Why are Jewish groups "scampering" to save Muslim refugees?

Good question isn’t it!  It is a question I’ve wondered about for 8 years, ever since I first heard of HIAS and Muslim refugees.

President and CEO of HIAS, Mark Hetfield, pulls down a salary and related income package of about $300,000 a year to save Muslim refugees among others.

But, now that I know more, it is not too complicated to answer—they are doing it because they are politically-correct hard Leftists working to change America, and they are doing it for the money they receive from the US taxpayer to resettle Muslims in America.
I’m speaking specifically here of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), one of the groups mentioned in this editorial in the Jewish Voice entitled: HIAS & ADL Spend Jewish $$ to Bring Muslims to the US?
Regular readers know that HIAS is one of nine major federal resettlement contractors colonizing and changing your towns and cities.
We also learned last December that HIAS has dropped the word “Hebrew” from its name!  Go figure!
From the Jewish Voice (emphasis is mine):

It’s almost too embarrassing to tell the story about the Jewish organization, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) and its new job of resettling Syrian/Muslim refugees into this country. And how many of us have ever heard of the umbrella group of this endeavor, calling itself the Jewish Coalition for Syrian Refugees in Jordan which includes under its umbrella, other such name brand charities as: ADL, the AJC, JCPA, Jewish Federations of North America, to name but just a few?

Before we dig deeper into this lunacy, just how many Jews are there to be resettled from the nations of Syria and Jordan? How many fingers do you have on your left hand? So, without being geniuses, we conclude that the “refugees” being aided and abetted to immigrate to this country are…Muslims.*** And major American Jewish charities are stumbling over themselves to be the rescuers of these Jew haters. And Jew haters they are. We hear no words of love for Jews emanating from any major figure or leader from among the Muslim controlled lands in that area of the world. In addition, we must ask, “How are these people being screened to rule out terrorists being welcomed to this country?” If our southern border security is any indication of our ability to weed out undesirables, we are in big trouble.


So to all of the Jewish groups scampering to save the lives of Jew hating Muslims, please come to your senses and do what such groups back in the 1930’s failed to do. And that is to concentrate on using your good offices, power, clout and Jewish funding to focus on the needs of the Jewish populations that need assistance. And do so before it’s too late!

There is much more, read it all by clicking here.
*** The vast majority of refugees being resettled from Afghanistan, Iraq and now Syria are Muslims.  We have reported on those numbers many times on these pages, but I have no time this morning to find those posts.
Before I get a bunch of anti-Semitic comments, just a reminder that the Catholic Bishops, Lutherans, Episcopalians, some mainline Protestant churches and some Evangelicals are also taking cold, hard cash (your cash!) to resettle Muslims in America too!  I have never heard of one of them saying—we want to save the Christians and Jews FIRST!
Photo: You can check my numbers on HIAS by going to a recent Form990, here.  They received (in rounded numbers) income of $26 million and $16 million of that came from government grants (you).  They have 5 other employees in the 6-figure salary range.

Southern Poverty Law Center's war on women!

The filthy rich Southern Poverty Law Center announced its list of 12 women it claims are anti-sharia activists according to Judicial Watch blog yesterday in a post entitled, ‘SPLC Issues Hit List of U.S. Women Against Sharia Law.’
***Update*** The full report is here.

Mark Potok is one of the authors of the hit on twelve brave American women.

So this is what I would like to know, if any of these women are harmed (God forbid), could the Southern Poverty Law Center be sued and possibly charged with instigating a ‘hate’ crime? Just wondering…..
Here is JW:

The Obama-tied leftist group that helped a gunman commit an act of terrorism against a conservative organization has assembled a starter kit for Islamists to attack American women who refuse to comply with Sharia law, the authoritarian doctrine that inspires Islamists and their jihadism.

It’s the summer special from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an extremist nonprofit that lists conservative organizations that disagree with it on social issues on a catalogue of “hate groups.” A few years ago a gunman received a 25-year prison sentence for carrying out the politically-motivated shooting of the Family Research Council (FRC) headquarters after admitting that he learned about the FRC from the SPLC “hate map.” Prosecutors called it an act of terrorism and recommended a 45-year sentence.

