NY Daily News calls RRW "conspiracy website" and lies

Sometimes you just gotta laugh and then thank the NY Daily News for sending more readers my way.
Of course you all know that most of what is reported to have happened in Twin Falls, Idaho is true.
There was a sexual assault involving three boys from Sudan and Iraq (Twin Falls and Boise receive large numbers of mostly Muslim refugees from both those countries).  Two of the boys are in custody.  The victim was a five-year-old white girl who lived in the apartment complex.  An eyewitness has described the shocking scene she discovered.  The older boy was filming the two younger boys naked and peeing on the little girl (who they had stripped of her clothing). The girl was examined at the hospital and no one has reported (yet, that I know of) that she was penetrated by any of the boys.

twin-falls-apartment-complex (1)
Family members wait for information outside of the juvenile detention center in Twin Falls where two of the boys had been taken. Based on the woman’s attire can you guess her religion NY Daily News reporter?

The incident occurred on June 2 and clearly the police and elected officials kept the incident quiet I believe because the whole subject of refugees (mostly from Muslim countries) has been the subject of heated discussions in the community for over a year. (See our extensive archive here)
We FIRST reported the story here on Monday June 20th (not weeks ago!) and our focus was on the accusations citizens were hurling at their elected city council members.  We gave readers an update on June 21, here, when we had detailed information from a witness (reported by a reporter who is an expert on refugee resettlement at World Net Daily).
Now get this! The New York Daily News is trying to tell its readers that the whole thing was a lie! If you did not read past this headline:  ‘Story of Syrian refugees gang-raping Idaho girl at knifepoint is false, authorities sayyou would not know that something bad did happen.
NY Daily News:

The story was all too sensational, and caught wildfire on conservative blogs and conspiracy websites.

Many paragraphs in, reporter Jason Silverstein, admits, well, something did happen in Twin Falls weeks ago. Hey Jason, how about taking an interest in finding out exactly what did happen!

Authorities have confirmed that there was a suspected sexual assault at the Fawnbrook Apartments complex in Twin Falls June 2…

Silverstein continues:

Jason Silverstein
NY Daily News reporter Jason Silverstein calls RRW a “conspiracy website” and owes me an apology. Photo: http://www.nydailynews.com/authors?author=Jason-Silverstein

Several websites — including the Refugee Resettlement Watch, the Dr. Rich Swier blog and ACT for America — fueled the fires of a false story for weeks.

Fueled the false story for weeks—what the hell! We only reported it on Monday when the news became:  local citizens confront elected officials on why the case was not made public for weeks!
I’m not going to send you to the NY Daily News for the rest of the Silversteins’s “false story” (open it at your peril) because it is one of those websites so full of ads and pop-ups that you can barely read it as it causes your computer to stall.
But, go see what Michelle Malkin had to say yesterday at Townhall about the story and the key point—if citizens didn’t continue to hound officials in Twin Falls this case would never have seen the light of day! And, so why are the citizens demanding transparency the bad actors in this situation?
Also, one of my major points for the last nearly 9 years of writing this blog is that the program has been wrapped in SECRECY and so the way to stop embellishment of information that does leak out about who the refugees are and what they are doing, is for the US State Department and the resettlement contractors to be open and honest with American citizens (who pay for all of it!) and with the communities being disrupted!

This whole incident has caused me to wonder, how many more crimes are being committed by refugees that we never hear about because no citizens are watching, or are brave enough to blow the whistle, while authorities cower in fear due to political correctness and reporters like Silverstein eagerly denigrate the messengers!

Update: CAIR weighs in, here.

Update on Twin Falls, Idaho sexual assault case, boys are refugees

Update June 22: Families of boys in alleged attack evicted from apartment complex, here.  And, Breitbart has a story as well, here.

Latest Update thanks to reader Robin: Citizens gave the Twin Falls city council an earful last evening.  Read this! (click here).

We told you what we knew here yesterday.  The details of the assault are now beginning to come out even as the case has supposedly been sealed by a judge.  Clearly something happened and clearly the elected leaders and other officials in Twin Falls were trying to hide something!
Reporter Leo Hohmann of World Net Daily interviewed the woman who discovered the incident.  Hohmann’s (updated this morning) report begins with this:

A 5-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by two boys at an apartment complex in Twin Falls, Idaho, and some local residents are charging the police and city officials with covering up the fact that the boys are from Muslim immigrant families from Sudan and Iraq.

