Minneapolis: Somali and African American students in high school brawl

…..and not for the first time!

Diversity is Beautiful alert!

Yesterday this brief news item was brought to my attention (hat tip: Anne Marie) and I see that Frontpage magazine is on the story too.
Although we know that the conflicts between Somalis and African Americans are more widespread and not limited to Minnesota, rarely does the media report on the tension.

Southwest high
There are no photos of the brawl that I could find. But, don’t miss the story about a student being assaulted at the same school yesterday because he was carrying a Trump flag across the street from the ‘peace’ walkout.  http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2018/03/14/trump-flag-assault/

My guess is that these incidents are not brought to the public’s attention because it goes against the PC multiculti myth (a myth that the media loves to advance) that those of the same brown skin color couldn’t possibly hate each other, but we have seen that clearly in the xenophobic unwelcoming black South Africans as well.
Here is the headline from Alpha News:

Safety concerns arise as violence continues to escalate at Minneapolis Southwest High School

And here are a few snips from the story:

MINNEAPOLIS – Safety concerns arise as violence continues to escalate at Southwest High School.

On top of an already failing administration, Southwest High School staff are struggling to maintain peace between students. Last Friday, March 2, multiple fights broke out during the school’s second lunch period. Despite attempts to sweep the issue under the rug and downplay the violence, persistent students and parents forced the administration to address the situation.


The fight was not limited to the two students, who were reported by classmates to be a Somali-American and an African American.

Over 20 students joined the chaos soon after the first punches were thrown and the original videos that surfaced were titled “Somalis vs. Blacks.” The original videos have been taken down due to pressure from school administration. The school’s resource officer was present in the cafeteria. In an attempt to control the situation, school officials put the cafeteria on lockdown for 15 minutes after the allotted 30-minute lunch period, keeping any students from leaving or entering, including the ones not involved. All staff members that were not otherwise occupied were called to action.

No police but, wow! 15 student resource officers called in from other schools!

The police were not called, but 15 student resource officers from other schools were called for backup. In an eyewitness video taken by a student, the administration’s inability to diffuse the skirmish in a timely, appropriate, and safe manner was made clear.

More here.  Why parents leave their kids in schools like this is beyond me.

Five years ago another such incident happened (one that we know of!) at another Minneapolis high school. 


South High injuries
The cafeteria riot at South High five years ago resulted in injuries.  Fights were between Somalis and other students (African American and Native American). Somali activists said the school administration wasn’t doing enough to make Somalis feel welcome.  That is the line Minnesota Public Radio was pushing.   https://www.mprnews.org/story/2013/02/20/education/racial-tension-south-high-brawl

Here is my story from February 2013:

Minneapolis High School riot reveals tensions between Somalis and American blacks

And, looking back in my archives from 2008 I see that an African American attempts to explain the tension between the supposed African ‘brothers’ (Somalis v. African-Americans).

More on the friction between Black Americans and Black African refugees

And, don’t miss the terrible news from St. Cloud in 2015 where a Somali teen murdered a 20-year-old African American man:

St. Cloud residents hammer Rep. Emmer on Refugee Program; Somali teen murders African American

The fight that ended the life of the African American was because the Somali teen was aggressive toward the American black girl and I will bet that much of this tribal violence is over turf and girls.
For new readers, I have a huge archive on Minnesota and especially on Somalis in Minneapolis and St. Cloud.  Use key search words in the window at the top of the left hand side bar.  But, don’t miss one of my top stories of all time—-Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis from 2011, here.

Is forced multiculturalism to blame for second generation Muslim killers?

