Federal Agents Expelling Children/Infants Due to Covid-19 Concerns

That is the type of headline I’ve seen often in recent days as the Trump Administration works to protect Americans from further spread of the Chinese virus by blocking and immediately returning illegal border crossers.

Editor:  By the way, don’t miss my post on Friday at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ about former refugee Rep. Ilhan Omar’s fraudulent marriage and the decision by the feds not to pursue a case against her.

What these stories, about so-called “unaccompanied children,” won’t tell you is that the vast majority—72% (FY19 numbers)—are “children” ages 15-17 years old.  66% of the those little darlings are teenage males, according to data at the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement.

In FY19 (there isn’t any FY20 data available) we admitted 69,488 “children.”

Therefore over 50,000 were over the age of 15!  At age 18 they are free to go!

So don’t get ideas that little frightened five-year-olds are held alone in hotel rooms waiting for big bad Don to send them packing as the legacy media wants you to believe.

Here is a story at CBS News that caught my eye:

Migrant kids to be expelled under virus order not entitled to attorneys and other safeguards, DOJ lawyers say

The Trump administration is arguing that migrant children set to be expelled from the country under an emergency coronavirus order are not entitled to legal safeguards guaranteed to all minors in U.S. immigration custody.

In a court filing on Tuesday, Justice Department lawyers argued that migrant minors processed under a public health order meant to curb the coronavirus’ spread are not in the “legal custody” of the U.S. immigration officials who physically detain them. Instead, the government lawyers said, the children are in the “legal custody” of public health officials they never interact with while on U.S. soil.

Citing that distinction, the Trump administration says these children are not covered under the landmark Flores Settlement Agreement, which guarantees minors access to lawyers, safe and sanitary housing facilities and prompt release from U.S. government detention.

During the pandemic, Department of Homeland Security officials have been relying on a directive issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to bounce most border-crossers off U.S. soil. More than 109,000 of these expulsions were carried out in July, June, May, April and the last 11 days of March.

Like adults, most migrant children who arrive at the border unaccompanied or with their families have been processed and expelled under the CDC order. Despite a federal law generally requiring their transfer to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, only 162 migrant children were transferred to the agency’s state-licensed shelters in April, May and June — a time period in which more than 3,300 apprehensions of unaccompanied minors were made by officials at the southern border.

The exact number of children who have been expelled under the CDC order is unknown, as the Trump administration has declined to disclose figures. There are fewer than 800 unaccompanied minors in the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which has the capacity to care for more than 13,000 children at a time.

There is more here.  And, another story at ABC blasting the Trump administration too.

I was most interested in the fact that so few were placed with contractors.  We know that Catholic Charities and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) have lucrative contracts to not only resettle refugees, but also to ‘care’ for the kids.

So, of course, I figured those contractors were hurting for payola as the numbers of refugees and unaccompanied alien children were both way down.

Lutherans rolling in bucks!

I checked USA Spending to see how LIRS is doing under the Trump Administration because four years ago contractors like LIRS were crying the blues about how their mostly federal funding would dry up.

Well, it hasn’t!  LIRS was granted by you, the taxpayer, $71 million in the last twelve months to take care of the children.  72% of that money went to take care of the mostly teenage boys, and for several months there were very few of those allowed to even stay in the country.

They are getting as much or more in funding from the Trump Administration as they got under Obama!  They will be able to get right back to full steam ahead if Biden wins in November!


Note these bars represent fiscal years that run from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30th.


Red Cross: Expect Huge Wave of Migrants When Borders Open, Vaccine Arrives

“We should not be surprised if there is a massive impact on migration in the coming months and years.”

(Jagan Chapagain, head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)

Last week the head of the International Red Cross made news when he predicted a huge new wave of migrants/refugees attempting to break into Europe (and elsewhere) driven by hunger at home and the promise of a shot to magically make the Chinese Virus go away.

He was primarily focusing on predictions for Europe, but it would all surely apply to our US borders as well.

See my post at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ this morning about measures the Dems would like to put in place to hamstring any efforts to curtail migration.  You can expect those to be on the front burner if the President loses to Joe Biden in November and the House and Senate are controlled by radical Dems.

