I’ve told you about David Milibandin many previous posts. He is the former UK Labor Party Foreign Minister (his brother is known in the UK as “red Ed”) who came over to New York to head up the fabulously wealthy International Rescue Committee where he is sucking down a salary of $591,846 annually.
David Miliband: Have I got a cool gig or what? Living in Manhattan, deciding which third world migrants will be seeded into American towns, hobnobbing with Hillary, schmoozing Soros, smacking down Donald Trump, weighing in on British politics and being handsomely compensated by American taxpayers! Wow!
(The IRC is the wealthiest monetarily of nine federal refugee contractors, although we are told that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops handles a higher volume of refugees each year.)
Btw, if you follow Miliband even tangentially you will see he is still busy mucking around in British politics.
Here is some Lefty website called Death and Taxeson British national Miliband and that meany, Donald Trump:
“It’s not an exaggeration to say the very existence of refugee resettlement as a core aspect of the American story, and America’s role as a global leader in this area, is at stake,” David Miliband, president of the International Rescue Committee said.
I’m willing to give up our supposed “global leader” role, aren’t you? (But, wait, didn’t we just hear from Human Rights Watchthat Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon are the global leaders giving protection to refugees?).
Here is erudite reporter Tosten Burks at Death and Taxeson Trump White House aid Stephen Miller (LOL! this was my tip-off about the nature of this ‘magazine’):
During a meeting at the White House on Tuesday, Homeland Security officials proposed a 2018 cap of 40,000, the Times reports. Racist booger Stephen Miller has pushed for an even lower cap of 15,000, sources said. No final decision has been made.
This post is filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category, here.
I reported the news here. The giant New York City-based International Rescue Committeewas found to be placing refugee families in housing that violated local codes and surprise! a local reporter investigated the story.
The original investigation was posted on KPBS (not a rightwing news outlet!).
Over the ten years I’ve been writing about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program I’ve rarely seen investigations of any of the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors***.
There were a couple of cases elsewhere in the country where a contractor failed to deliver on their DOS contract, left refugees in the lurch in bug infested housing, and where the story was picked up by the mainstream media, but they are rare.
This update by reporter Tarryn Mento is posted at something calledinewsource housed, we are told, inside KPBS.
The national headquarters of the International Rescue Committee says it has found problems with the way its San Diego branch placed refugees in homes. The announcement follows a KPBS investigation into allegations that refugees were told to sign falsified rental documents to get their large families into apartments.
In a statement to KPBS Tuesday, the IRC’s national office in New York said: “We unfortunately have identified housing placement practices in San Diego which were inconsistent with the IRC’s policies and code of conduct. In response, we have taken steps to reinforce housing-related policies and practices with local staff and we have engaged with and are supporting families who may have been impacted.”
Of course the arrogant IRC isn’t going to talk! Reporters will learn that secrecy is the watchword when it comes to the placement of refugees.
KPBS repeatedly requested a phone interview with the IRC’s national office to learn more about its findings and how it was helping families, but the agency has not replied.San Diego IRC Executive Director David Murphy has also not responded to requests for comment.
In 2014, IRC CEO David Miliband traveled to San Diego and announced that they were sending more Syrians there. Miliband, a pal of Hillary and Bill, is a Brit making decisions for American towns and cities. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/03/01/brit-who-heads-international-rescue-committee-lets-send-some-more-syrians-to-san-diego/
A spokeswoman for the U.S. State Department, which awards federal dollars to resettlement agencies, said in an email that the agency was satisfied with the measures taken by the IRC.
“The State Department requested that IRC conduct a thorough investigation into the allegations, and they have communicated to us that they have taken appropriate action to ensure that all refugees resettled through IRC in San Diego are served in full compliance with all relevant programs, guidelines, and codes,” the spokeswoman said.
The State Department simply took the word of its contractor! (I think the contractors lead the DOS around by the nose!).
But, see what the reporter found out when she went back to the families!
One of the stories I hear repeatedly is that the refugee contractors have special inside deals with landlords and owners of inner-city housing. Let’s have some more disinfecting sunshine on that issue!
Tell the President and Congress that the US Refugee Admissions Program should be suspended and the contractors thoroughly investigated!
*** For new readers, these are the Federal contractors/middlemen/employment agencies/propagandists/lobbyists/community organizers? paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities listed below. Under the nine major contractors are hundreds of subcontractors.
The contractors income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, but they also receive myriad grants to service their “New Americans.”
If you are a good-hearted soul and think refugee resettlement is all about humanitarianism, think again!Big businesses/global corporations depend on the free flow of cheap (some call it slave) labor. It is for this reason that Republican leaders of Congress are supportive of an uninterrupted flow of refugees into America.
