Writing at The Guardian, Oxford professor Paul Collier says that England must slow the flow of immigrants into the tiny country.
It is worth reading the whole thing, but here (below) is one small snip to give you the flavor.
Have any of you read it? http://www.amazon.com/Exodus-Immigration-Multiculturalism-21st-Century-ebook/dp/B00ELXQYM0
He says that British political activists (UKIP) who focus largely on the economic costs to Britain are missing the much larger impact that the size and diversity of the immigrant population will have on social cohesion going forward.
The important effects of immigration are social and long term, not economic and short term. The key long-term social effects are probably on the overall size of the population and its diversity. As to population size, Britain is already one of the most crowded countries in Europe, and there is a sound environmental argument for protecting quality of life by discouraging further substantial increases. As to diversity, it involves a trade-off: as it increases, variety is enhanced but cohesion reduced. Variety is good but, unfortunately, as cohesion erodes voters become less willing to support generous welfare programmes.
In my view, not only will voters not want to support welfare programs (isn’t that economic?), but there will be increasing tension, conflict and potentially violence as Brits look at immigrants as invaders.
Why do we write about refugees, asylum seekers, and illegal migration in Europe and other first-world countries? So that you can see what is in store for America—the only difference between them and us is our size and the fact that in Europe the number of immigrants is so large in comparison to the native population that the impact is being felt sooner. But, we are getting there!
Some US cities are already there—Minneapolis for instance!
Collier is the author of ‘Exodus: Immigration and Multiculturalism in the 21st Century.’
We wrote about another of his books here in August.
Diversity is beautiful alert! (Brought to you by failed do-gooder policies)
Blacktown City Council is a Refugee Welcome Zone! http://www.blacktown.nsw.gov.au/People_and_Community/Community_Development_Grants/Multicultural_Community
It’s a news story about a rape—a gang of Sudanese refugee boys raped a girl from Western Samoa and now the suburb of Sydney in New South Wales is in turmoil againwith revenge on many people’s minds.
The article opens with a report of what happened and that one arrest has been made so far. We pick up with the sections of the story that report on efforts being made by those looking for “social cohesion” to calm the inflamed situation. Not a race crime they are quick to say:
Community leaders hope the arrest will send a clear signal that the matter is best left in the hands of the authorities. At a hastily convened meeting earlier in the week, prompted by media coverage, the new police commander for Blacktown, Superintendent Gary Merryweather, youth leaders, school principals and social welfare agencies discussed how to get the message out that the alleged crime was not a race crime.
”There is not more of race crime here than anywhere else” says Susan Vogels, chief executive of migrant services organisation SydWest. ‘‘It’s just that Blacktown seems to be an easy hit, we get the reputation for it, and it’s very wearing because of all the work we are doing to ensure social cohesion.’’
OMG! They think “harmony walks” will bring social cohesion! If one were allowed to do a comedy skit of just such a walk it would be roll-on-the-floor funny!
One immediate outcome of the meeting was the resumption of the ‘‘harmony walks’’ begun by Superintendent Merryweather’s predecessor, Mark Wright, several years ago, when regular fights were flaring between bored young men from rival ethnic groups in the Blacktown area. On Thursday, local police set out on foot with high-profile leaders from the African and Pacific Islander communities, weaving through places frequented by youngsters.
184 different ethnic groups live in Blacktown! They “find their way” to Australia from the world’s trouble spots!
Blacktown is the most heavily populated local government area in NSW. Its nearly 320,000 residents come from 184 different national and ethnic backgrounds. An estimated quarter of them are aged under 18. Some fleeing Syria’s carnage are starting to find their way to Blacktown.
‘‘They come from wherever the trouble spots in the world are,’’ says Ms Vogels, ‘‘and we try to assist them to become good, functioning citizens.’’
But she admits agencies like hers are ‘‘running on the smell of a greasy rag and that rag is getting less and less oil on it’’.
It’s about gangs—race not alwaysa catalyst—say gang members.
Two teenage Sudanese boys who spoke to Fairfax Media behind a basketball court in Blacktown on Thursday evening said their weekends were consumed by drinking and fighting, although race was not always the catalyst.
‘‘It’s all about who your boys are,’’ said Deng, 16, whose surname has been withheld. ‘‘You gotta defend the area. You gotta defend the honour of Blacktown.’’ Adam, 17, says: ‘‘There’s Bloods, Crips, Lalor Park boys, Bidwill boys.’’
