…get this! 40% of Democrats agree! Ben Carson and Donald Trump agreed on the campaign trail that we must re-examine our refugee policy.
I love how this is written. The Reuters reporter says only 40% of Dems have the same fear. Holy cow, that is a lot of people! Consider also that 74% of plain vanilla Republicans also worry about the resettlement of Middle Eastern refugees into their towns.
I would have guessed the Dems would be a far lower percentage than 40% (so does that mean there might be inroads into the Democratic electorate for Trump?). Reuters:
Supporters of Donald Trump, the presumptive U.S. Republican presidential nominee, see refugees arriving from Iraq and Syria as one of the greatest threats to the United States, according to a study released on Thursday by the Pew Research Center.
Eighty-five percent of respondents who said they supported Trump saw the refugees fleeing the Islamic State militant group as a threat, compared with 74 percent of Republicans overall, said the study.
Only 40 percent of Democrats viewed the refugees from the region as a major threat.
The Dems must be told over and over again that Hillary will continue the Obama push for more and more Syrian and Iraqi refugees to colonize America!
There may be others by now, but here is the first story I’m seeing before dawn today reporting on reactions by US Presidential candidates. ***Update***Here is a story at Breitbart that must have been posted before terror erupted in Paris last night—see where the Presidential candidates were yesterday afternoon BP (before Paris). Bush, Kasich and Rubio all said they want MORE refugees. ***Update #2***Mediaite reported on Ann Coulter tweets last night (after Paris): “Donald Trump was elected President tonight,” here. Paris may in fact have been a clarifying moment for many—try to imagine each of the 2016 candidates as President of the US if a similar horror happens here. Who would you wish to be in the Oval Office?
From Buzzfeed: Senator Ted Cruz and Dr. Ben Carson: No Syrian refugees should be admitted to US. Where is your candidate? Let us know and I’ll update this post.
Following the deadly attacks in Paris Friday night, two prominent Republicans have called for the United States to table plans to accept thousands of Syrian refugees, citing terror concerns.
Sen. Ted Cruz wrote in a statement on Friday that the U.S. needs to “immediately declare a halt to any plans to bring refugees that may have been by ISIS to the United States.” Cruz has raised security concerns before about the prospect of accepting more refugees at this point from Syria.
Presidential candidate Ben Carson said in Orlando, Florida, that Congress should act to block the Obama administration’s plan to accept more refugees.
“If we’re going to be bringing 200,000 people over here from that region — if I were one of the leaders of the global jihadist movement and I didn’t infiltrate that group of people with my people, that would be almost malpractice,” Carson said, according to the Washington Post.
Congress can act to block Obama’s Muslim migration plan (refugee resettlement) in just a few weeks as Congress must act by December 11th to fund the government through fiscal year 2016 (this is separate from the dept ceiling issue of just a few weeks ago).
Congress could do its job for once by using the POWER OF THE PURSE to restrain Obama!
***Update*** This is what you should tell Congress to do! Cut the funding! They will pounce on Carson for the 200,000 number, however…..
As for Carson’s mention of the 200,000, note he said “from the region.” It isn’t that high for one year, but Obama was talking about 2016 and 2017 when he said 85,000 refugees this year and 100,000 next year. Don’t forget we are taking tens of thousands of other Muslim refugees from Iraq, Somalia, Burma and Afghanistan in that number as well—it is not just Syrians—from the region.
Consider that you rarely hear of the 30,000 plus coming as asylum seekers annually by first getting across our borders illegally or overstaying a visa and then asking for asylum. Then there is Temporary Protected Status and that astounding monstrosity—the Diversity Visa Lottery—which brings in another 50,000 legal migrants a year, many from countries that hate us! And, we haven’t even mentioned student visas!
So before someone latches (with criticism) on Carson’s high number, demand that the Administration give an accounting of how many Muslim migrants are being admitted legally to the US each year! It is probably approaching 200,000, but no one (on the outside) knows for sure. For more on the 2016 Presidential candidates see our category entitled, ‘2016 Presidential campaign.‘ (We have older categories for both the 2008 and 2012 campaigns as they related to refugees and immigration generally.) I was surprised to see that we have already written 91 posts on the 2016 campaign. Without a doubt, immigration is THE issue for 2016!
Endnote: Watch this video!
Update: I just finished watching Chuck Todd on Meet the Press (the show where Carson made what you know Todd was expecting to become Carson’s fatal blow) and Todd never mentioned Carson at all today. You know that if Todd had succeeded in killing Carson’s Presidential aspirations, it would have been one big brag fest at Meet the Depressed (as Rush calls it) today. Todd mentioned Rubio’s slight rise in the polls and Fioriana’s but not one word about Carson’s this week (as Carson moves into a virtual tie with Trump)! Fox News has done everything it could, over the last week, to make sure commentators throughout the network ‘school’ Ben Carson on what he can and cannot say on Muslims in public office and sharia law. Hah! Looks like Carson gets the last word! Reports: Carson hauls in a whopping $20 million in recent quarter! (from small donors!) http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/26/politics/ben-carson-20-million-fundraising/
See our report last week,here. And, don’t miss Andy McCarthy’s takedown of the increasingly pompous Dr. Krauthammer, here.
