In September of last year, the Trump Administration set the CEILING for refugee admissions at 45,000 for the fiscal year that began October 1, 2017.
As of the last day of August the number actually admitted so far is 19,899.
Previously George Bush held the record for the lowest number of refugee admitted to the US. President Trump is set to break that record.
That would be an average monthly admissions rate of 1,809 for FY18. Assuming that rate continues (although August was below average at 1,685), total admissions for the year will come in at less than 22,000 for the entire fiscal year.
I looked around to see if I saw any anti-Trump screeches from the federal refugee contractors***, but not so far. Maybe they are all at the beach.
Here (below) is a map fromWrapsnetshowing where this year’s ‘New Americans’ were placed.
See how ‘welcoming’ your state has been this year!
And, many have mental challenges after five years of all-male detention on Manus Island says refugee activist. Oh joy!
Some of these single men who have been in detention for five years will soon be free in your American neighborhood!
Of course we are not told where the 13 (probably all Muslims) are going to be placed in America.
Just when I had been thinking that maybe the Trump Administration was quietly forgetting about the Obama “dumb deal” with Australia, here comes the news from Radio New Zealand:
13 Manus refugees flown to the US for resettlement
They cite their “collective scriptural mandate” as the reason for their demands that you, the American taxpayer, pay for their ‘religious’ charity.
Honestly, this is probably one of the most maddening aspects of this subject—-why on earth do they think the Bible says that government must take care of the poor?
Why can’t these “faith” leaders find ways to take care of the impoverished in the world (starting in their own towns!) using their own money!
(Or they can volunteer to help the third world in the third world!)
Your new neighbors? I had to laugh about the photo the Christian Post uses to illustrate this news. Do these ‘refugees’ in Greece make you want to invite them home? Where is the photo of mothers and babies? And, why is one guy laughing? Maybe because they fooled these Europeans!
Adding a knowledgeable and experienced voice to the on-going debate in the White House on possible refugee admission numbers for FY19, don’t miss Mary Doetsch writing at the Daily Calleryesterday on the question of security screening of refugees.
As refugee contractors — who make money on every refugee they resettle — break into hyper-lobbying mode to demand that the Trump administration resettle “at least 75,000” in the coming fiscal year, the recent lies and criminal activity of five refugees who were resettled via the fraud-laden U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) are, once again, being willfully ignored.
This is part of the refugee industry’s extensive and well-funded media campaign to pressure the President in to agreeing to admit 75,000 refugees beginning in five weeks.
Four improperly deemed “refugees” were charged with murder, lying to gain admission into the United States, and immigration benefits, among other crimes, while a fifth was charged with attempted murder.
In each case, the approved refugee likely would have been subjected to the much-touted, though often feckless, “enhanced vetting” that advocates say both ensures the legitimacy of the refugee claim and protects U.S. security interests. Nonetheless, at least four of the five successfully lied their way through what advocates claim is the “most vetted” interviewing process, duping refugee officers with their fabricated stories.
Sadly, these cases are simply the tip of the iceberg. As a Refugee Coordinator who covered the Middle East, Africa, Russia, Europe and Cuba for eight years, I had first-hand knowledge of country conditions and political realities, and I saw and read hundreds of fraudulent refugee claims.
Disturbingly, the majority of refugee claims are ultimately approved, despite serious questions regarding the applicants’ reliability and truthfulness, often based solely on their testimony.
Despite claims that refugees are subject to the most intense scrutiny prior to resettlement into the United States, the bottom line is that in countries with ill-functioning governments or where no reliable data exists, it is virtually impossible to vet refugee candidates.
Nayla Rush writing at the Center for Immigration Studiesposes a wide range of questions about how a man with two arrest warrants in Iraq got in to the US from Turkey in 2014, received extensive benefits from the US taxpayer, and lived here until now undetected.
Follow-Up Questions on Omar Ameen’s Refugee Resettlement Case
I have chosen two questions to highlight the fact that we allow the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and a non-profit Catholic group to do the initial screening of refugees entering the US from Turkey.