Boston Bombing blowback: Senator Graham has an amendment or two to S.744

Who said politicians can’t learn?  Here we apparently have Senator Lindsey ‘Amnesty’ Graham attempting to fix S.744 (the Gang of Eight plus Grover bill) which as we reported addresses our refugee and asylum program right along with the kitchen sink, in response to the Tsarnaev family’s asylum fraud.

What do ya’ think, Chuckie? AP Photo

Everyone is asking, how persecuted were the Chechens if they were traveling back and forth to Russia?  Indeed!

Remember there is absolutely no need to make changes to the Refugee Resettlement Program within this “comprehensive” bill.  Don’t misunderstand what I am saying, the program needs a complete Congressional review, but it should be a review SEPARATE FROM the Gang’s bill.

Since the Gang (which includes Graham) does make it easier for more refugees to enter the US for flimsier reasons (if they belong to a particular ‘special’ group or are a certain nationality), Graham’s proposed amendments are of interest.  Thanks so much to reader John for wading into this and alerting us.

Go here for a list of amendments to S.744.

Graham’s Amendment #1

The purpose is:   To provide for termination of asylum or refugee status in cases of country return.

Then below are the guts of it.  Refugee industry advocates will go nuts!  It basically says, if you go ‘home’ (with certain exceptions), you will have your refugee status TERMINATED!  Which means that right now a very large group of “refugees” and “asylees” would presumably get the heave-ho!  (Of course, assuming we had an administration with any guts to do it!).

… any alien who is granted asylum or refugee status under this Act or the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.), who, without good cause as determined by the Secretary, subsequently returns to the country of such alien’s nationality or, in the case of an alien having no nationality, returns to any country in which such alien last habitually resided, and who applied for such status because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution in that country on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion, shall have his or her status terminated.

Of course there are exceptions.  They can seek a waiver from the Secretary of State (big potential loophole there).  And, now I am rolling on the floor laughing—it does not apply to Cubans!   We don’t want to p*** off Rubio—NO! NO! NO!

I’ll tell you about another of Graham’s amendments tomorrow.

California Rep: Open refugee resettlement to all Afghan women

So what happens when these women get to the US and apply for family reunification and want hubby to join them? AP Photo

Oh brother!  If you think this proposal by a California Congresswoman sounds a bit nutty, please note that the Gang of Eight’s amnesty bill would in fact make refugee resettlement available to WHOLE CLASSES OF PEOPLE.

No longer would they have to personally show they are in fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or because they are a member of a persecuted ‘social group’ (includes being gay now), they simply must belong to a certain group of people assumed to be persecuted—eg. Afghan women.

The Gang of Eight bill also allows the President to declare a whole group of people, eg. Afghan women, as in the “national interest” to admit to the US.

Most of us have sympathy for the plight of women in Islamic countries, but that doesn’t mean we should happily “welcome” them to America.  And, indeed, all Muslim women are not so benign as Rep. Jackie Speier would have you think.  Have we already forgotten Bomber Mom  Zubeidat Tsarnaeva?

Here is CNS News yesterday in a story that is buzzing around the internet:

( – A U.S. lawmaker, expressing concern about the lives of Afghan women when most U.S. troops leave the country in 2014, said those who want to do so should be allowed to come to the United States:

“I’m really concerned about these women,” Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) told a House Armed Services subcommittee on April 25. “I think everyone on this panel is very concerned about these women…But I think there is something we can do. And that is to create a refugee status for any Afghan woman who wants to leave the country and is seeking asylum in our country.

“And that we should put in place now a procedure whereby they can be informed of that opportunity and be granted that opportunity, so that we can at least save the lives of those who are not so embedded in the culture and want to find a way to free themselves of what I believe will become, without a question, more oppressive than what’s going on right now, under our noses with us there.”

But, I thought the Libs, like Speier (and Obama), think there is no reason to be in Afghanistan any longer, that everything there will be hunky-dory!   Truth be told, I don’t want us to be there either because we are never going to change these Islamic societies, we just need to now make sure they don’t bring their ‘religion and culture’ to America.

And Rep. Speier, tell me! what happens when all these women are granted asylum and then apply for family reunification in order to bring all their hubbies and half grown kids to join them in America—hmmmm?

Tell Congress to strip out all references to refugee resettlement and asylum from the Gang of Eight Amnesty bill.

Gang of Eight provides “slush fund” for refugee resettlement contractors

….or any number of other non-profit groups with experience in serving immigrants.

Your tax dollars!

We mentioned it here a few days ago, but the Center for Immigration Studies highlights the new grant program to benefit the bill’s lobbyists in a piece this morning, by Jon Feere.

The pro-amnesty lobbyists who helped craft the Schumer-Rubio immigration bill included within the bill two “slush funds” amounting to $150 million that may be supplemented with additional taxpayer dollars for years to come. Slush fund grantees are “public or private, non-profit organizations” described in the bill as including “a community, faith-based, or other immigrant-serving organization whose staff has demonstrated qualifications, experience, and expertise in providing quality services to immigrants, refugees, persons granted asylum, or persons applying for such statuses.” In other words, the grantees would include many of the groups involved in writing and promoting the amnesty.

