Nuts! Just nuts! 200,000 is an astronomical number and add to that the promise of 1,000 a month family reunification (chain migration) by late summer. And, that is considered a compromise! More Invasion of Europe news….
From Channel New Asia:
BERLIN: Germany will limit the number of asylum seeker arrivals to around 200,000 annually under a draft coalition agreement sealed Friday (Jan 12) in marathon talks between the country’s two biggest parties.
More on the way!
“We determine that the number of new arrivals … should not exceed the range of 180,000 to 220,000 per year,” according to a copy of the document agreed by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives and the Social Democrats obtained by AFP.
On the thorny issue of family reunions for asylum seekers granted temporary refuge, the preliminary accord says current restrictions should be loosened.
The agreement calls for parliament to pass a law by the end of July allowing 1,000 family members per month to come to Germany.
A little more here.
See my Germany archive by clicking here. Japan!
Meanwhile in Japan, efforts are underwayto further tighten asylum policy. Japan takes virtually no one! (And, has had no Islamic terror attacks. Coincidence?)
Reuters is reporting that oopsy! violent crime on the rise in Germany due to refugees. But check out the interesting twist! (Hat tip: Mary):
BERLIN (Reuters) – Young male refugees in Germany got the blame on Wednesday for most of a two-year increase in violent crime, adding fuel to the country’s political debate over migrants.
These good Germans welcomed all, didn’t they?
Violent crime rose by about 10 percent in 2015 and 2016, a study showed. It attributed more than 90 percent of that to young male refugees.
Too funny! They are quick to report it isn’t the Syrians, it is all of those from “other places” who came in along with the good Syrians.
It noted, however, that migrants settling from war-torn countries such as Syria were much less likely to commit violent crimes that those from other places who were unlikely to be given asylum.
Migration will be a key issue in forthcoming coalition talks between Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives and the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD). The arrival of more than a million migrants since mid-2015 hurt both parties in last September’s election.
The government-sponsored study showed a jump in violent crime committed by male migrants aged 14 to 30.
It’s that North African riffraff who are the culprits:
Around 17 percent of violent crimes in Lower Saxony that were attributed to refugees, for example, were suspected of being committed by North African asylum seekers who made up less than 1 percent of the state’s registered refugee population. North African asylum seekers have relatively slim chances of obtaining legal status in Germany.
Instead of proposals to close the borders and get rid of the troublemakers, the reader is left with this idea…. If they have a hope of staying and reuniting with family they will behave themselves!
Well gosh then, let’s make it all easier for them, give them hope of staying and presto! they will not commit violent acts. Can’t you xenophobes see that!
The whole article is here.
For my complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ go here.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged early Monday to maintain stability after the Free Democratic Party pulled out of talks on forming a new government with her conservative bloc and the left-leaning Greens, raising the possibility of new elections.
Merkel told reporters that the parties had been close to reaching a consensus on how to proceed with formal coalition talks but that the Free Democrats decided abruptly to pull out just before midnight Sunday — a move she said she respected, but found “regrettable.”
It is at least a day of deep reflection on how to go forward in Germany,” Merkel said. “But I will do everything possible to ensure that this country will be well led through these difficult weeks.”
Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats and sister Bavaria-only Christian Social Union, the pro-business Free Democrats and the left-leaning Greens had already blown past Merkel’s own deadline of Thursday to agree on a basis for opening formal negotiations on a coalition of all four parties, a configuration that has never been tried at a national level in Germany.
Key sticking points were the issues of migration and climate change.
On migration, the Christian Social Union wanted an annual cap on refugees, while the Greens sought to allow more categories of recent migrants to bring their closest relatives to join them.
If the Greens were truly concerned with the environment, they would be concerned about the impact of increased population in need of housing, roads, schools, food, water etc. Frankly, as migrants move to the first world they create more pollution and demands on resources. The fact that the Greens don’t care about that demonstrates they are first and foremost socialists/communists and it is about voting power for them.
The Independent continued:
Looking ahead, if it comes to a new election, polls currently suggest it would produce a very similar parliament to the current one, which would make efforts to form a new government similarly difficult.
