Conservative Review: Trump already has the power to stop anyone at our border

Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review lays it out for us.  President Trump already has all the power he needs to close our borders.

Presumably inspired by all the news about a now 4,000-strong migrant caravan heading toward Mexico with the apparent aim to assault our southern border (see my post yesterday), Horowitz says this (emphasis is mine):


President Trump has full constitutional power to stop the border invasion – even without Congress


Just as President Reagan is remembered for ending the Cold War, President Trump can be remembered as the one who ended the war on our sovereignty. Will he rise to the occasion?

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The wall will be meaningless if we continue to allow fake asylum seekers in through the gates!

Here’s the stone-cold truth about our border: We could construct a border wall as high as the stratosphere, and it won’t help much if we continue our self-destructing policies of allowing bogus asylees to come through our front door and legitimizing the opinions of sanctuary judges who “make denizens of aliens.”

President Trump publicly warned the governments of Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala that if they don’t take steps to stop the latest caravan of bogus asylum invaders, he will cut off aid to the countries. While this is a good first step, it won’t deter the invasion unless we stop admitting the invaders and implementing catch-and-release under orders from illegitimate court rulings, as we did with the previous caravan and countless tens of thousands of others coming in with less pomp. And that would hold true even with a border wall. They just come to our points of entry, surrender themselves, get released into our communities, and never show up to their hearings until and unless they wind up committing crimes.

Moreover, the caravan is already in Guatemala and headed for Mexico. Thus, the Honduran diplomacy is moot at this point. And this is much bigger than one caravan. We must first dissect what is actually happening at our border.

This is nothing short of an invasion

Earlier this week, KTAR news in Phoenix, Arizona, sat down with ICE’s Phoenix field director, Henry Lucero. What he revealed should disturb all of us:

See the revelations here.

Then this…..

Thus, it all boils down to bogus asylum and catch-and-release. Either Trump ends those, or everything else is just talk. While Trump is right to ask Congress to step in, we’ve noted before that our statute is already clear that these people do not qualify as asylees and that the unaccompanied teenagers do not qualify as refugees.

With this background in mind, it’s easy to understand why Lindsey Grahmanesty’s idea of trading amnesty for a border wall is so counterintuitive. We only have this border invasion because of the magnet of amnesty, and the magnet of amnesty allows them to come to the entry points, demand asylum, sue for rights, and never get deported. A wall only helps a country that has a strong spirit but a weak frontier; it doesn’t help a weak political system that willingly commits national suicide.

Anyone who tells you that the president doesn’t have the authority to exclude anyone for any reason doesn’t deserve to live in a sovereign nation.

Sovereignty trumps everything. There is nothing in our statutes that forces the president to admit anyone he feels is a problem. In fact, as we’ve noted before, he has inherent executive powers from Article II, as well as delegated authority from Congress under existing law, to stop taking in immigrants at the border or through visas for as much time as he deems necessary.

There is much more here as Horowitz lays out the case.

Conservative Score Card

If you have never seen it, don’t miss Conservative Review’s Congressional score card and see how your representatives rank on issues you care about.  Go here.  You might find that an elected official you thought was conservative might not be voting that way once he or she got to Washington!

Trump must put pressure on Mexico to block migrant caravan from Honduras

In an interview with Breitbart radio, Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies gives the President sound advice.


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Honduran government begs the migrants to turn around.


I’m writing about this story again today because I noted how interested you are in it after my post yesterday, and because it is an opportunity to inform more of you about the other part of our US refugee system—namely the asylum process.

Just recently, here, I told you about asylum and how it is part and parcel of the Refugee Act of 1980, but is being scammed and abused by thousands in recent years.

Simply: refugees are selected abroad as supposedly persecuted people and flown here (that is what all this 30,000 cap business is all about).  The Hondurans and others who ask for asylum are not part of that cap.

Asylum seekers get to America on their own steam and then claim they will be persecuted if returned home. 

If granted asylum they are then considered refugees. However, most of those headed our way are what are called economic migrants in migration lingo.

From Breitbart:

Jessica Vaughan: Trump Should ‘Put Pressure on Mexico’ to Block Migrant Caravans

Jessica Vaughan

Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, advised the Trump administration to pressure Mexico against allowing entry to caravans of migrants seeking passage to the U.S.

Vaughan offered her remarks in a Monday interview with Breitbart News Editor-at-Large Rebecca Mansour on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight.

Vaughan described existing U.S. refugee asylum policies as incentivizing foreigners to seek entry into the homeland via their humanitarian provisions, recalling previous analyses offered on an earlier migrant caravan’s access to America.

“It’s really our policy that is enticing them to come, and I am surprised it took this long,” said Vaughan. “This is not the choice of the Trump administration. It certainly does not want to entice people to take this dangerous journey, and when you look the pictures, it is a lot of young men, but it’s also some kids coming, too. It’s dangerous for them, but it now has this aura of an adventure that people are taking, like the gold rush or something.”

