Italy and Austria continue to stand up for their people in European migration crisis

Invasion of Europe news….

There is exciting news daily coming from Europe where leaders with backbones are emerging to try to stem the tide of migrants from the Middle East and Africa flooding the continent.

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Interior Minister Matteo Salvini

First in Italy, Interior Minister Matteo Salvini is pushing back against France and Germany who want to send migrants back to Italy to be processed presumably because those migrants first entered Europe through Italy.

From Breitbart:

Salvini Blocks Migrant Agreement That Could See Germany Send Tens of Thousands to Italy


Italian populist Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has blocked a migrant deal with Germany and France that could see tens of thousands of migrants sent to Italy as his party’s popularity soars across the country.

The populist League leader is said to have put the migrant deal on hold as some estimate that Italy may be forced to take as many as 40,000 migrants from Germany and a further 20,000 from France under the proposed agreement, Il Giornale reports.

Salvini has said that he will only accept a deal in which Italy sends as many migrants as it takes from other countries, but German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer is pushing for the current proposal.

Rumours have even circulated that Germany has started to charter flights to Rome and although the German interior ministry denied the rumours, Salvini threatened to close Italian airports to any such flights.

For more details click here.

And then this from Austria…..

From Reuters:

Austria has concerns about U.N. migration pact, might back out


VIENNA (Reuters) – Austria may follow the United States and Hungary in backing out of a United Nations agreement on migration, its government said on Wednesday, citing concern about its sovereignty and potential restrictions on its freedom to act.

The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration was approved in July by all 193 U.N. member nations except the United States, which backed out last year.

Hungary’s Prime Minister Orban with Austrian Chancellor Kurz standing for the rights of sovereign nations and against globalism!

Hungary’s right-wing government led by Prime Minister Viktor Orban, an immigration hard-liner, has said it will not sign the final document at a ceremony in December. Poland, which has also clashed with Brussels by resisting national quotas for asylum seekers, is considering taking the same step.

“We view some of the points in this agreement very critically. We will therefore do everything to maintain the sovereignty of our country and ensure that we as the Republic of Austria can decide for ourselves on migration issues,” Chancellor Sebastian Kurz told a news conference.

Kurz led his conservatives to victory in last year’s parliamentary election by pledging to prevent any repeat of the European migration crisis that began in 2015, when Austria took in more than 1 percent of its population in asylum seekers.

Kurz went into government with the anti-Islam Freedom Party and together they have agreed to restrict immigrants’ access to welfare payments as part of an agenda that is also heavy on law and order.

Continue reading here.

They are especially concerned if the final pact says anything about migration being a human right!

Come on Mr. President! Invite these European leaders: Orban, Kurz, Salvini etc. for a meeting of the minds in Washington.  Watch Leftwing Dems heads explode!

Helping to save Europe would not be a bad image to project before the Midterm election!

See my Invasion of Europe archive here.

First FY19 refugees arrive, mostly Africans distributed to 12 states

Update October 11th:  35 more came since yesterday. 21 of those were from the DR Congo. Total 108 refugees since October 1.

We told you yesterday that President Trump signed the Memorandum (the Presidential Determination) capping refugee admissions for FY19 which began on October 1 at 30,000.

A total of 73 were admitted yesterday in the first group.

DR Congolese refugees truck
In 2013, the UN asked Obama’s State Department to take 50,000 from the DR Congo over five years. More than 45,000 have arrived so far.  The Trump State Department is continuing their resettlement to American towns and cities.

The vast majority (57) are from the DR Congo.

As we previously reported President Trump’s State Department is prioritizing Africans.

I reported here in 2013 that Obama told the UN we would take 50,000 from the DR Congo over five years.  We have surpassed 45,000 so far and I will keep you posted about when we go over the 50,000 Obama promised.

I have said repeatedly on these pages that we must get the UN out of the business of choosing our refugees.  If we are going to take refugees, let’s choose them ourselves!

We aren’t going to solve Africa’s overpopulation and poverty problems by siphoning off ten thousand (or more) each year.

There are 14 from Afghanistan and two Syrians in this first wave.  Nine of the total 73 are Muslims, the remainder are various Christian sects with six from Afghanistan claiming no religion. The two Syrians being placed in Michigan are Muslims.

Below is a map from Wrapsnet showing the states that are ‘welcoming’ refugees in the first ten days of this fiscal year.

Ohio received the most with 16. The top five states were Ohio, Arizona, Vermont, California and Georgia.


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Cap for refugee admissions to the US for FY19 finalized—30,000

I missed this last week and so did most everyone as official Washington was in turmoil over the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.


The President signed the Memorandum on Thursday. 

We had already reported on the expected 30,000 cap, but up until the President’s signature  on the the determination we still weren’t sure how many refugees could enter the US in the fiscal year we bean just last Monday.

See the Memorandum from the President, here.

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society heavily involved in Midterm election politics

A week or so ago I told you about how the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) has launched its “Vote for Welcome” campaign.

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Have you seen this poster where you live?

If you are a new reader you may not know that HIAS is one of nine federal refugee contractors*** paid by the head to place refugees in your towns and cities.

They are also politically involved in ‘welcoming’ migrants of all sorts to America (for instance, they played a major role in attempting to influence Senators during the ‘Gang of Eight’ deliberations a few years ago).

Investigative reporter Jim Simpson writing at the Capital Research Center says that HIAS has received $186 MILLION from the US Treasury in the last ten years.  See here.

If President Trump continues to admit fewer numbers of refugees their budgetary bottom-line will suffer.

In my opinion, there is nothing more maddening than an election-year political campaign being run by a non-profit group heavily funded by us—-US taxpayers!

Thanks to reader Brenda for alerting me to their #MissingNeighbors campaign and poster.

From their website:


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This is a screenshot so the links are not hot.  If you want to see their toolkit, go here:

You too should be educating candidates! 


***Below are the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.

Faithful readers are probably sick of seeing this list almost every day, but a friend once told me that people need to see something seven times before it completely sinks in, so it seems to me that 70, or even 700 isn’t too much!

And, besides I have new readers every day.

Here is HIAS protesting the Trump Administration in New York in February 2017. 

The present US Refugee Admissions Program will never be reformed if the system of paying the contractors by the head stays in place and the contractors are permitted to act as Leftwing political agitation groups, community organizers and lobbyists paid on our dime!  

And, to add insult to injury they pretend it is all about ‘humanitarianism.’

The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees into your towns and cities and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  And, get them registered to vote eventually!

From my most recent accounting, here.  However, please see that Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies has done an update of their income, as has James Simpson at the Capital Research Center!

DR Congo tops the list for highest number of refugees resettled in US in FY18

I’ve previously reported that the African country, DR Congo, holds the distinction of being the country sending (at present) the highest number of refugees to US towns and cities.


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35% of the refugees who entered the US in FY18 were from the DR Congo. The UN wants us to take 50,000 total.


Filling Obama’s promise…..

And, I told you that Obama’s State Department promised the United Nations that the US would take 50,000 in total over five years.  We are almost there.

Since that promise was made in 2013 we have resettled 46,041 DR Congolese, placed them in 47 states with Texas being the top ‘welcoming’ state.

This years’ data….

The Refugee Processing Center data for FY18, the year that just closed, will be harder to find by next month, so I thought I should capture the numbers here for future reference.

22,491 total refugees were admitted from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018.  Here is where they came from:


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This post is filed in my ‘Where to find information’ category and in ‘Refugee Statistics.’

Previous posts on the DR Congo are here.  You probably recognize the DR Congo because it has been in the news a lot lately due to an Ebola outbreak there.