Human rights activists, of course, condemn such action!
Invasion of Europe News…
Remember this story from 2006 as you read about how those mean Danes want to send Syrians home!
In 2006, Syrians in Damascus torched the Danish embassy over those Mohammed cartoons. And, yet now Danes are expected to welcome and pay for the upkeep of Syrian Muslim refugees!
Thousands of angry Syrian demonstrators storm the Danish Embassy in Damascus, Syria, on Saturday and set fire to the Embassy building in protest of offensive caricatures of Islam’s prophet. . (AP Photo Bassem Tellawi).
Denmark may return Syria refugees as Damascus area deemed ‘safe’
(Should have blocked their entry in the first place!)
Denmark is considering sending Syrian refugees home as it deems areas under the regime of President Bashar Al-Assad in Damascus safe, Sputnik reported.
The Danish government is fast-tracking a review of residence permits for some 900 Syrian refugees from Damascus, claiming that Damascus is safe, leaving there no reason for them to warrant Temporary Protected Status (TPS).
In the announcement, Danish Integration Minister Mattias Tesfaye said that any refugees forced to return would be given travel money.
“Last year, there were almost 100,000 refugees returning to Syria from the surrounding areas. I think it is fair that the people who live here in Europe also return home if they don’t need protection,” Tesfaye added.
The announcement has come under severe criticism from human rights campaigners who point out that no area of Syria is currently safe to return to.
Some Syrian experts condemned the decision emphasising that anyone who returns is at risk, and that Denmark is setting a dangerous precedent for the treatment of Syrians by EU countries.
Meanwhile, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees stressed that there was no prospect for a peaceful solution to the long-standing conflict in Syria.
Elisabeth Arnsdorf Haslund
“Unless the situation in Syria is significantly improved in terms of ensuring protection for the population, UNHCR calls on states that have received Syrian refugees – including Denmark – to continue their protection,” UNHCR spokeswoman Elisabeth Arnsdorf Haslund said.
Since 2019, the Danish government has been considering that Damascus and its region are safe places and says the refugees must return there.
Last December, Denmark became the first country to deny a Syrian asylum seeker on the basis that the country is safe,despite continued killings of civilians due to air strikes.
It strikes me that there is a major fly in the expensive ointment! They can return to Denmark if they find they can’t hack it back home.
I sure hope there is a provision that says they must repay the taxpayers of Denmark the money they received to leave should they choose to go back to Denmark.
71 Syrians have been paid since May 1st this year by the Danish state to leave the country and return home, figures from the Danish Refugee Council show.
Each left the country with at least 140,000 kroner paid to them by the Danish state through an incentive scheme introduced under the previous government.
That is about $15,000 US dollars!
None had left the country under the scheme prior to May 1st.
New rules took effect this year, meaning that Syrian refugees who live in Denmark do not immediately lose their right to residence if they return home.
They now have up to a year in which they can change their minds about the decision. The addition of this clause has encouraged people to take up the option, according to the Danish Refugee Council (DRC).
“Many people simply feel that it is too difficult to enter the jobs market and get established in Denmark,” the council’s head of asylum Eva Singer told Kristeligt Dagblad.
“The money makes a difference to their considerations but also means thay can change their minds if Syria turns out to be too dangerous,” Singer added.
Syrians are not the only nationality encompassed by the incentive programme.
During the first ten months of this year, 438 refugees and migrants left Denmark with such a payment from the state.
The Ministry of Immigration and Integration told Kristeligt Dagblad that it expects to spend 102 million kroner this year paying refugees to return home.
I once suggested we consider such a payment plan for certain migrants to America, but many of my readers screamed bloody murder and suggested we simply deport them!
Of course the obvious flaw in Denmark’s plan is the escape clause which allows them to return to Denmark within the year if they don’t like it at home.
I have an extensive ‘Invasion of Europe’ archivegoing back at least ten years, but alas have not added to it lately, not because there isn’t enough news (the invasion continues), but for lack of time.
Citing Japan, Israel and Denmark, Ann Coulter muses, hereat The Hill about why some countries aren’t being widely blasted as “racist” for not welcoming masses of Middle Easterners and Africans to their tiny bits of the world.