You never know if the election would result in a different outcome—maybe more Germans have become aware of news like this—knife attacks on the riseas migrant numbers increase in Germany.
One of the most maddening things about our UN/US Refugee Admissions Program is that it is permanent.
When we take refugees they are here to stay and on track to citizenship even if their home country goes back to relative peace.
As we have watched Europe, particularly Germany ‘welcoming’ migrants, remember those flooding in to that country will have to seek asylum and wait for that legal process to work its will. Until their asylum claims are adjudicated they have no right to permanent resettlement—our refugees do!
Sure is a good thing we didn’t listen to Hillary who wanted 65.000 Syrians admitted to the US ASAP. Now will Mama Merkel move to send hers back?
This is why we should not fall for every UN/Leftwing scare tactic and jump to admit refugees who in a year or two could go home—like the Syrians.
Here is the newsfrom Germany that is not being widely broadcast!
European Union calls for return of Syrian refugees as the war against Islamic State draws to a close
Senior EU officials have started to call for Syrian refugees who fled the the ensuing violence and suffering from the war against Islamic State to be returned to their home country now that the war is over.
After recovering all strategic strongholds from IS, the Syrian Army on Wednesday claimed that it had won the war against the terrorist group.
This has prompted senior German officials to call on Chancellor Angela Merkel to open up communications with the Syrian government to facilitate the return of refugees who fled the war in Syria.
The right-wing Alternative for Deutschland (AFD) party say Angela Merkel and her new government should immediately strike up talks with Syria’s president Assad to start the ball rolling on a deal to repatriate migrants that had fled to Germany during the migrant crisis.
“This deal should ensure that the returnees will be accepted in Syria and accommodated only in safe areas,” the AFD said in a statement. They are also calling for the Syrian government to help pay for the cost of sending them all back.
The Green Party, which has been invited to help Merkel form a government, branded the politicians “irresponsible, inhumane and heartless”.
The Open Borders Leftists have their hearts set on a new refugee flood—watch for the rise of the Rohingya. And, just behind those Muslims from Bangladesh/Burma look for the propaganda campaign for millions of climate refugees to be ‘welcomed’ to the west.
The climate refugees are a twofer for them—-they get to yak about global warming and refugees!
See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here and see how Hillary is responsible for the invasion launching now from Libya.
So, how did the prosecution in Germany know he was in his mid-20’s—that he was a liar?
They checked his teeth—actually one tooth had been removed, but saved. (Is that some sort of method to scam naive western countries—take out the teeth that could give them away as adults?).
You probably know about this dreadful case where the Afghan asylum seeker murdered the young daughter of an EU official and dumped her body in a nearby river.
The poor young woman had worked as a volunteer with the so-called migrant ‘children’ in her university town.
Boo hoo! This evil creep will now be treated as an adult in the German legal system
Here is what I’d like to know—why can’t we examine the teeth of every ‘unaccompanied alien minor’ arriving at our borders and treat them according to what we find—detention in an adult facility or a teen facility until they can be removed!
A migrant who raped and killed an EU official’s daughter and lied that he was an ‘unaccompanied minor’ is between 22 and 29 years old, dental checks have proved.
Hussein Khavari ambushed 19-year-old medical student Maria Ladenburger in Freiberg in October last year before raping her and drowning her in a river.
Today, a dental expert appeared to have wrecked his hopes of escaping with a lighter sentence by showing with ‘near certainty’ that Khavari was 25. The bogus Afghan refugee originally claimed to be just 17.
Speaking at Khavari’s trial on Tuesday, research scientist Ursula Wittwer-Backofen revealed her analysis of his upper right canine tooth.
The tooth was removed eight months before he attacked the teenager.
He kept the tooth as some sort of souvenir and on Tuesday it became exhibit A in the courtroom in Freiburg, southern Germany, where he has been standing trial for the past two months for the crime.
More here including pictures of the beautiful student.
Come on Germany, wake up!
See myprevious post on Germany earlier this morning.