South Carolina is Syrians.
We have resettled around 500 Syrians so far. Approximately 87% are Muslims. See where they have been placed in the US in the first three months of FY2015, here.
There is one way to get around this worry over screening Muslims, don’t bring Muslims!
We could join Canada and say only Christians and other minorities are permitted entry into the US!
By continuing to select Syrians for America, the UN is putting political pressure on our Homeland Security Department to step it up. There will be much wailing that we couldn’t possibly be so mean as to leave all these people waiting in line!
The US is preparing to permanently resettle thousands of the millions of Syrians forced to flee their homes during the country’s four-year civil war. But as the lengthy resettlement process speeds up, some human rights advocates are concerned that certain refugees are being unfairly excluded. [Once the pipeline is open, and even if the civil war comes to an end, the flow of permanent refugees from Syria will continue for years.—ed]
So far, the US has accepted only tiny numbers of Syrians: 105 in the year to October 2014 and just 36 in the year before that, although it has stepped up admissions with 350 refugees in the past four months.
Last year officials eased the “material support” rule under US immigration law that was designed to prevent terrorist sympathisers from entering the US but instead acted as a dragnet, ensnaring Syrians with no real connection to terrorism. More than a year later, however, advocates say they still have not seen the exemptions applied to Syrian refugee cases.
“What this means is that a lot of people who need protections and who might fall under those ‘material support’ inclusions – by no fault of their own – aren’t getting protection in the US,” said Noah Gottschalk, senior humanitarian policy adviser for Oxfam America. “And that means that a number of people who are among the most vulnerable in the world are being denied protections that they very much need.”
Representatives from a handful of refugee aid groups said they were still waiting for the the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to release guidelines on how to apply the rule change. Until then, they said, Syrian refugees applying for residence in the US were at risk of being denied entry for an act as small as selling sandwiches to rebel fighters. [This is a straw man argument, what refugee in his right mind is going to report on an application for admission to the US that he/she gave sandwiches to rebels?—ed]
“Our main concern at this stage is the absence of that guidance,” said Anna Greene, the policy and advocacy director for US programmes at the International Rescue Committee (IRC). [The IRC is a contractor looking for more paying “clients” to resettle.—ed]
For those who don’t believe it, here it is again. The UN is picking our refugees!
The US State Department has received more than 11,000 resettlement applications from Syrian refugees in recent months, the vast majority of which are referrals from the UN high commissioner for refugees (UNHCR).
Quick! US taxpayers, hide your wallets!
Don’t worry, terrorist men won’t get in because we are only planning to bring economically needy women, children, senior citizens and sick and disabled people!
Richard (Anne Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for PRM) said the US intended to accept thousands of Syrian refugees in 2015 and 2016. She said she did not anticipate security being an issue with the Syrians the UNHCR was referring to the US, as the majority were widows, women and children, elderly people and people with debilitating medical conditions.