This is the cold hard truth….

When the number of devout Muslims increase to a certain level in any city or country in the western world, a tipping point is reached. It is not about economic costs to communities, and not about the degree of vetting the migrants receive, it is all about demography, Islamic supremacism and the unraveling of western civil society (the primary goal of the hijra!)….
….while decent people, fearing being called racist haters and Islamophobes, stay silent.
Here we have news from Germany where the whole (honest) western world can see that they have admitted too many migrants for the country to absorb and assimilate.
At a certain population level most devout Muslims won’t even integrate (the Left’s favorite word), let alone assimilate and accept German values. Why should they?
From Breitbart London (hat tip: Charles):
Whistleblower Schoolteacher: Mass Migration, Radical Islam Making Education Impossible
An experienced [brave!–ed] teacher from a heavily migrant-occupied neighbourhood in a German city has said the spread of radical Islamism is creating divisions in society and turning young children against education.
The claim that educational attainment, as well as attitudes towards work and school, have all suffered recently because of a “gigantic integration problem” and radical Islam comes just days after a new report revealed the number of teachers being forced to report their elementary-aged pupils to the authorities for radical Salafist*** views is rising.
Writing for Germany’s Welt broadsheet, teacher Ingrid König described her local area as an economically deprived one, sandwiched between an arterial road and a railway, which suffers from lack of investment and which has long been a home to migrant communities. Yet the teacher has chosen to speak out only now to describe a sudden change in the attitude of new migrant arrivals, which she finds distinct from earlier generations of Turks, Yugoslavs, Poles, Romanians, and Russians whose children she has taught from past migrant waves.
Remarking “every immigrant generation had its difficulties, but you could handle that”, König said the new Syrian and Afghan migrant children were years behind their migrant counterparts from previous generations of arrivals in learning ability — a discrepancy she blamed on “the radicalisation of Islam”.
Identifying “a gigantic integration problem that has been ignored for far too long” which requires “tremendous manpower and resources to be overcome”, the teacher said in addition to language barriers, the “fully veiled” migrant parents of her pupils also had “mental disorders”, were alcoholics, or just could not get out of bed in the morning. These parents do not encourage their children to do any additional study at home, nor do they tell their children to respect their teachers, she said.
Continue reading here. She says the parents are already radicalized.
It is a numbers issue—when the population of ‘devout’ Muslims reach a certain level (being reached now in Europe) there is no incentive to ‘integrate’ or heavan-forbid ‘assimilate’ because in their minds they are almost there—domination is only a few short years away.
Maybe we should thank Germany for showing us the future, so perhaps we can stop it from happening to America!
See posts going back many years on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by clicking here.
***In Europe, Germany in particular, they use the word Salafist to describe those who espouse what we (wrongly) call “radical” Islam. See a discussion about Salafist jihad here:
Salafism has become associated with literalist, strict and puritanical approaches to Islam – and, particularly in the West, with the Salafi Jihadis who espouse violent jihad against those they deem to be enemies of Islam as a legitimate expression of Islam.