I’m about done with Fox News, but at least here they are reporting what they found (hopefully with egg on Mr. Murdoch’s face)!
From Fox News:
Hillary Clinton’s personal favorable ratings hit a low mark in the latest Fox News national poll, while Ben Carson’s ratings climb to new high in the wake of his news-generating comments on Muslims and the presidency.
Carson receives the best net favorable scores among all voters as well as self-identified Republicans. In addition, Donald Trump and Jeb Bush get the worst net scores overall, and Bush has the lowest score among Republicans.
The number of voters who have a positive opinion of Carson is up 20 percentage points: 46 percent now, up from 26 percent in May. Among Republicans the increase is even greater: 66 percent now view him favorably, up from 42 percent.
Interviewing for the poll started Sunday afternoon and went through Tuesday evening (September 20-22). That Sunday morning, Carson made news with remarks about Sharia law and why he would not support a hypothetical Muslim in the White House.
For more on the candidates we have a category called‘2016 Presidential campaign’ where we archive everything we write that relates to immigration/refugees and the candidates.
Echoing the comments we heard yesterday from the Trump campaign, 2016 Presidential candidate Ben Carson, said also yesterday—Put Americans first! Carson: “Why don’t we ever think about putting Americans first?”
Oh, and by the way, Carson’s comment on Sunday that a Muslim should not be President of the US has actually raised his percentage points in one new poll I saw last evening (he is still in second place behind Trump) and he reportedly has reaped a windfall of campaign contributions. Here is CNN (Syrian refugees could bring terrorists):
Washington (CNN)Ben Carson said the U.S. should be cautious when taking in Syrian refugees to avoid the risk of terrorists entering the country.
Carson, who grew up in poor in inner-city Detroit before becoming a successful neurosurgeon, said the U.S. should focus on helping Americans citizens first.
“We need to be dealing with that before we start bringing in a bunch of other people,” he said. “Why don’t we ever think about putting Americans first?”
This is the same logical theme we hear all the time when someone is first informed about the Refugee Admissions Program of the UN/US State Department. Put Americans first!
Earlier this morning I happened to catch Ben Carson on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd and I was astounded that Carson very forcefully said that a Muslim should not be President because Islam was incompatible with the US Constitution. I knew immediately that all hell was going to break loose for Carson. Update: Hereis what Powerline blog says about Carson’s statement. “He had better batten down the hatches.” Hat tip: Paul Update #2: I feel for you South Carolinians! Lindsey Graham demands that Carson apologize to Muslims, here. BTW, pundits on Fox this evening suggested that Carson’s remark was likely supported by 80% of the American public and would actually help his candidacy. Update September 21: Frank Gaffney at the Center for Security Policy agrees with Carson and explains why. LOL! He suggests that Obama is actually doing everything a Muslim Prez. might do anyway! Click here. Update #2 on September 21: Both Trump and Cruz hang Carson out to dry. Click here to see what I think of Trump and Cruz tonight. Update September 22: Carson says a Muslim could be President if he rejects Sharia Law! Hang in there Ben! Update September 27:Carson vindicated with exploding favorability numbers.
Watch Carson answer here:
The same question was asked of Gov. John Kasich and he waffled all over the place. Then CNN contributor, the GOP establishment water-carrier, Hugh Hewitt*** jumped in to criticize Carson saying there shouldn’t be a religious test, demonstrating Hewitt’s ignorance about Islam. Islam is a complete political system inseparable from the ‘religious’ aspects of the ‘faith.’
Now we see that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is all over Carson for daring to utter such a politically incorrect opinion.
Take action!
Even if Carson is not your #1 choice for the 2016 nomination, you must right now go to facebook, twitter, and your e-mail lists and drum up support for Carson and an opinion that readers here share. Push back the inevitable Left wing trashers who are probably already at work kissing up to CAIR and calling for Carson to get out of the race!
By the way, earlier in the program Todd asked Trump about the Muslim incident in New Hampshire last week, where an audience member questioned Obama’s ‘faith,’ and Trump said it wasn’t his job to defend the President, implying that the President was big boy and could take care of himself. Besides, he went on to say, I doubt Obama is going to defend me when someone at a public event says something about me that I don’t like.
You can reach the Carson campaign at twitter (@realBenCarson) and here at his website. Send him a message and ask that he stand firm!
***See what Breitbartsaid about Hewitt hereearlier this past week.