While we spend a lot of time yakking about vetting the first generation of Muslim migrants to America, it is pretty clear it is the second generation we need to be worried about.  So much for America’s much ballyhooed magical melting pot!

multi ethnic community
Cute concept, or just a big lie? Image: https://jeb1290.wordpress.com/

When I saw this article yesterday at the Washington Times by Stephen Dinan entitled: ‘Ultimate sleeper cell: U.S.-born kids of immigrants are fertile jihadist recruiting grounds.’  I immediately thought of a report we featured here at RRW in our first year—2007—about how multicultural, highly diverse neighborhoods don’t bring about community cohesion, but, in fact, weaken bonds between people in their neighborhoods.
First, here is what Dinan points out after referencing the Orlando fiend:

He follows in the footsteps of Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the San Bernardino, California, terrorists who was the son of Pakistanis; Nadir Soofi, one of two men who attacked a drawing competition in Garland, Texas, last year and whose father was from Pakistan; and then-Maj. Nidal Hassan, the child of Palestinian immigrants whose shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009 set off the modern round of deadly lone-wolf attacks.

He leaves out the Boston Bomber brothers, the Chattanooga killer and those Somali youths thumbing their noses at the ‘good life’ in America as they join the jihad.
Maybe humans are all nativists?
Granted Mohammed’s call to kill infidels is pretty strong, but what if it is especially appealing to those who are completely mentally destabilized by having no cultural roots.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not making excuses. But, I’m trying to say that human nature is such that we need roots.  We need people around us who share the same culture, the same values, the same history, who grew up just like we did!
What if forced multiculturalism is so disruptive that latching on to Islamic supremacism is the only way these jihadists find stability (and Islamic leaders know it and exploit this insecurity).
The Islamist leaders (like CAIR) don’t really want to live in a diverse society any more than some of us do. They are just more crafty in how they present their views because they are assuming they will win in the end through migration and by using our political process and the new American caliphate will be born eventually.  Why bother letting their Leftwing political friends know the truth now.
Back to the 2007 report…..
The report I’m thinking of is this one—Robert Putnam’s ‘Bowling with our own.’ (2007 article by John Leo, here):

Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam, author of Bowling Alone, is very nervous about releasing his new research, and understandably so. His five-year study shows that immigration and ethnic diversity have a devastating short- and medium-term influence on the social capital, fabric of associations, trust, and neighborliness that create and sustain communities. He fears that his work on the surprisingly negative effects of diversity will become part of the immigration debate, even though he finds that in the long run, people do forge new communities and new ties.

Putnam’s study reveals that immigration and diversity not only reduce social capital between ethnic groups, but also within the groups themselves. Trust, even for members of one’s own race, is lower, altruism and community cooperation rarer, friendships fewer. The problem isn’t ethnic conflict or troubled racial relations, but withdrawal and isolation. Putnam writes: “In colloquial language, people living in ethnically diverse settings appear to ‘hunker down’—that is, to pull in like a turtle.”

In the 41 sites Putnam studied in the U.S., he found that the more diverse the neighborhood, the less residents trust neighbors.

That is about as far as I’m willing to go with this (I hate long esoteric discussions!) and besides I’m not saying anything new, others have said it better than I can.
Calling Donald Trump!
I do want to direct you (and The Donald) to an excellent suggestion penned by Daniel Pipes in 2013.  He had the completely novel idea of resettling refugees in their own CULTURAL ZONES.  We wrote about it here, and said this:

Immigration restriction advocates are always on the defense when dealing with the open borders agitators demanding we should be “good” people and let ’em all in.  Pipes has a suggestion—and we should all be promoting it in the media and with our US Senators and Members of Congress—resettle Muslim refugees in their own “culture zone” which Pipes calls “Arabia.”

We can be tough now and propose something like Pipe’s plan….
….Or, our other choice is to follow the political Left’s prescription, open our gates even further and force multiculturalism mostly on white Judeo-Christian communities.  (They never force ethnic groups to welcome other ethnic groups or white people to ethnic communities). We can wait for through about 4 generations of killings (Orlando) and by that time western civilization will be dead and we will be a sharia-governed country where the Left will be the biggest loser of all because Islam hates most of what they revere (Orlando!)!
That choice will be made now in the year of our Lord 2016!

Germany: Diversity not so beautiful after all

Invasion of Europe news…..
Reader ‘domstudent11’ directed us to this Washington Post story yesterday—The Washington Post is actually reporting this! That is probably the big news!

tent city near Berlin
Tent city being constructed near Berlin. If this was happening in America, citizens would not tolerate it!

Germans not so welcoming now as ethnic groups clash in tent cities!