Central Americans rushing Mexico border in 2018


From MedicalXpress:

Coronavirus crisis could spark ‘massive’ new migration: Red Cross

The devastating economic toll the coronavirus crisis is taking around the world could spark huge waves of fresh migration once borders reopen, the head of the Red Cross warned in an interview.

Jagan Chapagain, head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), told AFP he was deeply concerned about the secondary effects of the pandemic.

Jagan Chapagain

“Increasingly we are seeing in many countries the impacts on the livelihoods and the food situation,” he said in an interview at IFRC’s headquarters in Geneva late on Wednesday.

The pandemic and the lockdowns and border closures imposed to halt the spread of the virus have been destroying livelihoods around the planet and are expected to drive many millions more into poverty.

Many people are already faced with the choice of risking exposure to the novel coronavirus or going hungry, Chapagain said, warning that the desperation being generated could have far-reaching consequences.

“What we hear is that many people who are losing livelihoods, once the borders start opening, will feel compelled to move,” he said.

“We should not be surprised if there is a massive impact on migration in the coming months and years.”


More migration forced on people by desperate circumstances, he said, will result in numerous “tragedies along the way”, including more deaths at sea, human trafficking and exploitation.


Chapagain, a Nepali humanitarian who took over as IFRC Secretary-General in February, also voiced concern that perceived health inequalities in the face of the pandemic might also provoke a rise in migration.

“People could feel that there is a better chance of survival on the other side of the sea,” he said, adding that another major factor would be “the availability of vaccines”.

The World Health Organization is spearheading a push to try to ensure that any coronavirus vaccine developed be deemed a “global public good”, to be made available in an equitable manner across the globe. [My personal guess is that there won’t be a vaccine anytime soon.—ed]

But the United States and others are racing to secure stocks of promising vaccine candidates, and many fear that wealthy nations and groups might gain access to the jabs first.

“If people see that the vaccine is say, for example, available in Europe but not in Africa, what happens? People want to go to a place where vaccines are available,” Chapagain said.

More here.

This post is filed in my extensive ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

Changing the subject!

Although I am continuing to post here at RRW, I believe google and others have limited the number of readers who find this blog as Tucker Carlson reported is happening, see here.

Somehow they have not discovered ‘Frauds and Crooks’ yet, so a good number of new readers are finding it.  That is why, a post, like the one I wrote yesterday about the Somali refugee wanted on kidnapping and possible murder charges, is posted there.

It could also be that my recent lack of interest in posting at Facebook and Twitter has slowed RRW‘s readership.

Houston: Poor Refugees/Immigrants Get Chinese Virus While Rich Whites Don’t

Well, that is what the New York Times wants you to believe.

I’m not interested enough to search the data, but this story from Houston is a familiar one as the legacy media wants you to believe that the Chinese virus can find the poor and downtrodden while the rich are spared.

You know it isn’t true and as a matter of fact, as my continuous reporting on refugee camps worldwide has demonstrated, packing hundreds of thousands of unwashed people into squalid living conditions hasn’t hastened the spread of the virus.

You can read the story yourself, but I was interested in a bit at the end about an unhappy Burundian refugee and wondered how Burundians are now flowing to America.  And, why on earth we are still bringing them!



Remember it was only ten days ago that I reported that a Burundian refugee in Washington State was supportive of the Black Lives Matter movement.

NYT story posted at the Baltimore Sun:

The virus found a crowded Houston neighborhood, sparing one nearby

At an African market in another part of the neighborhood, Anaclet Rukata said that he had friends who had become ill but that he worried less about the virus than about his uncertain future.

A 39-year-old refugee from Burundi, he lost his job with a catering company in the Chevron headquarters when the pandemic caused the first wave of closures. His 55-year-old mother, also a refugee, lost her job too, he said.

That day, he was working behind the counter as a favor to a friend who owns the market. “He doesn’t make enough money to pay me,” Rukata said.

And he had just received word by email that his unemployment benefits would be cut off at the end of the month.

Can’t Mr. Rukata’s resettlement agency pony-up some funds to help him survive?

