Here is an idea for Donald Trump today (the master at making Leftwing media heads explode).
Just as everyone is going crazy over Trump’s summit with Putin, he could invite Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House to discuss big beautiful border walls!
Haaretz calls them “soulmates.” Last year France 24 called them “spiritual brothers.”
I can dream, can’t I!
Israel’s border wall with Egypt
Today Orban will be in Israel meeting with Netanyahu and the far Left publication Haaretzgives us an idea of the magnitude of the media meltdown the US press would have if an Orban/Netanyahu/Trump event was scheduled!
Italy is headed to the political right and George Soros can’t stand it!
Soros’ worldwide push to eliminate borders is backfiring as citizens with national pride push back through the election process!
Of course the driving force for that rightward political swing is the increased anger by the electorate there about how Italy is carrying an unfair (yes!) burden as a key landing zone for the invasion from Africa.
Buy them off! Send money, says Soros, who just recently has abandoned his efforts to ‘change’ his former home country of Hungary. Viktor Orban’s very public campaign (backed by the electorate there) against Soros has succeeded. Continue reading “George Soros wants EU to pay-off Italy to influence Italian voters in migrants controversy”→
On the heels of my post yesterday, here is the first of what surely will be many stories about how refugee workers are needed for meatpackers and hotel chains—this time in Virginia. The economic study being cited is from the Tent Foundation a creation of Hamdi Ulukaya (Mr. Chobani Yogurt) shown here with the great promoter of cheap immigrant labor and a borderless world, George Soros. I guess they realized the ‘humanitarian’ shtick was no longer effective, they have come right out and admitted what this is all about—workers willing to work cheap.
Here (below) is the whole flimsy Virginia Public Radio bit.
Expect to hear more of this line that by the time they are here for 20 years, refugees give back to the economy, but never any mention about how much these low wage workers with 6 children consume via welfare, schooling, medical care, housing etc. for those first 20 years!
And, it won’t be lost on our Minnesota readers who have been told time and again that thenumbers are not availablefor what it costs the state to take care of its refugee population.
If no numbers are available, how can this Public Radio reporter say this? Because he is mindlessly parroting the globalist Tent Foundation.
Before I tell you about ‘Moneybags’ Miliband’s proposal for his home country, the UK, and for the whole of Europe, this article gives me an opportunity to clarify something the No Borders gang doesn’t want you to understand.
If you are saying Europe is already taking in hundreds of thousands of “refugees,” how can they take more? Know that the over a million migrants, which have descended on Europe in recent years, are not “refugees” until they have had their asylum claims adjudicated and have been determined to be truly persecuted people in need of refugee protection. The vast majority are illegal aliens/economic migrants!
The next time someone on the Left (or a politician) says we must do our share because Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon are doing so much more, remember this: the migrants in those countries are temporary. They will not become voting citizens as our admitted refugees will be! David Miliband and George Soros
The people Miliband is talking about are “refugees” mostly identified and registered with the United Nations and who will become permanent residents when they are admitted. Many live in UN camps in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. It is (mostly) from that pool that the US has taken its 10,000+ over the last 6 months (see yesterday’s post). For decades, without a doubt the US has taken the lion’s share of the refugees the UN has identified and wants to distribute to the West.
Doing well by doing good!
David Miliband heads the financially largest of the nine US resettlement contractors*** the International Rescue Committee. He is a former UK Labor Party Foreign Minister and a pal of—-drum roll—-George Soros. I call him “Moneybags” because he pulls down an annual salary of $671,749 (largely funded by US taxpayer dollars). See post on the IRC’s Form 990, here.
Here is The Guardianstory with this headline:
David Miliband calls for leadership on refugee resettlement in the EU
It could be sub-titled: Miliband takes a whack at Trump!
David Miliband has called on the European Union to bring half a million refugees to Europe over the next five years, which would mean providing homes for almost 10% of the world’s most vulnerable refugees each year.
Under the targets proposed by the International Rescue Committee (IRC), of which Miliband is chairman, the EU would commit to increasing targets of European resettlement schemes to take in 108,000 refugees every year for five years from refugee camps and communities in countries such as Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon.