CALDEN, Germany — This German town renowned for its rococo palace threw open its doors to arriving waves of refugees.

Donations from clothing drives filled four garages. The volunteer fire department pitched in to build a tent city at the airport that now teems with 1,400 migrants.

But like other Germans in a country that has rolled out the welcome mat for Europe’s largest wave of asylum seekers since World War II, residents here are having second thoughts.

That is especially true after the riot. In this quaint municipality of 3,000 inhabitants, the chaos started at lunchtime Sunday when a 19-year-old Albanian cut in the food line at the town’s new tent city, prompting a reprimand from a 43-year-old Pakistani.

Pushes degenerated into punches. Soon, 300 migrants wielding pepper spray and metal pipes were attacking each other in rival mobs.

A caravan of ambulances and SWAT team vans careened down streets lined with gawking residents. More than 50 police officers struggled for hours to restore order, with three hospitalized with injuries, according to witnesses and local officials.

“You know, when the refugees started coming, I was one of those who saw people needing help and I thought we have to help,” said Harry Kloska, 46, a shaggy-haired instructor in the skydiving club based at the airport. He and his stunned clients huddled inside his office as the violence flared, Kloska said.

“But it’s been weeks [since the refugee camp opened], and I have a different opinion now,” he said. “I am not sure that we’re going to be able to do this, to help so many people from so many different countries.”

No kidding!
Read it all here.
More here at the BBC.
See our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by clicking here.  All of our posts on Mama Merkel’s mess are here.

Obama Administration diversifying neighborhoods with HUD money

For those of you wondering why your middle class, largely white, town is getting low income housing, it is all becoming more obvious that Obama is using the federal piggybank to ‘encourage’ the racial and economic diversification of your towns.
I don’t want to have to become a housing expert, and since Stanley Kurtz already is, I don’t have to be.  Please see his latest at National Review.

Wonder why most of your local elected officials aren’t concerned about more low income people arriving in your town?

Light bulbs going off! 

Of course this all helps us tie in the push to bring third world refugees to more and more towns and cities.  Your local government officials are probably in on this as is the local Chamber of Commerce as they see dollar signs for their developer cronies and more power for themselves.

Kurtz at National Review two days ago:

Today, HUD Secretary Julian Castro announced the finalization of the Obama administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule. A front-page article preemptively defending the move appears in today’s Washington Post. The final rule is 377 pages, vastly longer than the preliminary version of the rule promulgated in 2013.

AFFH is easily one of President Obama’s most radical initiatives, on a par with Obamacare in its transformative potential. In effect, AFFH gives the federal government a lever to re-engineer nearly every American neighborhood — imposing a preferred racial and ethnic composition, densifying housing, transportation, and business development in suburb and city alike, and weakening or casting aside the authority of local governments over core responsibilities, from zoning to transportation to education. Not only the policy but the political implications are immense — at the presidential, congressional, state, and local levels.

The vast majority of Americans don’t want this forced integration!

This brings us to politics. As noted, AFFH is a largely unacknowledged attempt to force economic integration on every neighborhood in America. Yet in a recent Rasmussen poll, 83 percent of respondents said it was not the government’s job to diversify neighborhoods by income level, while only 8 percent say that this is an appropriate task for government. Now you know why the Obama administration and a compliant press corps have kept this initiative quiet.

Learn more by continuing to read here.

Fighting back!

The forces arrayed against you are pretty frightening and formidable.  Do not despair! Please revisit this post from ten days ago where we reported on what Daniel Greenfield told you—that you are guerrilla warriors now—and as such you must throw shoes into the the machinery of government at every opportunity.  For most of you, this will be at the local level.
If you want to preserve your middle class American lifestyle for your children and grandchildren, please get involved!  Find those little places in which to throw shoes!  Develop ‘pockets of resistance!’

Just obstruct any liberal initiative, policy or program in your community.  Tie it in redtape!

You can do this!

