Yesterday, when we reported on the befuddled Kevin Appleby trying to respond to Tucker Carlson’s questions about refugee crimes in America, we were stunned to see Appleby not be able to think of one case. Was he lying? Or is it possible he honestly doesn’t know because the cases we have reported on our pages never made national mainstream media news!
And, since the media (and refugee industry advocates) are now screaming bloody murder about the ‘pure as the driven snow’ Muslims who helped US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, below is a repost of a story from 2014:
Iraqi refugee rapist found guilty in Colorado; Diana West reports the story nationally
Author and one of the best investigative researchers in America, Diana West, has made the Colorado rape story a national story here at Townhall. As we noted in our report on the trial of “Steve-O,” an Iraqi man who “helped” American soldiers in Iraq and who in turn was granted asylum in the US because a soldier befriended him, horrific cases like this one rarely make national news in large part, I believe, because it goes against the melting pot mythology surrounding Islam and our immigration policy that has opened America’s doors to an alien culture.

But, Diana West, says it best at Townhall. See her blog post this week too, here. She did some serious digging and reveals that Jasim Ramadon (aka Steve-O, aka Jay Hendrix) was a problem from his earliest days in America. Why was that?
Two Iraqi men in their 20s have been convicted of a bloody sex crime in Colorado that left the victim, a woman in her 50s, in need of immediate surgery and a colostomy bag. Three other Iraqi men, also in their 20s,were convicted on lesser charges as accessories.
Four points set this case apart. First, there is its brutality: Law enforcement officers describe the July 2012 assault as “rare” and “horrific” and “one of the worst in Colorado history.” Second, all of these men once assisted U.S. military forces in Iraq as informants and interpreters. Third, every one of them received permanent residency status in the U.S., due in part to efforts made by U.S. military members on their behalf. Fourth, this extraordinary case and the ties that bind it to the U.S. military and the war in Iraq have received little coverage.
You must go read the whole thing! She has uncovered some amazing additional facts including the laughable news that Ramadon once made an appearance on Oprah.
Here is the conviction story from earlier in the week at The Gazette.
As I’ve said previously I would like to see some brave members of Congress introduce legislation that would put the financial burden of criminal trials and the cost of incarceration of “refugees” and “asylees” on the US State Department and not on the local county or state where the refugee has been placed.
There also needs to be thorough consideration of deportation in cases like this one. Send Ramadon back to Iraq and let him take the consequences there rather than burden the taxpayers of Colorado with the cost of his imprisonment for possibly a life term. Imagine the demands Ramadon’s “religion” is going to place on the prison system there.
We have a crimes category here at RRW with 2,064 previous posts. Not all the crimes listed are as heinous as this one and many of those posts are crimes committed elsewhere in the world by refugees and asylum seekers, but if any serious investigative reporters have any interest, it is a good place to start!