Does it make any sense to bring one more impoverished, low skilled refugee to live in America when so many Americans are unemployed and suffering? NO!

So, in summary, we are mucking around in Africa, in tiny Burundi, which has a corrupt leader and the consequent unrest which since 2015 has caused hundreds of thousands to flee the country to neighboring countries.

Those countries don’t want them and somehow it becomes our responsibility to deposit them in poor neighborhoods in America where they catch the COVID, complain, and jump on the BLM bandwagon. Does any of that make sense?

I just checked the data and we admitted 2,591 Burundians to the US since FY2015 (through today).  2,591 most likely unemployed and BLM agitators in the making!


Again, Refugee Camps are NOT Experiencing the Chinese Virus in Great Numbers

Months ago I began following the dire warnings from the international humanitarian industry and its media arm about the “vulnerable” refugees living cheek by jowl in massive camps where social distancing and wearing masks is not happening.

But, surprisingly the high numbers of cases and deaths that have been predicted are not happening.

See my previous posts here, here, and here for example.

An April 2nd AP story about the highly anticipated spread of the virus among the world’s most “vulnerable.” https://apnews.com/5bf8d0ce6f3ff0e2746317ba372d0999


This morning I dutifully (because I promised I would continue reporting on the topic) began searching for any updates that might have happened while I was busy on other issues over the last couple of weeks, and guess what!

There is no explosion of cases, no COVID “wildfire” blowing through camps.

The only story of any interest was this one, but it mostly focuses on the fear/mistrust Bangladeshis have of the Rohingya refugees living in their country—fear that the refugees are spreading disease, which they aren’t.

I know you have more important concerns, but I think it is very strange that the predicted “carnage” has not arrived.  The lack of spread raises questions about the whole concept of social distancing as a means to stop the virus.

From Nikkei Asian Review:

Rohingya scapegoated as Bangladesh battles COVID-19

DHAKA — “Two more Rohingya die from corona: Locals in panic” — screamed a recent newspaper headline in southeastern Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar.

Social media has sometimes been equally hysterical. One college teacher posted on Facebook that lack of awareness about COVID-19 among Rohingya refugees from Myanmar “will lead to our collapse.”

In August 2017, more than 740,000 mostly Muslim Rohingya fled a brutal military crackdown in northwestern Myanmar’s Rakhine state and entered Bangladesh as refugees. The United Nations described it as a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing.” Bangladesh already had 200,000 refugees from earlier Rohingya exoduses that began in the 1970s.

The novel coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated resentment in the densely populated country toward the refugees, and also brought further uncertainty to their chances of repatriation.


Abdul Mozid, a rural physician, runs a drug store near Kutupalong camp, a sprawling settlement made of bamboo and plastic sheets that is home to over 500,000 refugees. “Camps are like slums,” he told the Nikkei Asian Review. “People are scared that this will spread the coronavirus.”

More here, but it is mostly about the Rohingya Muslims and the fact that Burma, a Buddhist country that wants to remain Buddhist, doesn’t want them there, populating and pushing for Muslim control of the country.  LOL! The article doesn’t say it, but that is what is happening.

There was this other interesting bit of new news on the issue of the Chinese virus and its impact on refugees, or lack of any great health impact so far.

It is about a World Health Organization study where they are trying to assess the impact of COVID-19 on refugees and migrants.  It is called ‘Apart Together.’

Maybe because they aren’t finding enough sick refugees, they are switching focus to find out about the “psychosocial impact of COVID-19.”

(I assume planning to use the results to badger western countries once the panic dies down.)

ApartTogether is a global study to assess the public health social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugees and migrants. It is a collaboration between World Health Organization, across its regional offices, the UN System, and a consortium of research centres led by Ghent University (Belgium) and the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). The study aims to better understand how refugees and migrants experience the psychosocial impact of COVID-19 and how they deal with any challenges that have arisen.

In collaboration with key UN partners, the insights from this survey will be used to inform policy and decision-makers on how they can better support refugees and migrants during and after this pandemic. The survey runs until 31 August 2020.

Who is Going to Pay the Rent for Hundreds of Thousands of Refugee Tenants?

Who do you think?