The only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove these contractors/Leftwing activists/big business head hunters from the process.
Sheesh! A few minutes ago we told youabout the huge US refugee contractor—the IRC—working with Starbucks to find refugee employees to make your morning coffees in the San Diego area, and up pops more news (not good news!) about the IRC there.
This sort of news will result in a cry for more start-up money for refugees. It will never result in formal questions being asked by Congress about whether we are bringing in more refugees than we can afford!
Three large refugee families that a local nonprofit helped resettle at an El Cajon apartment complex are being asked to move because they have too many people living in their homes.
They came forward after KPBS aired an investigation nearly two weeks ago about other refugee families who said the same resettlement agency — the International Rescue Committee in San Diego — put them into too-small apartments by encouraging them to sign leases that omitted the names of some occupants.
IRC’s national office in New York has said it is investigating the recent claims made by refugees. In an email Tuesday, a spokesman said the office is aware of the new cases, which it is also looking into, “and is supporting our clients through their next steps.”
What say you, David? IRC CEO David Miliband giving George Soros their highest award in 2013. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2013/11/09/federal-refugee-contractor-gives-freedom-award-to-george-soros/
The three families, who moved into their two-bedroom apartments last year, said they received the 30-day notices to vacate a day after KPBS’s story was published on July 27. A manager for the complex, which is under new ownership, said only five people are allowed in a two-bedroom apartment. Two of the families have eight members, while another has seven.
Lalmir Hamdard, a refugee from Afghanistan who arrived here in September, said he relied on an IRC translator to help him sign the English-language lease. A copy of the document provided to KPBS showed five names on the lease instead of all eight members of his family.
“At the time, I didn’t understand it in English — even my daughters with little English didn’t understand,” he said in Farsi through a translator. “I only understood that it said here, ‘Write this, sign here, do this.’ And I did.”
Two neighboring Syrian families who speak Arabic shared similar stories. They would have to find a three-bedroom apartment, which would be more expensive, and they are already having trouble keeping up with rent on their two-bedroom units.However, even a larger apartment may not be big enough depending on a complex’s policy.
Nice to see some real investigative journalism for a change, but reporter needs to ask….
Where is the US State Department that oversees agreements with its contractors (the IRC is one of nine that contracts with the federal government to place refugees) which surely include rules about how many tenants are in each apartment or house?
We have a huge archive on the IRC and its head honcho—David Miliband—here. Go here to see my latest financial accounting for the IRC.
Don’t miss the expose’ from Charles Johnson at GotNews from last week on one of the nine fake non-profit groups*** responsible for placing refugees in your cities and towns.
As I said in my previous post, the first and foremost requirement for any reform of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program is to bar these supposedly ‘charitable’ groups from receiving tax dollars which they can then use to work against us and this White House. LOL! That is IRC CEO Miliband with “propaganda puppet” Elmo! And you pay Miliband’s salary of over a half a million bucks a year! Daily Mail mocks! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4649082/CNN-mocked-featuring-Elmo-panel-travel-ban.html
We have extensive archives on the International Rescue Committeeand its present leader David Miliband. Don’t miss my January post—Trump could save millions by cutting off the IRC!
From GotNews(hat tip Richard at Blue Ridge Forum@highblueridge):
Deep state agents within the Department of Health and Human Services, the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development have paid over $115 million to the International Rescue Committee (IRC) nonprofit that is fighting President Donald J. Trump’s America-first ban on immigration from countries with huge populations seeking to do citizens harm.
The International Rescue Committee led by former U.K. Labour politician David Miliband has come under fire since the organization’s Tuesday release on World Refugee Day of an anti-sovereignty self-promotional video calling for greater Muslim immigration to Western countries.
Go here to see the video and the proof about how much of your money they are sucking down. About the photo: On the left is CNN’s Clarissa Ward. She has been hosting the early a.m. show with Chris Cuomo this week. Watch sometime and see if you agree with me that Ward looks like she is constantly sucking on a lemon!
*** These are the fake non-profits largely funded by US taxpayers to place refugees in cities and towns (and which use their financial power to propagandize against the Trump White House)!
This story is from about ten days ago (just getting around to posting it). What it says to me is that the resettlement contractors are a) pretty worried that the Trump Administration will come in low when it sends its FY18 ‘determination’ to the Hill in September, and b) they aren’t going to push an office where the Congressman for the area is totally opposed to it. On that last point, I am going to continue to hammer every day that you must hound your member of Congress on the refugee program.
In my opinion, the only way to bring about reform is for the Trump Administration to send a determination for ZERO refugees for FY18 and demand Congress get to work reforming the monstrosity. As it stands now the Republican leadership wants more cheap refugee labor available for big business and the Dems want reliable Democrat voters. Taxpayers foot the bill!
