….but they know the odds are not good that the Secretary of State will buck the White House on the number of refugees to be admitted to the US in the coming fiscal year.
Will Secretary of State Pompeo go with the White House or with the embedded refugee advocates employed at the State Department?
However, as the deep-staters (and their contractor buddies***) feed news to Politico, indications are that Pompeo could at least keep the shrinking Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration at the State Department.
Here is Politicowhich appears to have a direct pipeline in to the refugee industry both inside and outside of government.
You might call it refugee ‘cap wrangling season’ as the players in the refugee resettlement circles in Washington jockey for position for the coming fiscal year.
Everyone is waiting to see what Sec. of State Pompeo will say.
A lot rides on the ceiling, or cap, the President, by law, sets for the coming fiscal year—how many refugees could be admitted and where they might come from. It is a power assigned to the President by then Senator Ted Kennedy and Jimmy Carter as they pushed through, and Carter ultimately signed, the Refugee Act of 1980.
Besides the push from the Leftwing Open Borders gang for more diversity for America, and Dems for more voters, a lot of federal money for nine federal resettlement contractors*** is at stake.
I hope not to be talking about it every day (seeyesterday’s post), but when I saw this Politico story I figured it included a little nugget that you should know about, namely that the President threw out the number 5,000 in last years ‘cap wrangling season.’
And, why is the Trump Administration continuing refugee resettlement started for no other reason (by George Bush and Barack Obama) than to please the UN? Obama Secretary of State for PRM, Anne Richard with then UNHCR, now Secretary General of the UN Guterres, decided that the US should take 50,000 from the DR Congo.
Previous presidents jumped to the UN piper’s tune and said sure, the US will step up to take the Bhutanese and the DR Congolese because the UN asked us to. These people were not our responsibility, no one could say we caused the problems that resulted in their care by the UN. We have no strategic interest or reason other than to make the UN happy (and some big employers who want the cheap labor, the Dems who want voters and the contractors who want the payola!).
(By the way, there are other examples of cleaning out camps and of course the largest over the years have been the UN camps in Kenya, but the numbers have dramatically slowed in the last year, not so for the two I’m writing about now. And, of course the UN has no interest in cleaning out the Palestinian camps and sending those people to other Arab countries.)
DR Congo express to America….
The largest ethnic group of refugees coming to the US right now are DR Congolese. In the first 6 months of this fiscal year (’18) we admitted 2,569.
In 2013 the Obama State Department told the UN High Commissioner for Refugeesthat we would take 50,000 from the DR Congo over five years.
Checking Wrapsnet just now, I see that we have taken 40,899 since that promise was made, however going back to FY10, I see we are now at 49,476. Will the flow ever stop? Based on the Bush Bhutanese deal, the answer is likely NO!
Nearly 100,000 Bhutanese scattered across America…
In 2006 we told the UN we would take 60,000 Bhutanese off their hands over five years.
These displaced people are really Nepali people that were kicked out of Bhutan and Nepal wouldn’t take them back.
Other western countries promised to take another 30,000. Here in 2015the UN reported on its “success” at that point in time:
A core group of eight countries came together in 2007 to create this opportunity for Bhutanese refugees to begin new lives: Australia (5,554), Canada (6,500), Denmark (874), New Zealand (1002), the Netherlands (327), Norway (566), the United Kingdom (358) and the United States of America (84,819).
Now 10 years after Bush Asst. Secretary of State Ellen Sauerbrey said we would take 60,000, we are at 95,841 (as of today).
In the last 6 months, an additional 1,925 ‘refugees’ of Nepali origin that we call Bhutanese were resettled across the country. I have to laugh because the total number in 2006 was 108,000 and between the US and other countries we have far surpassed that number now, so it begs the question—have more people arrived at the camps looking for resettlement in recent years? (See one of my many posts on fuzzy math!)
Here is where 95,481 have been place in the US in just 10 years!
The numbers are difficult to read even in the original. The top five ‘welcoming’ states are Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, New York and Georgia. And, can you believe it, Hawaii, the state that is hankering for more diversity got zip!
I don’t believe there is a law that says we must take refugees that the UN wants us to take!
And, thus, I think it is time that the Trump Administration distanced itself from the dictates of the United Nations. In fact, maybe it is time to do more than that! Let’s take the lead in rethinking the entire 1951 UN Refugee Convention.
Surely, if we are going to offer ‘welcome’ to legitimate refugees, we have smart people who would know how to pick the most worthy candidates and not just take in ethnic groups wholesale because the UN tells us we must!
See Nayla Rush writing at the Center for Immigration Studies about the haphazard choices being made (even under Donald Trump!).
See my archive on the Bhutanese by clicking here. The thing that has brought them to the media’s attention over the years is the fact that they have a high suicide rate in America. In fact, for years leading up to 2006, they steadfastly maintained that they did not want to be “scattered to the four winds.” Contact the White House, tell the President: As your Administration prepares refugee plans for the coming fiscal year, stop asking how high, when the UN says jump! We will pick our own refugees, thank you very much!