Vaughan said aspiring migrants are advised to travel to America by both smugglers and ostensibly humanitarian groups based in the U.S.

“[Migrants] are being told by the smugglers — who I’m sure are among them, or the organizers, I mean they’re really almost the same thing — to [travel to the U.S.].

Certainly they’re being egged on by the humanitarian groups and even by groups within the United States.”

In April, Left-wing American lawyers offered migrant caravan travelers “legal training sessions,” advising migrant what to say to improve their likelihood of obtaining entry to the U.S. in their dealing with immigration judges and asylum officers.


Vaughan added, “Why wouldn’t it [the caravan] grow? They are realistically optimistic that they will be let into the United States. At some point, the Trump administration, the best possible solution is for them to say, ‘No.’ Or put pressure on Mexico to not issue them transit visas. They have no basis to enter Mexico unless Mexico is going to give them asylum.”

Former Senator and now Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered asylum judges to stick to the legal definition of persecution when weighing asylum claims.  Running from gang violence, abusive husbands or looking for work are not grounds for admission.

Vaughan described Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s new directives to immigration judges and asylum officers.

Claiming to have witnessed violence or to have come from a violent place is not good enough to get you into the country to make an asylum claim, to pass your ‘credible fear’ test,” stated Vaughan. “They’re expected now to show that the persecution that they claim was carried out by the government, or with the government’s blessing. General violence is not going to cut it.”


Vaughan said, “The best possible solution is to not let [caravan migrants] enter,” adding that “it is obvious to everyone” that the caravan migrants’ motivations are “economically based.”

Vaughan explain, “The goal should be to have people not get across, at all, because then it’s a whole different story once they set foot in the United States, whether they’ve been admitted or paroled or whatever. As soon as we let them across, that’s when it becomes extremely difficult to remove them and return them to their home countries.”

There is much more here.

Temporary Protected Status connection?

I wouldn’t put it past the Open Borders activists to ultimately use this caravan PR campaign to try to get the Trump administration to reverse its decision to rescind the Temporary Protective Status for Hondurans already in the US. See here, and here.

How can the President be so mean as to return thousands of Hondurans already in the US to a country where so many are trying to escape, they might say.

Australian detainees deteriorating mental health blamed on Donald Trump

First, of course, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees blames Australia, but our President is criticized for not taking more of Australia’s illegal aliens to America causing them to want to kill themselves.

I sure hope the President has learned his lesson. You can never be nice with these no borders pushers and their media sycophants.

Remember when he arrived in the White House and quickly agreed (pending extreme vetting) to take 1,250 of Australian asylum seekers, housed in camps on Manus and Nauru islands, in an Obama deal he dubbed a “dumb deal.”


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418 of the mostly Muslim men detained by Australia are already in a US town near you.


Here we are, just short of two years and we have placed in your American town 418 of the mostly Muslim migrants who tried to break in to Australia by boat about six or so years ago.

Australia had taken a hard line against illegal alien border crashers and denied entry to the mainland to anyone breaking in by boat. They were placed in offshore detention.  Needless to say, the policy stopped the boat traffic!

Those mostly Muslim men have been in offshore detention ever since.  Well, except for 418 who are now free in America.

Here is the latest ….

From the Sydney Morning Herald:

UN refugee agency calls for mass evacuation of asylum seekers on Nauru and Manus


The United Nations refugee agency has joined calls for immediate evacuation of the remaining 1400 refugees and asylum seekers stranded on Nauru and Manus Island, citing a “collapsing health situation”.

The UNHCR’s appeal to the Australian government to end offshore processing follows warnings from global humanitarian body Médecins Sans Frontières about the “absolutely devastating” situation as dozens of refugees are knocked back for resettlement in the United States under President Donald Trump’s “extreme vetting”.

“Australia remains responsible under international law for those who have sought its protection,” said UNHCR spokeswoman Catherine Stubberfield.

Trump and Turnbull
Trump, only weeks after taking office, told then Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull that it was a “dumb deal” but went ahead with it anyway.

“In the context of deteriorating health and reduced medical care, Australia must now act to prevent further tragedy to those forcibly transferred under its so-called ‘offshore processing’ policy. UNHCR renews its call for refugees and asylum-seekers to be moved immediately to Australia, where they can receive adequate support and care.”

You can’t win Donald!

A deal negotiated with former US president Barack Obama to resettle up to 1250 refugees has been hampered by Mr Trump’s hardline immigration stance. According to the Department of Home Affairs, 418 people have now been accepted for resettlement under the deal. Médecins Sans Frontières said the rejections were causing people to become “extremely hopeless”.

The federal government has refused calls for the refugees to be brought to Australia or be resettled in New Zealand, arguing that doing so would risk people smugglers restarting their trade. Refugees can also accept resettlement in Papua New Guinea or a 20-year visa to live in Nauru.

More here.