Now, that bad ‘ol conservative government has cut the funds for pet programs (that obviously weren’t working!):
Among programs to have suffered is the ‘‘Comm4Unity’’ program in Blacktown, which runs singing and dancing competitions for young people at the Westpoint shopping centre, allowing hundreds of youths from different ethnic backgrounds to mingle and make friends.
Sudanese mother of TEN! I can’t keep the older boys in school!
In the park, four police officers were questioning a 15-year-old boy, the son of 40-year-old Asunta, who came from South Sudan seven years ago. She stood nearby, agitated, carrying a four-month-old on one hip. She has 10 children and it is hard, she says, to keep the older boys at school.
So where is the father of all these children?
From Malmo, Sweden to Blacktown, Australia, the lesson is—it doesn’t work! It is human nature to defend ones territory, culture and ethnicity and to fight for survival (now handouts from generous governments). Grand diversity experiments, where ethnic groups are forced into close association (even with harmony walks and singing and dancing competitions), only exacerbates the drive for survival of one’s ethnic or racial group.
The one group that seems to have a death wish is made up of white people!
Longtime readers know that I’ve been looking for years for a way to highlight stories that involve immigrant crimes and cultural clashes that don’t necessarily involve refugees. This has been especially so with the food stamp fraud stories we’ve posted here as a ‘hobby’ of sorts.
Now, thanks to the help of a reader from Kentucky, there is such a place to gather those news stories. It is a facebook page entitled appropriately, Diversity’s Dark Side. By posting news stories that demonstrate the destructive element more uncontrolled immigration is bringing to America, it is a way to balance the usual multicultural mumbo-jumbo, parroted by the mainstream media and the Open borders lobby, about immigrants supposedly bringing strength to communities by bringing “ethnic” diversity.
Here is the “about” at DDS:
Our goal is to gather in one central place reports of crimes, hardships and examples of cultural tension brought to our towns and cities by people who should never have been allowed entrance into our country. We encourage people to question if there really is ‘strength in diversity’.
If you have never read it, this might be a good time to visit our ‘Diversity’ page here at RRW and read this 2007 article about a Harvard study which questioned the whole notion of diversity bringing strength to communities.
If you are on facebook, visit Diversity’s Dark Sideand ‘Like it.’ Tell your friends where they can get a daily dose of reality about some of the crooks, criminals and generally those from cultures unwilling to assimilate which we have allowed to enter the US!
Also, some have asked about a twitter account for DDS, until we can figure out how to link the two, you can follow me on twitter. I am AnnC@refugeewatcher.
Readers I hope you won’t be too disappointed that I didn’t get around to reporting earlier that this was NATIONAL WELCOMING WEEK in America and that today Obama recognized ten “champions” who are bringing the joys of immigrant diversity to your cities and towns. I had this news yesterday, thanks to a friend from Tennessee, but I couldn’t get excited about posting it sooner.
Regular readers will recognize the group “Welcoming America” and its head honcho David Lubell from a couple posts we wrote earlier this summer, here and here.
Check out the ten CHAMPIONS OF CHANGE here. We only have room to show three, so I’ve chosen three that I know some of our readers will recognize.
By the way, when is someone going to create a NATIONAL TAXPAYER APPRECIATION WEEK where all of those living on social services (including all of the refugee contractors making six-figure salaries) provided by hardworking American taxpayers would hold events, give awards and thank the taxpayers for their service to them.
Here is the Press Release (again sorry you missed hearing about the event earlier):
White House Recognizes Welcoming America Champions of Change
Immigrants Want to Contribute; White House Recognizes Leaders Who are Helping their Communities Seize that Potential During National Welcoming Week
(Washington, D.C.) September 18, 2013 – As the debate in Washington on
Kasar S. Abdulla: Nashville, TN
immigration moves forward, local community leaders across the country are recognizing that immigrants make us stronger and are working in their communities to create welcoming climates that harness the economic and social potential that newcomers bring.
This Thursday, September 19th, the White House will recognize ten individuals and their innovative efforts to lift up newcomer contributions and involve the whole community in supporting successful immigrant integration. *Ten Welcoming America Champions of Change will be honored in
an event that will be streamed live starting at 1pm EST at
www.whitehouse.gov/live. *
[Again, sorry for any disappointment you are feeling because I didn’t alert you to this live streaming event.—ed]
The Welcoming America Champions of Change include local leaders from across
Jan Reeves: Boise, Idaho
the country whose cutting edge initiatives – from Nashville to Detroit –
demonstrate the growing interest among local communities to ensure that
everyone – including immigrants – have the opportunity to contribute and
succeed. As the country is reshaped by demographic change, these leaders offer a fresh vision for how communities can make the most of their diversity.