Now the SPLC, which has conducted diversity training for the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ), is targeting female bloggers, activists and television personalities who refuse to comply with Sharia law which is rooted in the Quran.

There is more, continue reading here.  I wonder how much the SPLC gets from CAIR?
Readers will remember that last year we learned about a Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society report in which HIAS said it was bringing in the SPLC to investigate anyone who is involved with pushing back against the refugee resettlement program, here.  Haven’t seen any sign of them yet!

It's Sunday morning, is your church supporting the resettlement of third-worlders, Muslims, to America?

Because we have so many new readers I decided to remind all of you that six of the nine major refugee resettlement contractors pretend they are working for all of you (good Christian and Jewish people) when they resettle thousands of refugees to hundreds of towns and cities across the country (and leave the refugees struggling on their own after only a few months!).

Welcome one and all to America! Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, M.Sp.S., auxiliary bishop of Seattle and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Committee on Migration. Bishops cheer Obama: http://www.usccb.org/news/2014/14-196.cfm

If your church is affiliated with any of these ‘religious’ groups (federal government contractors all), you must begin to ask your local pastors, priests and rabbis what they are doing.  I bet most have no clue about what is being done in their name!

Maybe tell them if they want to give real Christian and Jewish charity they can give time or money to help refugees where they live in the world, or bring a family to America, take care of them and assimilate them without passing their care, or the cost of their care, on to US and local taxpayers. 

Now that would be real charity!

The groups in red are paid millions of your tax dollars to resettle refugees across the country.  As members of the Refugee Council USA, they all lobbied Senators this week to support bringing in 65,000 Syrians very soon.
They all lobbied for the ‘Gang of Eight’ Senate (so-called) Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill and they all support Obama’s decision to spread the tens of thousands of Unaccompanied Alien Children across the country.  And, no surprise, they endorsed Obama’s New Americans plan to “seed” your communities with “new” citizens.
~US Conference of Catholic Bishops (probably all Catholic Churches in America are ruled by the Bishops, correct me if I’m wrong!)
~Episcopal Migration Ministries (new name Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society) (Affiliates map)

~World Relief (National Association of Evangelicals) (Denominations):

Advent Christian General Conference
Anglican Mission in America
Assemblies of God
Brethren Church , The
Brethren in Christ Church
Christian & Missionary Alliance
Christian Reformed Church in North America
Christian Union
Church of God (Cleveland, Tenn.)
Church of the Nazarene
Conservative Congregational Christian Conference
Converge Worldwide
Elim Fellowship
Evangelical Assembly of Presbyterian Churches
Evangelical Church , The
Evangelical Congregational Church
Evangelical Free Church of America
Evangelical Friends Church International
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Every Nation Churches
Fellowship of Evangelical Churches
Foursquare Church, The
Free Methodist Church USA
General Association of General Baptist
Grace Communion International
Great Commission Churches
International Pentecostal Church of Christ
International Pentecostal Holiness Church
Missionary Church, Inc.
North American Baptist Conference
Open Bible Churches
Presbyterian Church in America
Primitive Methodist Church USA
Salvation Army , The
Transformation Ministries
United Brethren in Christ
US Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches
Vineyard, USA
Wesleyan Church, The

~Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (Denominations/church bodies):

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA),

Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod LC-MS,

Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (LELCA).

~Church World Service (Denominations):
By the way, Church World Service does the Crop Hunger Walk.  Your local church may be helping fund CWS through that.

~Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (see affiliates).
If you want to know more about how much money they receive, here is just a snapshot for one year (2012).  Check out some of the salaries they receive mostly from you!
An afterthought:  I plan to look into the Salvation Army’s involvement in World Relief.  We thought it was one safe place to donate without fearing our money would go to a political agenda!

Media shock over Obama plan to bring in a couple of thousand Syrian refugees growing

Melanie Nezer: We want the US to admit 75,000 Syrians over 5 years!

This is just a quick commentary.

My alerts are filled with news stories about revelations last week and the week before that the Obama Administration is planning on bringing Syrian Muslim refugees to the US this year and in future years and everyone is shocked at the number being discussed—2,000.

Don’t get me wrong, I am glad the media is now paying attention.