See my extensive file on the ‘Australia deal’ by clicking here.  Obama made the deal with the Aussies as he was headed out the door in 2016.

Not our problem!

You might also want to visit my post from just the other day about how we are taking ‘refugees’ (really asylum seekers not even designated refugees yet) off the hands of countries that are safe countries in a process that is clearly stretching international norms on how resettlement is supposed to work.

Missouri: Catholic refugee agency complains about cuts to their federal funding

Here is my solution for those doing Christian ‘charitable’ work for refugees—find more VOLUNTEERS! 

Do Catholics have to be paid by taxpayers to do their religious charitable work, it sure sounds like it!

Everywhere I turn there is a new story about how that mean ol’ Donald Trump is cutting the funding to ‘non-profit’ ‘humanitarian’ groups who place refugees in your towns and cities.  There are so many now I don’t post most of them.

This story, however, from Columbia, Missouri had a few nuggets of information, one in particular was new to me.

Refugee and Immigration Services, operated by Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri says it is being paid $4,000 a head per refugee it places.  Yikes! That is almost twice any number we have ever seen for the per head payment.


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Somali family welcomed to Columbia by Catholic Charities in wake of Trump 2017 ban.


From the Missourian:

Cuts to refugee admissions hit Columbia resettlement agency

The staff at Refugee and Immigration Services has been under increasing pressure, given the caps President Donald Trump has placed on the number of refugees allowed to enter the country. Those diminishing caps result in less federal money for agencies that serve refugees.


The budget from fiscal 2017 to fiscal 2018 fell from $1 million to around $625,000, Dan Lester, director of Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri, said. The local office also went from staff of 11 to seven, with only four being full-time. That means more duties for fewer people.

I just had a look at a recent Form 990 for this Catholic agency and yes they did receive a million dollars of taxpayer money and approximately $793,000 of it went to salaries, benefits, and pension plans for employees

The agency, which is funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has traditionally received about $4,000 per refugee to provide services during their first six to 12 months in the country, Lester said.

Agencies must help provide:

Payment for their first six months of rent.

Clothing, food and all daily household items.

Assistance in finding a job.

Access to English classes.

Access to social programs they may need, such as counseling or SNAP benefits. [Other welfare—ed]

Orientation into an entirely new culture.

It seems to me that most of that list could be handled by volunteers and private donations!

The Missourian continues…

While the agency still gets its $4,000 per refugee, that funding doesn’t factor in those who came to Columbia in previous years and still rely on local services, Finn said. [That is funny because we are told repeatedly that refugees are self-sufficient and on their own in under 6 months. Hmmm!—ed]

“We just don’t have the time and energy to give the refugees that we used to,” Finn said. “Everyone has a lot more families to work with.”

“Time and energy” sounds like something they could get for free from volunteers!

More here.

By the way, Catholic Charities are usually under the umbrella of their primary federal contractor—The US Conference of Catholic Bishops—for their refugee allotment each year.

We are still taking ‘refugees’ from safe countries

Every so often I check out the Processing Country data at the Refugee Processing Center (Wrapsnet) maintained by the US State Department.


More frequently I report to you about the nationalities entering the US, but processing country data is very different.

From processing country data, we learn in which countries supposed ‘refugees’ are processed in to the US, but we don’t learn where they came from before they arrived in that country.

I first became aware of this about ten years ago when I noticed that illegal aliens, who arrived by boat at the tiny island nation of Malta in the Mediterranean, were being sent to the US as refugees. (See my explanation of refugees vs. asylum here yesterday.)

What!!!  Malta is a safe country in the EU, anyone arriving there claiming to be a refugee by seeking asylum must apply there, not be packed off to the US.

I have a huge file on Malta where this legally questionable movement of mostly Africans to your towns was put in place during the administration of George W. Bush and continues through today.

We are doing the same with Israel and South Africa where migrants get in to those countries from elsewhere (seeking asylum) and we help those governments out by taking some of their excess off their hands.

Heck, we have our own problem on our southern border where illegal aliens cross by the tens of thousands and then ask for asylum.

Are we going to ask Malta, South Africa and Israel to take a few of our excess asylum seekers?  (Don’t laugh!)

Here (below) is the end of the fiscal year data table for Processing Country.  I’m posting this now because it will disappear by the beginning of November.

Again, just so you know we are not taking Maltese people, South Africans or Israelis to America, the numbers represented here are people from elsewhere who got in to those three countries and are unwanted by those three countries.


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Notice the numbers for Papua New Guinea and Nauru.  Those are the Australian rejected asylum seekers we are taking off Australia’s hands in the same possibly illegal manner.

There are probably other questionable processing countries above, but the three I have highlighted are countries which I have followed closely over the years.

The Trump Administration could stop this possibly illegal use of the refugee admissions process in a heartbeat if they wanted to!  Congress would not have to be involved!

If you haven’t noticed, I have a link in the right hand corner of RRW for the White House contact information.  Please take time to express your opinion to the President.