In 2017, 65,000 refugees were resettled worldwide, a third of the number resettled the previous year (189,300). The EU provided resettlement places for 23,000 refugees – or 1.9% of those eligible for resettlement. Under the target being called for by the IRC, the EU would resettle 9% of eligible refugees.
Let’s stop for a minute and look at the numbers. I used the calendar year data at Wrapsnetand see that in 2017, the US resettled just over half (51%) of the refugees resettled by the whole Western world—33,368 (of the 65,000). Pew Research tells us that in 2016 the US share was also 51%, but get this….from Pew:
In 2016, for example, out of approximately 1 million eligible refugees identified by UNHCR, an estimated 189,000 were resettled worldwide, with more than half (51%) of these ending up in the United States. Between 1982 and 2016, the U.S. admitted more than two-thirds (69%) of the world’s resettled refugees, followed by Canada (14%) and Australia (11%).
So for nearly a quarter of a century the US was, by far, the most ‘welcoming’ country in the world! Yeh! Miliband is right—other countries need to pick up the slack now. Time for the US to take a breather! The Guardian continues….
Miliband said Europe had been “playing catch up” with the refugee crisis as it dealt with large numbers of people [illegal aliens!—ed] arriving and claiming asylum over the past few years, but now had an opportunity to “become a proactive player” on this issue.
“Europe needs to recognise that this refugee crisis around the world is not going away and Europe needs to have a proactive policy which includes the option of refugee resettlement for a portion of the most vulnerable who are identified as qualifying for refugee resettlement,” he said.
Miliband: Europe must lead because Trump isn’t!
Miliband said the need for Europe to provide world leadership had increased after the Trump administration announced last year it would slash the US resettlement target from 110,000 places in 2017 to a maximum of 45,000 places in 2018. The US has traditionally taken the most refugees through resettlement programmes of any country.
Calling Hungarian PM Victor Orban! Pay attention to Soros and Miliband!
However, the calls are likely to face opposition from some member states, which have refused to share the responsibility of refugee hosting across the EU. Last year, the European commission began a legal case against the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland for refusing to participate in a programme that relocated refugees that had arrived in Greece and Italy.
Under the IRC’s proposal, all EU member states would be required to set a target for refugee resettlement, proportionate to GDP and population. Most countries would have to dramatically expand their resettlement programmes to meet this target.
More here. Do you live in Connecticut? British national and one-worlder, IRC CEO David Miliband, pulls down an annual salary package of $671,749 (doing well by doing good!). Humanitarian work pays well, if you can get it!
If so, you can catch “Moneybags” live at the Greenwich Library later this month:
Talk on refugee crisis
David Miliband, president and CEO of the International Rescue Committee, will be interviewed by Lori Esposito Murray from the Council on Foreign Relations in a talk titled “Refugees and the Political Crisis of Our Time.” This conversation will take place in the Greenwich Library Cole Auditorium at 7 p.m. April 19. Miliband was a member of the British Parliament before taking charge of the IRC, which conducts humanitarian relief operations in more than 40 war-affected countries and refugee resettlement and assistance programs in 28 U.S. cities. Murray is an adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, an adjunct professor at the University of Connecticut, and president emeritus of the World Affairs Councils of America. Space is limited. Register at
Contact the President by clicking here. Ask him why are we paying refugee contractors to do political agitation worldwide that includes criticism of your administration’s policies. Forget Amazon, investigate the refugee contractors!
***These are the nine federal resettlement contractors which are hired by the federal government to take care of refugees resettled in the US, but spend much of their time doing community organizing and No Borders political agitation work against the sitting President of the US.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with (low paying) jobs in food production and cleaning hotel rooms, and get them signed up for their services! From most recent accounting, here.
That should be the debate. Anything else is just mud being thrown around to confuse the taxpaying public and make people feel guilty about questioning our LEGAL immigration programs.
For instance, this storyat something called ‘Workforce’posits that refugees’ greatest contributions are that their hiring brings much-needed diversity to the work place—WTH! Diversity! Like the diversity Muslim refugees bring when they file lawsuits against meatpackers for special prayer privileges in slaughter plants?
