Neil Munro writing atBreitbartyesterday confirms what we know, the refugee industry does not want local citizens to have a say when their towns and cities are chosen by federal resettlement contractors and approved by the US State Department as new homes for impoverished third worlders.
Remember that when Obama left office in 2016 his State Department and the resettlement contractors (Volags) were busy identifying nearly 50 new sites in which to expand their efforts to change America by changing the people.
In fact they had produced a guide that could be used by local open borders activists (without public input) to identify and put in place the necessary amenities that could then be submitted in an application to the State Department for approval of the town or city.
If Biden/Harris are installed in the White House look for them to be dusting off a plan to secretively identify new sites.
Below is a bit of what Munro said yesterday, but please read the whole thing.
FromBreitbart (thanks to several readers who sent it my way):
Foreign Refugee Managers: Keep Americans in the Dark
Nearly all managers in taxpayer-funded, refugee-delivery organizations say the public should have no say about the delivery of unskilled refugees into Americans’ neighborhoods, job markets, and schools, says a survey by refugee groups.
The 61-page surveywas released December 8 by the Refugee Council USA [That is the lobbying arm for the refugee industry in Washington, DC–ed] and the Center for Migration Studies, as the refugee groups cheered Joe Biden for his campaign-trail promise to dramatically expand the flow of low-wage refugees into Americans’ workplaces.
The number Biden is promising is 125,000 in the first year. See my post yesterday.
Just 15 percent of managers in refugee agencies, and just 14 percent of refugee officials in state governments, said that “neighborhood associations” should be “given a voice in the Refugee Resettlement process,” according to a chart on page 27 of the survey.
Once warned, many neighborhood groups protest against the delivery of refugees by the groups, which are dubbed VOLAGs because the official government term is a “Voluntary Agency.”
Most VOLAG respondents also argued that the federal government should not give a voice to Americans’ local governments:
Fifty-eight percent of survey respondents believe that the federal government should consult with state and local officials about resettlement but should not be required to obtain their consent before refugees are resettled. Smaller percentages believed that state and local officials should neither be consulted nor required to consent (19 percent).
Bartlett is standing in front of a map of refugee resettlement sites across the country. It is a map you cannot find anymore. Likewise as we reported recently it is no longer possible to get real time refugee arrival numbers or to learn where they were dropped off upon arrival.
Former Director of refugee admissions at the State Department, Lawrence Bartlett, the author of the introductory letter (below) to the New Site Development Guide had been pushed aside in the early Trump years, but by 2018 he was backat Population, Refugees and Migration.
I assume he is still there, but even if he isn’t, you can be sure that his deep state pals are all in place and ready to push forward if Biden succeeds in stealing the Presidency.
So we soon could be back to where we were in 2016 BT (Before Trump), having to fight in our own communities through grassroots skirmishes against Washington and its fake non-profit resettlement contractors.
And don’t expect help from Congress where the Republican chickens who rule the roost are provided their chicken scratch by massive global corporations always on the hunt for cheap migrant labor.
Don’t think for a minute that you, citizens and taxpayers, are “stakeholders!” You do not have a say!
For new readers these are the nine fake non-profits that will be making the primary decisions about how your town or city will be changed. From page 6 of the New Site Guide:
Rampell is one of those Ivy-league-educated thirty-somethings who has been elevated to a position as morally superior opinion writer (aren’t they all!) at the Leftwing anti-Trump Washington Post.
Neil Munro of Breitbartchecked in with me to see how I felt about being a bigot for the last decade plus.
This is what Rampell opined in theWashington Postearlier this month.
Trump’s refugee ceiling is bad for everyone but bigots
Frankly I don’t pay any attention to the name-callers, except that they invigorate me to keep going just when I am ready for blogger retirement.
Once they start making charges against me and others who believe we have a right to know about a program that is changing America—a right to talk about it, to understand how a federal program works and a right to object to it—that we are racists, bigots and xenophobes, I know they are know-nothings.
And, they are weak because name-calling is the last refuge of political agitators whose team is losing.
Here is some of what Munro penned at Breitbartafter asking the bigot—me—what I thought of Rampell’s charge.
Washington Post: Only ‘Bigots’ Oppose Large Refugee Inflows
President Donald Trump’s decision to accept 15,000 refugees in 2020 only helps “bigots,” says Catherine Rampell, a pro-migration columnist at the Washington Post.
“The only constituency helped by Trump’s latest cruelty are the bigots and knee-jerk nationalists crafting his policies,” she wrote, under the headline “Trump’s refugee ceiling is bad for everyone but bigots.”
