The federal fiscal year ended on September 30th. We are now beginning FY 2016 (Obama says we will admit 10,000 Syrians who cannot be thoroughly screened according to the FBI).
Because the UNHCR is choosing our Syrian refugees from its camps dominated by Sunni Muslims, you can expect the numbers (the percentage) of Muslim refugees to continue just about as they have been this past fiscal year.
I’m sorry if this news is repetitive for our regular readers, but I want the mainstream media to stop being so lazy (or duplicitous) when reporting on the Syrians who have come so far.
I repeat, these numbers will not change going forward unless we get the UN out of the business of picking refugees for us!
This data is directly from the US State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. I thought if I did the research maybe reporters wouldn’t be so lazy in reporting it!
In fiscal year 2015 we admitted 1,682 Syrians through the Refugee Admissions Program. Religious affiliation is as follows:
Atheist (2)
Bahai (2)
Christian (29)
Moslem (53)
Moslem Shiite (10)
Moslem Suni (1,537)
No Religion (1)
Orthodox (1)
Other Religion (5)
Zorastrian (6)
That makes it 97% Muslim!
When you see politicians like Senators Mikulski, Cardin, Graham, Blumenthal and others we have mentioned this past week advocating for more Syrians, remember they are advocating for more MUSLIM Syrians to be admitted and placed in your towns, not truly persecuted Christians!
As we reported earlier, the Senate and House Judiciary Committees have a responsibility under the Refugee Act of 1980 to “consult” with the Administration on the size and scope of the refugee program for the upcoming fiscal year which begins on October first.
Obviously Senator Grassley isn’t letting the Administration get away with the vague information they have been giving out on exactly how many Syrian refugees Obama plans to admit to the US.
And, by the way, we wouldn’t have security concerns if we were saving the Christians. We have reported repeatedly that the vast majority, 95% entering the US so far are Sunni Muslims. The number jumps to 97% when you consider only those who came this year.
Here is Grassley’s press release from Friday thanks to Chris:
Grassley Seeks Details on Administration’s Refugee Announcements
WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley today pressed Secretary of State John Kerry to clarify the administration’s plans to increase the number of refugees allowed into the United States in fiscal 2016, including up to 10,000 additional refugees from the war torn country of Syria. Grassley raised questions about the administration’s plans to admit additional refugees and whether adequate safeguards and background checks are in place to handle the influx.
While the administration proposed raising the refugee ceiling from 70,000 to 75,000, Assistant Secretary of State Anne Richard admitted that administration officials are considering increasing the cap later in 2016. White House Spokesman Josh Earnest also said that the administration is considering allowing 10,000 refugees from Syria in 2016, an increase from earlier estimates.
In a letter to Kerry, Grassley asked how the administration will screen Syrian refugees to ensure they were not involved with terrorist organizations, whether the influx of refugees will strain the vetting process, and how the administration plans to respond in the event that refugees are determined to be involved in terrorist organizations after they have been admitted to the United States. Further, Grassley asked Kerry to explain what the administration is doing to assess the willingness of other countries to admit Syrian refugees.
The letter follows a consultation earlier this week between Kerry and leaders of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees to discuss the proposed annual number of refugees to be admitted to the United States. The State Department must consult with these congressional committees regarding the refugee cap each year as well as any time an increase in allowable refugees is proposed.
Following the consultation, Grassley emphasized that America’s security must remain a top priority when admitting refugees, especially when violent terrorist groups like ISIS are committed to finding ways to enter the United States and harm Americans.
Full text of Grassley’s letter to Kerry follows (click here).
September 11, 2015
Senator Grassley needs to call for a hearing required by the Refugee Act and put Secretary of State Kerry and Asst. Secretary Richard on the hot seat!
And, the next question is…where might the Members of the House Judiciary Committee be hiding?
Angering her, Obama wants to send South Carolina some Gitmo prisoners, but in the meantime she has signaled her ‘welcome’ to third world refugees.
This is another informative article from World Net Daily investigative reporter Leo Hohmann which includes an update about the visit this past week of Anne Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, who traveled to Spartanburg, SC to try to quell the resistance there to a new plan to seed Spartanburg with refugees.
From WND:
Some are calling it the “height of hypocrisy,” bordering on demagoguery.
Nikki Haley, South Carolina’s Republican governor, came out last Thursday and blasted possible White House plans to bring Guantanamo Bay prisoners to her state.
The governor called a news conference and didn’t mince words.
“We are absolutely drawing a line that we are not going to allow any terrorist to come into South Carolina,” Haley said. “We are not going to allow that kind of threat, we are not going to allow that kind of character to come in.
“My job is to protect the people of this state, and I take that very personally,” she continued. “I will take that personally the entire way through, so that the president, the Congress and anyone involved in this decision understands they are not wanted, they are not needed, and we will not accept them in South Carolina.”
Yet, at the same time she was drawing a red line against Gitmo terrorists who would stay locked in a brig off the coast of Charleston, Haley was opening her arms wide to welcome “refugees” from jihadist strongholds in the Middle East and Africa.