And, just forget the notion that the US Refugee Admissions Program is a solely humanitarian effort on the part of the US—it is about the movement of labor around the world (and about Democrat voters), but not first about welcoming the stranger!
Let me repeat! If America needs cheap (compliant immigrant) labor, have that debate and leave the diversity/humanitarian mumbo-jumbo out of it!
Here is Workforce:
As immigration issues swirl around businesses seeking to hire foreign talent, a new guide published by the Tent Foundation is still touting the benefits of hiring refugees.
Hamdi Ulukaya the CEO of Chobani Yogurt, here with George Soros discussing refugees, founded the Tent Foundation.
The “U.S. Employers’ Guide to Hiring Refugees”highlights the positive aspects businesses reap when hiring refugees. Diversity tops the list of what refugees bring to the workplace, according to Gideon Maltz, executive director of Tent Foundation, a nonprofit organization that works with businesses to help them integrate refugee workers into their workplace. Whether it’s experience or language, refugees can provide new insights from their respective countries.
The guide is here, written by the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service!
“A more diverse workforce fosters new ideas and innovations, which is necessary in our more competitive, global market,” Maltz said.
Finding those refugee workers poses a challenge, based on recent statistics.
Based on the Tent Foundation guide, a refugee is “an individual who is unable to return to his or her home country due to a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion or social group.”
Employers have options beyond refugees if they want to diversify their workforce with foreign workers. Immigrants on an H-1B visa, which allows U.S. companies to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations, also bring with them their foreign experiences and knowledge. [I’ve skipped most of the discussion about other legal immigration programs to bring in foreign workers. The reporter seems to be mixing them up with the refugee program anyway. Most refugees don’t come in with special skills.—ed]
Burke [Richard Burke, CEO of Envoy Global, an enterprise platform that works with companies to make the hiring and managing process of a global workforce easier] reasoned that businesses could be putting more of an effort into introducing more immigrants because they see the benefit diversity brings to a company’s culture.
“To address the supply and demand imbalance employers are saying, ‘We have opportunities, we want to grow, we want to contribute to the economy,’ ” said Burke.
“But to do that we need the talent and the workers to do it. And the only way to do it is through foreign national talent.”
Envoy Global’s “2018 Immigration Trends Report” looks at opinions of employers on immigration and their hiring process. Based on the report, businesses that would like to implement this strategy are finding it difficult to do so in the face of the tougher immigration standards.
“Eighty-five percent of respondents say the U.S immigration program policies have impacted their ability to hire,” said Burke.
Contact the refugee contractors!
It was the recently ousted Lutheran CEO Hartke who signed the deal with the Tent Foundation to write their hiring guide.
We already know from past reporting that some of the usual gang of nine refugee contractors***are working with global meat companies to help them find and retain cheap (compliant because they can’t go home!) refugee labor. Workforce continues….
For potential employers that want to hire refugees, Maltz advises them to reach out to their local resettlement agency since those organizations can help with logistical details. Managers should also prepare to spend extra money on English as second language courses and other programs to help new workers acclimate to their new home.
“[It] may require some upfront investments but these are small in relation to the benefits refugees will bring to your company,” Maltz said.
Yup! They mention the “higher retention rates” of refugee laborers. Of course, because again, they can’t go home and are dependent on their handlers at the refugee contracting agencies for their other needs.
See more on the Tent Foundation, here. And, I wrote about it here (working with Lutheran head hunters at LIRS)!
So cut the crap, stop throwing the mud around, and have the debate about US labor shortages (does it exist and what is the best way to deal with it, if it is even true)!
***Here are the nine federal refugee contractors. They have been complaining as their regular paying client numbers (refugees) have declined during the Trump Administration. They pretend their sole mission is humanitarian, but they work closely and receive funding from big global corporations in addition to their generous contributions from you—the taxpayer!
The original Refugee Act of 1980, that set up this monstrosity, envisioned a public-private partnership that over the years has almost completely morphed in to a federal program. Congress must reform the program and get these supposedly non-profit middlemen out of the process.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with jobs, and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)! From most recent accounting, here.