Rampell’s jibe was dismissed by Ann Corcoran, founder of Refugee resettlement Watch, who says the federal importation of refugees expands American poverty, slows technological innovation, and fuels civic conflict. She responded:
There’s no sense trying to argue with [progresives] except to turn it back and say; ‘What about our own poor people? Why aren’t they interested in taking care of our poor Americans? Our homeless? Why are refugees and immigrants somehow cooler and more desirable to take care of than our own poor people? Have we run out of poor Americans to take care of?’ No, clearly, we have not run out of poor Americans.
Advocates for migration are eager to claim moral superiority over the Americans who want to help Americans, said Corcoran. “They believe we’re bigots — that’s what they’ve been saying for decades — but they know big business uses these refugees to keep wages low,” she said.
So the hidden agenda for Rampell and many others progressives is political ambition, not charity, Corcoran said. “The bottom line is that these immigrants vote for Democrats,” she said.
“Big business gets the cheap labor, the Democrats get the voters, and Americans get hammered with this humanitarian [B.S.],” she said.
The Left has successfully silenced many good Americans who might speak by effectively deploying the “racist” labeling methodology. Just get over it, laugh it off, speak up and vote for Donald Trump!
If Trump loses they won’t have to bother with name-calling, they will have real power to silence us!
The dark underbelly of the giant globalist meatpacking industry in the US is being exposed as large numbers of slaughterhouse workers are creating US hotspots for the spread of the Chinese virus.
Neil Munro writing at Breitbarttakes a stab at finding out why the mainstream media, populated by Leftwing ideologues, have for years been on the side of the meat industry (I dubbed it BIG MEAT a number of years ago) as are the refugee resettlement contractors (six of nine are ‘religious’ charities)*** which have been acting as head hunters for globally owned corporations for decades. (See Bill Clinton brings refugee laborers to Iowa linked below.)
Wouldn’t you think the Lefties would be on the side of the struggling worker rather than acting like they are doing migrants and refugees a giant favor by admitting them to America and placing them in dreadful working conditions (now being exposed in the COVID crisis)?
There are many reasons they have turned a blind eye, but I think Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies provides one answer.
NYT Says Immigrants ‘Mourn’ Loss of Deadly, Low-Wage Meatpacking Jobs
Immigrants are “mourning” the loss of low-wage jobs in a Chinese-owned, crowded slaughterhouse run by Smithfield Foods in Sioux Falls, SD, according to an article in the New York Times.
Smithfield Foods, Inc., is a meat-processing company based in Smithfield, Virginia, in the United States, and a wholly-owned subsidiary of WH Group of China.
The main character in the story is an immigrant from Sudan who has worked “11-hour days at Smithfield, six times a week for nearly seven years,” says the April 15 article:
The Chinese-owned hog disassembly plant has been shut down indefinitely after 600 workers caught the Chinese coronavirus while working alongside each other.
“Why would lefties be supporting this?” asked Mark Krikorian, the director of the Center for Immigration Studies. “The immigrants are working for low wages in terrible jobs!” The answer is that progressives prefer to pose as the defenders of migrants against claimed threats from ordinary Americans, he said, not from the real economic exploitation by employers.
The article ignores the American workers at the Sioux Falls mill and instead lauds migrants and refugees, most of whom are assigned jobs at the slaughterhouse by the government-funded refugee settlement groups that bring them into the United States as refugees.
Establishment journalists are now eager to downplay the painful impact of cheap migrant labor on Americans, Corcoran said. “The reporters are basically working for these globalist companies, for Brazil’s JBS [USA Holdings] and for China’s Smithfield Foods [in Sioux Falls]. They are carrying the water because they want more immigration. They are willing to overlook these workplace conditions, and that Americans would do these jobs if they paid enough — as they did at one time.”
Worshiping the god of diversity!
Who cares what the working conditions are when the Left is busy changing America by changing the people!
S**** the working conditions, we get diversity!
The reporters’ underlying message is that the migrants’ pain and labor are worth trading to get more diversity, said Krikorian. “These holier-than-thou-types [are] saying ‘We are doing such a good thing by letting them in the country, when it is, in fact, horrible work, but it is all so good in the end because we get diversity.’”
If you bother to read the NYT story Munro dissects, although not explicitly stated, there is an underlying message that these poor migrants are slaving away to provide our hams and bacon in Trump’s mean America.
