Trump doubles down on Syrian refugee "Trojan Horse" comments

Here we have the New York Post reporting on 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump (on the Sunday shows) reemphasizing his contention that the Syrian refugee stream to Europe and America could bring ISIS terrorists in with it.

donald serious
Donald Trump: “What she [Merkel] has done to Germany is insane.”
Trump also said he carries a gun from time to time.
Just a reminder, the Syrian stream to America is well underway, 97% are Syrian Muslims.
From the New York Post:

WASHINGTON — It’s “insane” that Chancellor Angela Merkel is allowing so many male Syrian refugees into Germany, Donald Trump said Sunday.

“I’ve been watching this migration. And I see the people. I mean, they’re men, they’re mostly men, and they’re strong men,” Trump said on “Face the Nation.” “What I won’t do is take in 200,000 Syrians who could be ISIS.”

“These are physically young, strong men. They look like prime-time soldiers. Now, it’s probably not true. But where are the women?” the GOP frontrunner wondered.

Merkel has welcomed the flood of mostly Syrian and Afghan refugees with compassion saying it’s her “damned duty” to help those running for their lives. An estimated 800,000 newcomers will arrive in Germany by the year’s end.

“What she’s done in Germany is insane. It’s insane. They’re having all sorts of attacks.”

The Gulf States “who have nothing but money” and others should find a big swath of land in Syria and create a safe zone to harbor families, Trump suggested. The US could help economically, but should limit taking in Syrian refugees because they could be terrorists.

See all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by clicking here.  And, see what Merkel is doing to Germany, here (“unparalleled historical mistake”).
Update:  Merkel not backing down on original decision to invite Syrian refugees to Germany, here.

'Refugee' security screening Greek-style

Invasion of Europe news…

refugee men greece
From Foreign Policy story entitled, ‘The men who pretend to be Syrian refugees.’

Really good article here at Foreign Policy telling us how the ‘refugees’ reaching Greece lie, claiming to be Syrians, and how the Greek authorities sort them out.  However, it appears that no matter what nationality they determine the mostly men to be, they are moved northward in Europe.
Foreign Policy’s opening lines:

KARA TEPE, Greece — “Oh, you’re from Syria,” said one of the officials holding up a spiral-bound book with color pictures of 100-pound notes. “Can you point to which of these pictures is your home currency?”

One by one, the head of the vetting team led by Frontex, a European Union agency that works between member states to secure EU borders, quizzes men and families claiming to be from Syria who arrive on the Greek island of Lesbos.

“I’m a Syrian,” the man repeated to the official cautiously, his shoes and clothing still wet from the journey by sea earlier that day. “From Deir Ezzor.”

The man, who had arrived from Turkey that morning, hesitated and pointed to a yellow bill, a fake note that vaguely resembled Lebanese currency but was clearly not from Syria.


German officials have said that 30 percent of the people claiming to be Syrian asylum-seekers in Germany are not in fact from Syria, but officials in Greece with knowledge of the initial registration process on the Aegean island estimate the number is much higher.

Read the whole shocking (LOL! maybe not shocking!) story by clicking here.
Our entire (extends back many years) Invasion of Europe archive is here.

As popularity drops,"Mama Merkel" stands by decision to invite Syrians to Germany

Invasion of Europe news…..

There is so much news out of a struggling-to-cope Germany that I suggest readers wishing to learn more simply search for ‘Merkel and refugees’ and take your pick of many news articles from around the world.

Horst Seehofer
Merkel critic Horst Seehofer sees his popularity rising as Merkel’s falls

Here is the Financial Times on German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s plunging popularity.  There is even a reference to the government commandeering private property to house the 10,000 or so refugees entering Germany EVERY DAY!

Angela Merkel has defended her decision to make Germany a haven for refugees, despite sliding public support and mounting criticism of the policy from within her ruling coalition.

Speaking as Germany marked the 25th anniversary of reunification, the chancellor on Sunday urged people to apply the same energy to the unprecedented migrant wave as was shown in bringing together West and East Germany.

“We stand before new tasks . . . the scale and scope of which we do not yet know,” Ms Merkel said in a radio interview. She insisted that if she had to review the move she took a month ago to relax asylum rules for refugees from war-ravaged Syria, the biggest source of migrants, she would take the same decision again.

Her comments come as opinion polls reveal a sharp drop in support for Ms Merkel’s leadership. A survey for ARD television last week showed that the share of Germans satisfied with her work plunged 9 percentage points in a month to 54 per cent — the lowest level since December 2001.