But, remember, up until December of last year the State Department was predicting that they would bring in 9,000-10,000 this year. (See our Syrian refugees archive by clicking here)

Remember also that it is the refugee resettlement contractors*** and the UN lobbying us to bring in 15,000 a year!  See one of many stories on the subject here as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society leads the charge.  Not to appear to be picking on HIAS—the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Lutherans testified in Congress last year that they wanted the US to take 12,000-15,000 Syrians a year starting last year!

And, finally, why isn’t the same media paying attention to the fact that we brought in 20,000 Iraqis (three quarters are Muslim Iraqis) last year alone and 9,000 Somalis last year alone?

Come on media!  Where have you been?

***Update*** Here is one more of many stories on the media figuring out that the Syrians are coming!

***The federal refugee resettlement contractors:

Syrians: Who might we let in through the refugee program? And, who is coming back?

We told you about recent FBI testimony (here) that Homeland Security is not capable of properly screening prospective Syrian refugees that the UN has chosen for us because there is no way to get any data from a “failed state.”   As a result, the State Department’s plan to bring in 9,000-10,000 this year has hit a roadblock.

Eleven months ago, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society was calling for the US to admit 75,000 Syrian refugees over a 5 year period. I wonder have they modified their demands? https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/03/29/hebrew-immigrant-aid-society-us-should-bring-75000-syrians-to-us-over-next-5-years/

Below, Leo Hohmann, writing at World Net Daily, gives us more detail about the House Homeland Security hearing last week and the FBI testimony, but in his more indepth analysis he also tells us about those ‘Americans’ who have gone to Syria recently and returned—what were they doing in Syria and do they pose a threat to us?

Longtime readers here know that Somali ‘youths’ who we took in and cared for have thumbed their noses at the good life here and have gone to join jihadists around the world, but how many other former “refugees” have gone for jihad training?

And, do you know that there is no way to stop their return to your cities?

World Net Daily (toward the end of a detailed story).  ‘Syrian refugee program called backdoor for jihadists’:

“We know that foreign fighters have gone from 15,000 to 20,000. We know that 5,000 of these foreign fighters have Western passports that could get them entrance into the United States,” McCaul said. “… There are hundreds of Americans who have traveled to the region to fight with ISIS. We know that some of them have returned, and that’s a classified number. But my first question is, for those who have returned to the United States, what assurances can you give the American people, and what are we doing about it to make sure they do not attack in the United States?”

Nicholas Rasmussen, director of the National Counter Terrorism Center, also testified Wednesday and said the numbers are far from clear.

“We know what we know, but that comes from a wide variety of sources and we have always assessed that there is likely more information out there that we have not yet been able to collect … And that is possible there are greater numbers of foreign fighters and potentially even greater numbers of individuals from Western countries who have traveled to the conflict zones.”

Steinbach agreed the numbers could be much greater than the 150 or so Americans suspected of fighting for ISIS, also called ISIL.  [I will bet a large percentage of those who have gone to Syria come from the Muslim immigrant community in the US—ed]

“I would not be truthful if I told you we knew about all the returnees. We know what we know. There is a number that we don’t know about,” he told the committee. “The ones we know about, that have returned from Syria and the conflict zone. … Regardless of the intelligence that we started with, we build a case to disrupt. … And we seek to determine the root cause of their travel, what they did in Syria, and then ultimately if it was in support of a foreign terrorist organization such as ISIL we look for prosecution or some other type of disruption.”

Don’t you think it would be very simple to rescind the passports of anyone traveling to Syria and Iraq for no legitimate reason?  Or, flag everyone coming back for interrogation?

Click here for our archive on ‘Syrian refugees.’

About the photo:  The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) was not alone among the refugee resettlement contractors in demanding 15,000 Syrians a year—most of the nine were on board.  Readers may remember that the contractors persuaded the Obama Administration to relax security screening for Syrians, here, one year ago this month.

Last October, HIAS launched a petition drive to pressure the President to raise the quota of total refugees for FY2015 from 70,000-100,000 to accommodate more Syrians.

By the way, for all of our new readers, the contractors like to refer to themselves as VOLAGS (short for Voluntary agencies) which is such a joke since they are largely funded by you—the American taxpayer.