Iranian refugee in Sydney: Had Problem With the “Revealing Garments” of Australian Women

Editor:  Moving on from Africa (here and here) this morning, here is another excellent news analysis from ‘Pungentpeppers:’


Police at the scene where the woman was sexually assaulted in January 2014. Picture: Bill Hearne (Daily Telegraph) http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/iranian-on-bridging-visa-amir-mohebbifar-sentenced-to-six-years-jail-for-aggravated-sex-assault-of-19-year-old-on-anzac-bridge/story-fni0cx12-1227192330777?nk=f06bf78263d5fb3ad90f3724b9fa2706


A distressingly large number of sexual assault cases have been coming up in my internet news searches. The perpetrators are mostly Muslim Middle Eastern men. Some are refugees or asylum seekers. Some are well educated. However, all appear incapable of adapting to our Western society and mores. These men, in committing their crimes, may be acting on impulses rooted within their own religion and culture and upbringing – and doing irreparable harm to our citizens. Here is one such case.

In the Islamic Republic of Iran women must be covered by law. Even in the middle of summer, women wear the jet black veil called the chador in order to “protect” themselves from attack by lustful males. Uncovered Western women are portrayed as whores. Such was the society where Amir Mohebbifar, age 27, was raised. His name in Persian has a nice and pleasant meaning: “Prince of the Lover’s Light”. However, his behavior once he reached Sydney, Australia, was horrid and despicable.

Mohebbifar left Iran purportedly out of concern for himself and his girlfriend. Although he was university educated and came from a middle class family, the girl’s parents did not approve of their relationship, and he was afraid they would harm her or him. He left the girlfriend behind and joined the flood of other migrants who were traveling to Australia on smuggling boats. He arrived to Australia’s Christmas Island in March of 2013 and received a bridging visa. [At that time – not having had enough experience with Middle Eastern asylum seekers – Australia was still handing out “bridging visas”, or temporary permission to stay in the country, to migrants who arrived by boat. The practice has since been stopped.]

In Australia, Mohebbifar was increasingly out of his element. Frustrated and bored, he felt excluded, depressed and socially isolated since he did not know, and could not know, how to make friends in Australian society. He also had issues with the way Australian women dressed.

Last January (it was summer in Australia), Mohebbifar, having finished most of a bottle of whiskey, saw a 19-year-old woman headed home late at night on a pathway leading to Sydney’s Anzac Bridge. He approached her in his drunken state and asked, “Hi, are you walking home?” The young woman refused to make eye contact and walked fast to try and remove herself from the situation. She thought she had lost him, when she heard footsteps as he ran up to her and grabbed her. He then attacked her and dragged her off the path and into the bushes, where he sexually assaulted her while she was kicking and screaming and fighting and biting him. His attack lasted some 20 minutes when he suddenly stopped and started walking away. The girl called triple-zero (the equivalent to our 911) and he ran. Police arrived and, using CCTV footage, located Mohebbifar hiding under a car and sweating profusely.

Last July, Mohebbifar pleaded guilty to one count of aggravated sexual assault. The charges of sexual intercourse without consent and indecent assault were withdrawn. Sentencing was last week.

Mohebbifar told the court he had found it difficult to “adjust” to Australian women’s “revealing garments” but had been taught to “respect people”. In sentencing him, Judge Donna Woodburne said Mohebbifar had preyed on a vulnerable young woman who was simply trying to get home. “To be accosted, seized and dragged off the street by a complete stranger must have been terrifying.” She added, “She was doing nothing more than peacefully going about her business walking along public streets to go home.” “There’s a gap between the concern he felt for his Iranian girlfriend and the utter lack of concern he felt for the welfare, safety and security of his 19-year-old victim,” the judge said.

Mohebbifar trembled and cried throughout the sentencing. He was sentenced to a maximum term of eight years, and will be eligible for parole in January 2020.

He should never have left Iran!

For more on the story here are several links to the news:





Daniel Greenfield writing at Frontpage magazine weighed in on the story here also:


For our ever expanding archive on Australia, go here.   Remember that the Sydney coffee-shop terrorist was also an Iranian refugee.

By the way, the US has taken a lot of Iranian refugees in recent years and I assumed most were religious minorities.  I think I had better do a little research on how many are Muslims.