Meanwhile, Horst Seehofer, head of the conservative Bavarian CSU party, partner to Ms Merkel’s CDU, who has called the chancellor’s refugee policy a “mistake”, saw his support rise 11 points to 39 per cent.

The commonsense German citizen knows this rate of migration is unsustainable, and the mystery continues about why Merkel made this disastrous decision in the first place.
Read the whole article here.
Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive may be found by clicking here.  And, we have been following the German ‘experiment’ for years, go here for more on Germany and ‘Mama Merkel’—the nickname given to Chancellor Merkel by the migrants.

Germany: Diversity not so beautiful after all

Invasion of Europe news…..
Reader ‘domstudent11’ directed us to this Washington Post story yesterday—The Washington Post is actually reporting this! That is probably the big news!

tent city near Berlin
Tent city being constructed near Berlin. If this was happening in America, citizens would not tolerate it!

Germans not so welcoming now as ethnic groups clash in tent cities!

CALDEN, Germany — This German town renowned for its rococo palace threw open its doors to arriving waves of refugees.

Donations from clothing drives filled four garages. The volunteer fire department pitched in to build a tent city at the airport that now teems with 1,400 migrants.

But like other Germans in a country that has rolled out the welcome mat for Europe’s largest wave of asylum seekers since World War II, residents here are having second thoughts.

That is especially true after the riot. In this quaint municipality of 3,000 inhabitants, the chaos started at lunchtime Sunday when a 19-year-old Albanian cut in the food line at the town’s new tent city, prompting a reprimand from a 43-year-old Pakistani.

Pushes degenerated into punches. Soon, 300 migrants wielding pepper spray and metal pipes were attacking each other in rival mobs.

A caravan of ambulances and SWAT team vans careened down streets lined with gawking residents. More than 50 police officers struggled for hours to restore order, with three hospitalized with injuries, according to witnesses and local officials.

“You know, when the refugees started coming, I was one of those who saw people needing help and I thought we have to help,” said Harry Kloska, 46, a shaggy-haired instructor in the skydiving club based at the airport. He and his stunned clients huddled inside his office as the violence flared, Kloska said.

“But it’s been weeks [since the refugee camp opened], and I have a different opinion now,” he said. “I am not sure that we’re going to be able to do this, to help so many people from so many different countries.”

No kidding!
Read it all here.
More here at the BBC.
See our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by clicking here.  All of our posts on Mama Merkel’s mess are here.

Germany: Forget this humanitarian B.S. We want workers!

Invasion of Europe news….

While looking for something else, I came across this article from Der Spiegel from August in which it is made very clear that Angela Merkel’s welcome to the migrants is all about the cheap and abundant labor German industrialists need.  (This was written before the invasion crisis began in earnest and there was still a certain glow to the notion of inviting ‘refugees’ to Germany).
As we highlighted in a story from Twin Falls, Idaho—just follow the money!
See Angela Merkel’s prospective workers arriving via Hungary (be prepared to be sick!)  Hat tip: John

German Companies see Refugees as Opportunities!

The German economy is dependent on immigration, both from Europe as well as people entering the country due to asylum rights in Germany. With the German population shrinking, businesses are unable to fill many jobs, and specialized workers are increasingly rare. This trend will only be exacerbated in the coming years. It’s a development that jeopardizes the country’s future prosperity.


A smaller workforce translates into fewer people paying into the pension fund and health insurance systems, fewer people consuming and producing goods, and fewer people paying taxes to pay for expenses like schools and road construction. Fewer people also translates into a reduced potential for growth and less affluence.


The skilled trades have already started recruiting refugees and migrants. When Christoph Karmann is not sitting in his office in downtown Munich, he is visiting vocational schools, where he encounters young migrants with many questions. What can I do, they ask? What opportunities will I have? How does the vocational training system work in Germany?

As one of two so-called training canvassers with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria, Karmann places refugees and migrants in companies with training programs. Bavarian skilled manual labor enterprises are urgently in need of trainees and workers. This spring, the chamber of trade wrote to 7,000 businesses in Upper Bavaria to ask whether they would hire a refugee. In response, it received offers for 1,200 internship and traineeship positions.

There is much more, read it all.
Obviously Germany is willing to trade its cultural and religious future for cold hard cash!  What good is “future prosperity” if Germany becomes New Syria!
See our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by clicking here.  All of our posts on Mama Merkel’s mess are here.