Section 2537 of the Schumer-Rubio bill provides “Initial Entry, Adjustment, and Citizenship Assistance” grants to public and private, non-profit organizations that promise to help illegal immigrants apply for the amnesty (p. 384). For example, this includes help with “completing applications”, “gathering proof of identification”, and “applying for any waivers”. But the recipients of these funds are given a lot of discretion, as the funds can also be used for “any other assistance” that the grantee “considers useful” to aliens applying for amnesty. The bill appropriates $100 million in grant funding for a five-year period ending in 2018, plus any additional “sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 2019 and subsequent fiscal years”. (p. 392). There are no limits to the amount of money that may be given out to pro-amnesty groups.

Read it all!

So who are those “faith-based” and “immigrant-serving organizations” we are familiar with here at RRW—the federal refugee contractors euphemistically called Volags (short for Voluntary Agencies) paid largely by the US taxpayer to resettle refugees.

I already know that most of these ‘non-profits’ are lobbying for the Gang of Eight bill (I just haven’t bothered to check each website).  There are hundreds more smaller groups that will be squabbling over the new federal handout if the ‘Gang’ is successful.

I’ve wondered aloud why these contractors, charged with finding jobs for LEGAL refugees and asylees, are pushing for the legalization of millions of illegal alien job-competitors—this new pot of money is surely near the top of the list for reasons why!

I wonder does Bill O’Reilly know how deep the Catholic Bishops are in this refugee/asylum industry?  (They are the largest of the nine, followed by the IRC and LIRS):

How many “Stateless” people are running around America looking for asylum?

This is another of those questionable sections of  S.744 (the Gang of Eight amnesty bill) we should be concerned about:

Section 3405:

‘(a) Stateless Persons-
‘(1) IN GENERAL- In this section, the term ‘stateless person’ means an individual who is not considered a national under the operation of the laws of any country.
‘(2) DESIGNATION OF SPECIFIC STATELESS GROUPSThe Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, may, in the discretion of the Secretary, designate specific groups of individuals who are considered stateless persons, for purposes of this section.
‘(b) Status of Stateless Persons-
‘(1) RELIEF FOR CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS DETERMINED TO BE STATELESS PERSONS- The Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General may, in his or her discretion, provide conditional lawful status to an alien who is otherwise inadmissible or deportable from the United States if the alien–

It then goes on to list the requirements.

Stateless Rohingya?

The media and open borders agitators have been working overtime to say that Rohingya Muslims are “stateless.”

So do we have to worry about a flood of Rohingya coming across our borders looking for asylum?    See our Rohingya Reports category with 143 posts for more information than you probably want!  Are the Sri Lankan Tamils we are letting in considered “stateless?”  How about all those Bhutanese?  Could Chechens be considered stateless?

Soros is behind most Open Borders agitation groups

International Observatory on Statelessness!

Sheesh, there is a whole advocacy group (probably more than one) addressing the “statelessness crisis.”  Check them out here.

Note that George Soros ‘Open Society Institute’ is represented on the board.  That explains a lot. One more thing we need to pay attention to!

The photo can be found at this excellent article at Liberty Juice, ‘George Soros:  Domestic Enemy Number 1.’

And, in case you hadn’t heard the news, once Soros meets his maker (?) his spawn will take up his “cause.”

Don’t forget!  In light of Boston, tell Congress to strip out all refugee/asylum sections from S.744 and investigate and hold separate hearings on the seriously flawed program.  Ask Marco Rubio if he is working for Soros!

We need more diversity from Kyrgyzstan, says Gang of Eight bill

Yesterday the Daily Caller alerted us to another section of the monster “comprehensive” immigration reform bill that relates to the already existent DIVERSITY Visa Lottery.  Yes, you have the right.  We have another LEGAL immigration program that brings in 50,000 or so “diverse” immigrants a year so that we assure what?—DIVERSITY in our immigrant populations.

We need to be sure we have a representative sample of people from Kyrgyzstan in America. Diversity is beautiful! Right?

Regular readers here may know that Virginia Republican, Robert Goodlatte, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has for years tried to kill this ridiculous fraud-ridden lottery.

Here is what the Daily Caller reports on the “reforms” to be made via the Gang of Eight bill to the Diversity Visa Lottery:

The Senate’s pending immigration bill would give an advantage to people seeking to immigrate from Kyrgyzstan, the former Soviet republic that provided passports to the two ethnic Chechens who allegedly bombed Boston.

As part of a compromise that would replace the current “Diversity Lottery” program, countries with low rates of immigration to the United Sates — including Kyrgyzstan and Russia — would be awarded five points.

The five-point bonus could have a significant influence on who gets to live among 310 million Americans, because only the top-scoring applicants in the bill’s new merit-based immigration system would be granted green cards.

This system would give a person with a Kyrgyzstan passport an advantage over otherwise equally qualified people from countries like Mexico, the United Kingdom, Canada and Brazil. Those countries do not qualify for the bonus because they send large numbers of people to the United States.

The same bonus is also offered to people from a series of unstable countries that are not covered by the Diversity Lottery, a State Dept. program that annually offers 55,000 green cards to people in countries that send few immigrants to the United States.

Those countries include Egypt, Libya, Somalia and Tunisia, as well as countries alongside the war-wrecked Chechen homeland in the Caucasus mountains.

We have resettled over 100,000 Somalis through Refugee Resettlement, so why are they allowed to participate in the Lottery?

All of our posts on the Boston refugee bombers are here.