But, we are expected to open the flood gates to America!
Ann Coulter: Can’t America have a little self-respect on immigration?
Couldn’t America have a little self-respect? Japan, Denmark and Israel do.
A must read!
Year after year, for decades, America has accepted more refugees than the rest of the world combined. No country we admire does anything close to this.
Score one for Donald Trump: In 2017, after he became president, our refugee admissions finally dipped slightly below “more than every other country in the world combined.” Go USA!
These aren’t immigrants the host country specifically wanted. We’re not saying, “You know, this country could use some people who know how to restore 17th-century woodwork” or “Wow, this guy and his wife are both neurosurgeons!” Refugee admissions to America are so reckless that this country has taken in Iraqis who deployed IEDs against our own troops and, in at least one case, one of the perpetrators — not victims — of the Rwandan genocide.
The New York Timesexplained Japan’s highly restrictive immigration policies as proceeding from “a desire to preserve their culture, a goal echoed by some conservative groups in the United States.” (Duh.)
And National Geographic clarified that Japan’s policy was simply a matter of the Japanese preferring “a racially unique and homogenous society.”
Luckily for the Japanese, they aren’t white, so this utterly logical, natural position on immigration didn’t trigger “white nationalist” alarm bells in our mainstream media.
I’m delighted to be able to say, see all of my posts going back nearly a dozen years on Japan,IsraelandDenmark.
You will learn that those three countries do get a lot of criticism for their restrictive refugee policies, but mostly from the international Leftists and the UN.
Endnote: If you are a new reader see ‘About’at the top of the page!
It isn’t just those mean ol’ eastern European countries like Hungary and Poland that are unwilling to accept refugees, Denmark has had enough. So has Austria and Italy.
Denmark refuses to take in UN quota refugees in 2018
Denmark said Thursday it would not take in any refugees under the UN’s quota system in 2018, focusing instead on integrating those recently arrived in the country.
In 2016, the Scandinavian country suspended its participation in the UN refugee quota system, and has yet to resume it.
Inger Stoejberg Immigration Minister. See the story from two years ago about Denmark taking valuables from migrants to help pay for their keep. The Left was very unhappy:
“We’re still in a situation where we’re struggling to integrate the many refugees who have come to Denmark in recent years,” Immigration Minister Inger Støjberg said in a statement.
So-called UN “quota refugees” are offered resettlement in a third country if the country where they first register as refugees cannot accommodate them.
A member of the liberal Venstre party in Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen’s conservative coalition government, Støjberg has orchestrated Denmark’s immigration policy since 2015.
“While an increasing number of refugees have entered the labour market, there are still too many who cannot support themselves,” she said.
In the meantime the right-of-center government is proposing to impose stricter criminal penalties in those 1,000 existing ghettos, or parallel societies.
Here is a story from a Leftist publication that says the Danish People’s Party wants to bulldoze these ghettos.
I found this latest news interesting as in the US we seem to be purposefully creating parallel societies as ethnic enclaves grow with the help and encouragement of Democrat political leaders, refugee contractors and local, state and federal government financial encouragement (come back later for my follow-up post).
The right-of-centre Conservative government is expected to unveil more details of its plan to impose more severe punishments in areas with relatively high numbers of immigrants. Lawlessness risks creating “parallel societies”, the government says.
Around 10 per cent of Denmark’s 5.6 million population are immigrants, 10 times more than in 1980.
You should know that George Soros has been promoting Somali migration to Denmark. See Open Society propaganda here:
The government’s “ghettos” have populations of more than 1,000 where more than 50 per cent of residents are non-western immigrants, with the latest list including 22 districts.
The government estimates that 28,000 immigrant families “live in a parallel society”, making up around half of the “ghetto” populations.
The largest ethnic groups in that category were Somali at 44 per cent and Lebanese with 41 per cent, the ministry reported.
The latest proposal was part of a drive to eliminate “ghettos” by 2030, Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said.
More here. Go herefor my complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’
More on Denmark, here.