Haley has come down on the side of the State Department and the refugees, saying she trusts the vetting process, despite hundreds of arrests and active investigations involving refugees or children of refugees across the U.S. She has chosen to believe the State Department over the FBI, which is responsible for screening the refugees and warned that in some cases it’s an impossible task.
Editor: This is a letter written by a concerned citizen of South Carolina. It is an open letter to the Spartanburg County Council. The council may have no legal way to stop the US State Department (or so we are told), but if the Council voted to say they were not supportive of the effort to bring in impoverished people from the third world (because Spartanburg has its own poor minority) it would go a long way to persuade the US State Department to go elsewhere.
As of this writing I haven’t seen an update of what happened with meetings in Spartanburg when theUS State Department sent its top dog to a town that has developed a ‘Pocket of Resistance’to World Relief/UN/US State Department plans to establish an immigrant seed community there.
I did see an excellent commentary at Fits News. Go here for an opinion in advance of the meetings yesterday and Monday.
Below is the letter from Beverly Owensby. The sentiment she expresses here is one all of you concerned about being labeled “unwelcoming” or unchristian should pay attention to. It is a view we have expressed here many times over the years—true Christian charity is using one’s own time and money to help the poor preferably where they live. Or, if one adopts, or supports an immigrant child or family, one uses one’s own resources and doesn’t dump the responsibility on the taxpayer.
An open letter:
After spending hundreds of hours on fact based research, the current REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT program is nothing more than an AMERICAN INVASION. Many are exploiting the compassion of Christians to trick them into accepting the REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT PROGRAM as the right thing to do to protect Christians from being persecuted. This is so far from the truth. Based on the U.S. State Department website, the majority of REFUGEES are Muslims. Why? The UNITED NATIONS is responsible for selecting who comes to America. GEORGE SOROS is spending billions of dollars to ensure the success of this program. If the United Nations and George Soros cared about Christians, they would have done something to prevent ISIS from killing so many Christians in the Middle East and other parts of the world.
The United States is $18 Trillion Dollars in Debt and cannot afford to pay for REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT! The United States is on the verge of an economic collapse that will destroy America. The REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT program is designed to push America over the edge. The influx of ILLEGALS coming across our Southern Border and entering the U.S. along with the REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT program are by design to overload the system.
Christians who want to help the REAL PERSECUTED CHRISTIAN can contact a Mission Board and let them know they are willing to house and provide total financial support for an individual or family. THIS IS TRUE CHRISTIAN COMPASSION…. NOT FAKE CHRISTIAN COMPASSION! ….
Beverly Owensby
What would Jesus do? I suspect he would throw the money changers (federal contractors, including the US Catholic Bishops!) out of the temple.
For new readers, go here for a background (with some updates) on what happened in Spartanburg beginning last spring when it was learned it would be targeted for colonization. For a complete archive on Spartanburg posts, go here.
Update: This WND story made it to Drudge today and it went through the roof!
Leo Hohmann, writing at World Net Dailylast evening has another detailed article on the Refugee Admissions Program of the UN/US State Department and a report from at least three important ‘Pockets of Resistance.‘
The WND article begins:
The pushback started earlier this year in South Carolina, then spread to Minnesota, Idaho, and now North Dakota.
Michigan and Ohio are also organizing against what local residents say is a sinister and sneaky federal program that almost never gets serious coverage from local media. It’s the U.S. State Department’s refugee resettlement program, which has been humming along on autopilot since Congress passed the Refugee Act of 1980, signed by President Jimmy Carter.
No longer satisfied with pat answers, residents in several states are starting to ask the hard questions. They are showing up at meetings, starting blogs and email lists, digging up information and bypassing local media to inform their friends and neighbors of what’s really going on with the refugee movement.
In conservative Twin Falls, Idaho, for instance, a group of 100 activists are going door to door informing their neighbors about how the refugee program works. Organizer Rick Martin says most people are surprised to find out that the United Nations picks most of the refugees destined for America, and that the Catholic Church, the Lutheran and Episcopal churches, along with evangelical and Jewish groups get paid by the federal government to resettle refugees in the U.S.
“When we mention that the U.N. is involved most of the time they won’t believe it, so we have to show them the articles,” Martin said.
Since, I have BIG MEAT on my mind these days and the role it plays in lobbying for cheap, legal, immigrant labor, comments by Minnesota’s Bob Enos jumped out at me:
The nine private resettlement agencies, including “charities” within the Lutheran, Catholic, Episcopalian, and evangelical churches, get federal grants to resettle the refugees, essentially acting as front groups for the government, but without the transparency and accountability that would be expected if the government did the work itself, said Bob Enos, spokesman for T-3 (Truth and Transparency in Taxation) in St. Cloud. His group is pushing for more openness in the way refugees are resettled in Minnesota.
“I think the meat packers had a lot to do with this,” Enos, a former businessman, told WND. “These are people in business whose raw materials won’t allow them to outsource overseas, so if you can’t bring the factory overseas you bring overseas to the factory.”
Read it all! It is, as usual, very thorough, and it might give you some ideas on what you can do in your ‘Pocket of Resistance (POR)’.