Says Welcoming America Executive Director David Lubell, “At a crucial moment in our history, the Welcoming America Champions of Change serve as amodel for what we can achieve when we recognize the tremendous contributions that immigrants make to the social and economic fabric of American communities. These champions are innovators who are building
stronger communities by helping newcomers succeed, and inviting longer-term
residents to contribute to and share in that success. “
Brenda Zion: Ft. Morgan, Colorado
Welcoming America Champions of Change are being recognized for their
piooneering practices to advance immigrant inclusion in ways that involve
U.S.-born residents and the community as a whole.
The Champions are being honored by the White House during National Welcoming Week, a nationwide event taking place September 15th-22nd with more than 100 events across the country that underscore the contributions of immigrants to local cultural and economic life.
We have written a lot here at RRW about all three of the immigrant-overloaded “diverse” cities of Nashville, TN, Boise, ID and Ft. Morgan, CO and if you use our search function for those cities you will see what I mean. I know we have posts mentioning Reeves and Zion for sure.
Abdulla is the former director of advocacy for the open borders lobbying group which we have mentioned here dozens of times—Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition.
For new readers, we have a fact sheet about the Refugee Resettlement Program which is largely responsible for changing Nashville, Boise and Ft. Morgan, here, just below our header.
Frankly, the refugees (and other immigrants) bring the brutal practice with them. We know this is a problem in certain ethnic groups from Africa and the Middle East, and although those who don’t want it discussed will say that other people (of other religions) cut their daughters’ clitorises too, but it’s mostly practiced today by Muslims.
Creeping Sharia brought us two stories this week on the issue.
NEW YORK (TrustLaw) – The ancient, brutal practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), once considered primarily a problem of the developing world, is a growing threat to girls and women in the United States, according to a new report.
The United States has longstanding laws against the practice of FGM on U.S. soil and in January, passed a federal law against sending young women outside the country for so-called “vacation cutting”. However, girls living in America increasingly are at risk of the procedure both at home and abroad, according to research by Sanctuary for Families.
The New York City-based non-profit organisation, which specialises in gender-based violence, said up to 200,000 girls and women in the United States are at risk of FGM and that the number is growing.
“People in the United States think that FGM only happens to people outside of the United States, but in all actuality, people here all over the country have been through FGM,” said Jaha, 23, formerly from Gambia and now a survivor and advocate against FGM.
“Kids that were born in this country are taken back home every summer and undergo this procedure,” she was quoted as saying in the report.
The study cited analysis of data from the 2000 census that found between 1990 and 2000 the number of girls and women in the United States at risk of the procedure – which involves the partial or total removal of external female genitalia – increased by 35 percent. [Surely this is based on census data about the increasing population of immigrants from certain countries, not on a specific question about the intactness of respondents’ genitalia—ed]
New York’s metropolitan area is home to more women and girls who have been mutilated in female circumcision ceremonies — or are at risk — than any other U.S. city, experts estimate.
The global practice is a local issue, thanks to illegal surgeries performed here — but immigrant girls are often sent back to their parents’ homelands to undergo mutilation.
More than a dozen cases are documented in a new report to be released Friday by Sanctuary for Families.
One city teen’s father sent her and her little sister to his Gambian hometown for what they thought was just a visit to see their grandmother.
But Grandma had another agenda.
“She warned us that if we refused to undergo female genital mutilation, she would be disappointed in us, and that the entire village would find out and force (it) upon us against our will,” the woman, now 27, told Sanctuary researchers.
The centuries-old practice, based on beliefs about premarital “cleanliness,” has immigrated to the U.S. along with families from parts of West Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. The surgery is most widely done on infants and teens. It severely reduces sexual pleasure and can cause major health complications.
Like most Americans I wasn’t even aware of this horrible business until I read the discussion of it (in great detail) in Ayan Hirsi Ali’s must-read biography—‘Infidel’—when it came out 5 years ago.
Graphic (above) is posted hereand is from the Woman Stats Project. If you can’t read it, the darkest color on the map is where more than half of the country’s women undergo the procedure. Immigrants are bringing the practice to Canada, the US, the EU, and Australia—all primary resettlement countries.