As the Chinese virus tanks our economy, it will be those of you still able to pay taxes!  Either local tax dollars will go directly to the refugees, or local landlords will get bailouts (your tax dollars too).

Over the years I’ve watched landlord sharks seek out refugee tenants often working closely with federal refugee contractors and subcontractors in Democrat-run cities, but that whole system of cronyism could be crashing as we speak thanks to the Trump administration turning off the refugee spigot and the Chinese virus creating mass unemployment for the mostly low-skilled workers that have poured into the US as cheap refugee labor in the last few decades.

Will we soon see large numbers of refugees among the homeless, maybe.

This story in the Wall Street Journal today brought all of this to mind because I have been seeing stories here and there about how refugees are getting local financial assistance (with your money through local government agencies) when we have been promised for decades that the federal government bears the entire financial burden of refugee resettlement (NOT!).

I don’t have a subscription to the WSJ, but how great is this, the WSJ has a video with their story headlined:

Eviction Looms for Millions of Americans Who Can’t Afford Rent

This is Fadhila Hussein. She is a landlord in Schenectady, NY and owns over a dozen rental properties. She is now losing big bucks. I suspect her tenants are refugees and other immigrants. Watch the video at the WSJ link.


WASHINGTON—Millions of Americans who have missed rent payments due to the coronavirus pandemic could be at risk of being evicted in the coming months unless government measures to protect them are extended, economists and housing experts say.

Nearly 12 million adults live in households that missed their last rent payment, and 23 million have little or no confidence in their ability to make the next one, according to weekly Census Bureau data.

Who are the people who mostly can’t pay rent, I bet a large percentage are immigrants of all stripes who are losing work in the service industry and in food processing.  Can you say meatpackers!

Look around where you live and I will bet you find bailouts for immigrants coming from local tax dollars.  In just a couple minutes of searching I found this one for Illinois.

IDHS COVID-19 Resources for Immigrants and Refugees

See who gets to distribute the money in Illinois—radical Leftist groups like the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR)—so that the needy immigrants then see who they are beholden to! And, it is not you, the taxpayer!

Just a reminder that back in the heyday of the Obama administration Democrat mayors were squawking to Obama and telling him they wanted MORE refugees (100,000 at least) especially the Syrians saying their cities needed many more poor, uneducated citizens who would eventually vote for more Dems.

NO, they weren’t that truthful, they said they needed more refugees to help their cities grow into economic boom towns (to benefit landlords and the Chamber of Commerce). Well, no they didn’t say that exactly either, they just tried to make it look like they are humanitarians seeking to help the world’s less fortunate.

So let’s take a trip down memory lane and see which mayors were begging for more refugees—refugees who are now down and out.

Story from 2015:

18 US Mayors tell Obama: We want MORE Syrian (Muslim) refugees!

Here are the mayors (some may still be in office), but even if they aren’t whoever took over the mayoral job since 2015 is, you can be sure, of the same ilk…

We want over 100,000 refugees a year!

Ed Pawlowski, Mayor of Allentown, PA
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Mayor of Baltimore, MD
Martin J. Walsh, Mayor of Boston, MA
James Diossa, Mayor of Central Falls, RI
Mark Kleinschmidt, Mayor of Chapel Hill, NC
Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago, IL
Edward Terry, Mayor of Clarkston, GA
Nan Whaley, Mayor of Dayton, OH
Domenick Stampone, Mayor of Haledon, NJ
Pedro E. Segarra, Mayor of Hartford, CT
Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles, CA
Betsy Hodges, Mayor of Minneapolis, MN
Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City, NY
Jose Torres, Mayor of Paterson, NJ
William Peduto, Mayor of Pittsburgh, PA
Javier Gonzales, Mayor of Santa Fe, NM
Francis G. Slay, Mayor of St. Louis, MO
Stephanie A. Miner, Mayor of Syracuse, NY

Obama gave them almost as many as they wanted in fiscal year 2016 as he was walking out the door—almost 85,000 from 79 countries.

If you live in a Democrat-run city, you need to think about the possibility that your city could see more homelessness, strife and crime in the coming months, so please take time now and prepare for your family’s safety and well-being.  Consider moving!

See here and here.