See my BIG MEAT archive byclicking here. I had already been writing about meatpackers within the first year of writing RRW and their refugee labor appetites when I came across this news in 2008 about how Bill Clinton first came up with the idea of supplying his meatpacking buddies with Bosnian refugee laborers—in Iowa!
And, on the issue of health, maybe one day, it won’t be COVID we are talking about, but some of the other diseases we don’t screen for as migrants enter the US—I can dream!
*** For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that operate as a huge conveyor belt monopolizing all refugee placement in America. Some have received direct funding from meat giants.
And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.
The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?
I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.
Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Reviewhas gotten his teeth firmly sunk into the issue of the deceptive and dysfunctional Refugee Admissions Program and is sounding off much more articulately than I could ever do—he says many Republicans who claim to be conservatives aren’t really in the battle over the major issue of our time (or any time), immigration.
Case in point is the number of Republican governors, endorsed by Trump, who have now turned tail and “betrayed” him, says Horowitz
He also throws sharp barbs at so-called ‘conservative’ media that is mesmerized by impeachment and what the Democrat candidates are saying at their boring debates while a major civilizational issue goes unnoticed.
BTW, I noticed that other than Tucker, Fox News did not follow the Republican governors pandering to the Left and kissing-up to the refugee contractors. I’m not sure Texas Governor Abbott’s tough standwas even mentioned.
If you read nothing else over the weekend, please read this Breitbart story (and you can also access the audio of the interview):
(LOL! And, I am going to know if you click on the link to read the story because my blog stats tells me how many of you follow a link!)
Daniel Horowitz: Trump-Endorsed GOP Governors Betray President’s Immigration Agenda
Most Republican governors endorsed by President Donald Trump during their gubernatorial campaigns are “betraying” the president’s immigration agenda said Daniel Horowitz, host of the Conservative Review podcast, offering his remarks on Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host John Binder.
Horowitz mentions Breitbart reporters John Binder (pictured) and Neil Munro as two conservative writers who do focus on the greatest issue for the future of America First—immigration.
Binder invited Horowitz’s comment on a federal judge’s blocking of Trump’s executive order allowing communities and states to stop refugee resettlement.
“A judge can’t affirmatively grant a visa,” explained Horowitz. “Even if the judge would be correct on the merits, there is no standing. Refugees can’t get standing to come here. So what do they do? They have non-profit groups — and this is unbelievable, it’s as self-censored as it gets — the nine VOLAG (Volunteer Agency) groups, these are the contractors that get taxpayer funds — $3.5 billion over ten years to transform our neighborhoods and our communities — they get standing to say, ‘Wait a minute. Well, if states can reject refugees, then there will be fewer of them admitted and resettled, and guess what? We’re going to get less revenue, so we have an actionable grievance.’”
Horowitz went on, “It’s the most vivid illustration of what I call, ‘social transformation without representation.’ The key decisions in a republic have to flow directly from the people or through the people’s representatives, and there’s no greater decision that a society makes than the future orientation of that society, [who] become members, the future of their communities, their neighborhoods, and here, like you mentioned, you have all unaccountable, unelected players — the U.N., State Department bureaucrats, and private, self-centered, taxpayer-funded contractors whose executives get $400,000 salaries — [transforming] our neighborhoods with no questions about the prudence of their decisions.”
Horowitz said, “Trump gave us a gift where we could decide a national civilization issue at a local grassroots level and yet the left is on the field — our side didn’t even know this was happening — they’re winning in counties Trump carried by 40 points, Burleigh County, North Dakota, and that is because 90 percent of the Republicans that are elected are on the other side. Trump endorsed most of these governors, almost all of them, and yet we have this generic tweet — ‘Tough on crime. Good on immigration.’ — and incidentally, they’re all terrible on crime and immigration.”
“Someone needs to get to the president and say, ‘Look, these guys are betraying what you started doing,’” determined Horowitz.
I’ve only snipped a small segment of Horowitz brilliant analysis of where we are on the issue of refugee resettlement and immigration generally, but indeed much of what he says applies across the board on where the Republican elected officials stand today—mostly not in the fight at all.
See my post yesterday.I said that our side isn’t organized enough and that this episode with the governors demonstrated that.
The three major immigration restriction groups (headquartered in the Washington, DC area) are not doing any significant grassroots organizing on the issue of refugee resettlement and so we have to establish something new and I hope to be working on rectifying that soon.
But, first, as we start to build a network, be sure to find your place in the Presidential campaign. We need to buy another four years with Trump at the helm and he has to know that if he wins he is going to be beholden to immigration hawks!