That is what we learned here in June 2013when Anne Richard, then Asst. Secretary of State for Population Refugees and Migration for President Obama, announced the deal presumably to begin in Fiscal Year 2014 and continue for five years.
Richard with then UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Gutteres who is now Secretary General of the UN.
I just checked the numbers (at Wrapsnet) and see that we have admitted 38,431 from FY14 to the present. So, expect UN pressure to take 11,569 more Congolese from UN camps in Africa over the next couple of years.
(By the way, going back to FY08, we have admitted 48,870 from DR Congo in nearly a decade.)
We learned the stunning news just a couple of days ago that some of those DR Congo ‘refugees’ would return to African camps if they could. See Utah here.
Although the Trump Administration has slowed the flow from camps in countries like Tanzania, we sure hope that maybe the trend (saying “no” to the UN) will continue.
We can’t afford to bring more extremely impoverished and uneducated people to America (with huge families to boot) to live jobless and unhappy in roach-infested apartments! Doesn’t sound very humanitarian to me!
(In case you are wondering, only 1,860, 3% of the DR Congolese we have admitted since FY08 are Muslim. The remainder represent many religious groups.)
One of the key takeaways for readers is that once we begin admitting large numbers from certain countries, mostly because the UN tells us to, the flow never stops.
Anyone suggesting stopping the flow is hit with the ‘how can you be so cruel to keep family members out’ meme.
Somalis are a prime example—we’ve been admitting them for decades—will we ever stop? How many decades do we continue to clear out the never-ending UN camp pipeline?
Over the next few days I’m going to tell you about some other ethnic groups we aren’t ever going to stop—from Burma, Nepal (Bhutanese) and Iraq—unless someone has the guts to tell the UN NO! No more.
And, this is why it’s a good thing we didn’t open the Syrian spigot in a big way!
Just noticed now that the event was held at the SIMPLOT auditorium. Thought I recognized that name—-first saw it here when we heard that the JR Simplot Company was building a new meatpacking plant near Boise. Of course! Cheap refugee labor! So much for humanitarianism!
Here is the news from Boise Weeklyabout the event this past Monday (emphasis is mine):
Anne Richard: Get involved to help us diversify Idaho. George (Soros) wants it that way!
President Donald Trump’s name doesn’t appear on the agenda for the 34th annual Frank Church Conference, titled “America’s Future: Refugees, Migration and National Security,”but discussion of Trump’s restrictions on refugees and immigrants took center stage Monday at the filled-to-capacity Simplot Ballroom at the Boise State University Student Union.
The Frank Church conference was packed with panel discussions and addresses from a number of experts on the issue of refugees, both national and local, including representation from the Idaho office of Refugees, the Idaho chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Boise office of the International Rescue Committee. The conference’s midday address was delivered by Anne C. Richard, former Assistant Secretary of State.
In her conclusion, Richard offered a question instead of a statement.
“What are you going to do about this?” Richard asked the gathering. “Will you vote? Will you write a letter to the editor? Will you visit your member of Congress? Will you stay abreast of current events? I put it to you.”
I’ll repeat for the umpteenth time—you have to match them with political action if you want the truth to come out. That is, if you want to preserve western civilization (in addition to your home town!).
When I look at the Boise Weekly story I’m seeing only one comment at this time. Where are you Idahoans?
Soros groupie!
About Anne Richard, former Obama Asst. Secretary of State and former Veep at one of the nine federal contractors—the International Rescue Committee:
Richard, like so many in the refugee industry has revolved in and out of government for decades. She says on herbiography at wikipediathat in 1994 she helped create the International Crisis Group. Sometime when you have a few minutes it might be worth your time to understand what that group was (and is).
Discussions continue throughout 1994 as to what form this new organisation should take. There are heated debates about whether the organisation should be an operational outfit directly involved in delivering aid, or an advocate for action by others.
On 17 November, Abromowitz’s Carnegie Endowment publicly announces “a concerted effort to consider the launching of a new International Crisis Group” with three main functions: assessment, advice and advocacy. George Soros’s Open Society Institute provides US$200,000 to finance continued planning activities. Over the latter half of the year, former US Congressman Stephen Solarz travels to over twenty countries to discuss the proposed organisation and raise funds. Not everyone welcomes him, One senior European government minister complains, “What you are trying to do is to get us to give you a golden stick with which to beat us over the head, in order to get us to do what we’ve already decided we do not want to”.
Continue reading here to see who else was involved and note Soros’s continued funding role.
See my ever-expanding archive on Idaho (a target state if there ever was one) by clicking here.
Where are you Rep. Labrador? Are you looking for more refugee labor for the state too?
Idaho folks need to look very carefully at who is funding political campaigns in the state especially as the 2018 governor’s race rolls around. That race is a perfect opportunity to focus attention on the issue of refugee resettlement in the state. Make it a pivotal issue in the campaign.