Here is the news from Asheville (from the Citizen-Times). And, btw, since 9/11 North Carolina is #13 on the list of states ‘welcoming’ refugees. It received 30,827 refugees in that time (overall, the US admitted 917,639 since FY2002).
ASHEVILLE – A global aid and humanitarian organization announced Thursday it was cancelling plans to make Asheville a resettlement site for 150 refugees.
The move comes six months after the inauguration of Republican President Donald Trump and one year since staff with the International Rescue Committee conducted an exploratory visit in Asheville.
Sean Piazza at linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/seanpiazza
During meetings with stakeholders last June, the IRC received “overwhelming” support to move forward, said Sean Piazza, a spokesman for the large nonprofit. [LOL! even the reporter here knows this is a large nonprofit!—ed]
But, executive orders issued by the new administration place in question admission of refugees to the United States in 2017 and beyond, he said.
“Unfortunately, in light of these current policies, IRC is not in a position to continue opening an office in Asheville,” Piazza said.
The IRC is in conversation with the Trump administration to ensure the United State’s commitment to offering a safe haven for the world’s most vulnerable citizens, Piazza said.
“We ask supportive communities to convey this same message to your members of Congress,” said Piazza.
“We appreciate the warm reception and support we received in Asheville.”
Rep. Mark Meadows strong opposition likely played a role in the IRC’s abandonment of the Asheville site.
The IRC helped resettle nearly 10,000 refugees in 2015 including people from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.
Even before Trump’s orders, the expansion of refugee services into Western North Carolina was challenged some of the region’s more conservative residents.
U.S. Rep. Mark Meadows, R-Buncombe, opposed the IRC’s plan in August.
Meanwhile in Montana another IRC office is limping along
The International Rescue Committee is responsible for opening Montana to refugees (there was a small resettlement program there years ago), but against strong opposition, they convinced the US State Department in 2016 to let them open a new site in Missoula. At present, Montana is #47 on the list of states ‘welcoming’ refugees (only Hawaii, Mississippi and Wyoming received less). Here is recent news on that program. See my Montana archive by clicking here.
So where else is the large, very rich and powerful IRC working?
Here is a list of the citieswhere the International Rescue Committee is planting third-world poverty (their effort to get a foothold in NC has failed for now):
And, since I hadn’t checked the IRC’s finances lately, I figured it was a good time to check a recent Form 990. (BTW, this is the first time I am using this ProPublica website. Try it out!) The IRC is about 67% funded by taxpayers (yesterday we learned that EMM is 99.5% funded by you, the American taxpayer!)
In addition to the income in my screenshot (below), they have another $1,451,183 listed as IOM Loan Collection Fee. This is your money too. The contractors are the collection agencies for the loan given to refugees for their airfare to your town and as the collection agency they get a cut of what they collect from the financially struggling refugees. (LOL! this is justified as teaching refugees how to handle their money and their debt!).
Doing well by doing good!
Miliband center with George Soros and Soros Jr. Editor: Let me be clear! If this was a private organization raising private funds, I wouldn’t care what kind of salaries they pay, but since approximately 67% of their annual income comes from taxpayers, this becomes our business!
The most fun part of reporting on the refugee contractors*** finances is always the salaries page of the Form 990. Here is the page from the same Form 990 I got the income from above.
David Miliband, the CEO of the IRC, is a British national who was the former Labor Foreign Secretary. He was feted when he arrived in New York City to take the reins of the IRC by the likes of Bill Clinton, George Soros and Samantha Power, here.
See my David Miliband archive here. He was the first to call for Obama to bring in 65,000 Syrians in one year!
Drum roll please! Here are the top salaries at the IRC (most are higher than most members of Congress/Senators, here).
Look at it this way, you are paying 67% of these peoples’ salaries as they make decisions affecting your neighborhood!
I know this is getting long, but the more I think about it, if what you have read concerns you, you should consider writing a real letter (not a call or e-mail) to your member of Congress and US Senators and demand that the US Refugee Admissions program be defunded until an effort is made to reform it.
Because of the huge amounts of money sent from the US Treasury to these supposed non-profits for their ‘charitable’ work, there is never any incentive to slow the flow for any reason. The Refugee Act of 1980 has set up a permanent class of activist lobbying groups who will naturally scream bloody murder if the flow is slowed because it is attached to their budgetary bottom lines.
And, if you do write a real letter, tell your representatives that you expect a letter in response. Please feel free to take anything from these pages!
*** For new readers, these are the nine federal refugee contractors that monopolize the admissions program (and lobby Congress for more and more refugees!).