Although not yet confirmed, the alleged perpetrators, ages 14, 10 and 7, appear to be from refugee families.

In a new twist to the story, the Twin Falls City Council met Monday night and was given an earful by residents who warned last year that exactly this type of criminal behavior was being invited into their community through refugee resettlement.

“Islam has declared global jihad on us,” Vicky Davis of Twin Falls told the council. “And Obama, this administration, is bringing them in as fast as he possibly can.”

“They’re on your head, your head, your head, yours, yours,” she said as she pointed at each member of the council.

Twin Falls is one more than a dozen “pockets of resistance” across the U.S. where residents are protesting the arrival of refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan and other Muslim nations.


For details on what the witness reported to police continue reading here at WND.

I’m mentioned in the story because I told Hohmann that if the US State Department and its contractors acted with transparency wherever they placed refugees in towns across the country, then maybe misunderstandings wouldn’t develop and maybe there might be some trust.  But, the whole refugee industry has operated in secrecy for over 35 years, so what do they expect when things like this incident happen.
Also, because the industry is so deeply invested in a phony narrative—that everything involving refugees is so good and wonderful— they find themselves boxed-in and have to be extra secretive when one of their ‘angels’ gets in trouble with the law.


Just as I was preparing to post this, I read the Idaho Statesman story and sure enough there is no doubt that the boys are from refugee families placed in Idaho.  And, there is no doubt that if local residents (criticized by their elected officials) hadn’t pushed this story out to the public (heck the attack happened nearly 3 week ago!), with a few small errors like the nationalities of the perps, the whole case would have been swept under the rug!
Here is what the Idaho Statesman reported late yesterday:

The criminal cases against those juveniles have been sealed, as is customary when children are charged. Although prosecutors and police are barred from discussing certain details in sealed juvenile cases, Loebs laid out the basics in an interview Monday with the Times-News. And Twin Falls Police Chief Craig Kingsbury briefed the public on the incident at a City Council meeting later in the evening, saying he wanted to clear up falsehoods circulating on social media.

According to those officials, three boys were involved, ages 7, 10 and 14, and the alleged victim was a 5-year-old girl. The boys are from Sudan and Iraq; none are Syrian. They are being held at a juvenile detention facility. Officials suspect the boys have been in the Unites States fewer than two years, but their refugee status wasn’t immediately clear to the police chief.

So, as Hohmann reported in his story a large number of the refugees placed in Twin Falls are from the Sudan and Iraq. Makes it clear to me!

Twin Falls has not received any Syrian refugees but it has received 308 refugees from mostly Muslim Iraq and another 161 mostly Muslim Sudanese refugees since 2009 [when Obama took office—ed], according to the U.S. State Department’s Refugee Processing Center.

Now it’s time for the US State Department, Jan Reeves, and the resettlement contractor in Twin Falls to fess-up and admit these are their refugees.
See our extensive Twin Falls archive here.
Photo provided by a local resident:  We have corrected our original photo caption. The photo was not taken at the apartment complex as we originally thought, but we learn from reporter Hohmann that it was here: This photo was taken outside the juvenile detention center in Idaho showing family of two of the Sudanese boys who allegedly stripped and sexually assaulted a 5-year-old girl while an older boy filmed them.

Is there a cover-up in Twin Falls, Idaho involving refugee boys raping a little girl?

That is what some members of the Twin Falls community wanted to know when they attended a public comment period at their local city council meeting.
Update June 23: CAIR weighs in here.  NY Daily News calls RRW a “conspiracy site” here.
Update June 21: Because thankfully local citizens wouldn’t let it go, officials now admit there was a sexual assault and that the perps are Sudanese and Iraqi, see here.
There are stories swirling on the internet that a gang of refugee juveniles raped a 4-year old girl and that the police are mum because everyone knows this would be a bombshell in a community already on edge about refugees being poured into the area.
Update: Here is a detailed account of what allegedly happened. This report says the girl is 5 years old. By the way, all the big media rushed out to Idaho to report on the Islamophobes in Twin Falls a few months back, so where is the New York Times on this story?
(Since the citizens attended the council meeting detailed below, a local TV station is reporting that the case has been sealed.)
See our extensive coverage of past tensions in Twin Falls by clicking here.
It appears from comments at MagicValley.com that there is something to the story that the mayor and council are trying to hide. Emphasis below is mine.

TWIN FALLS • New concerns about Islam and refugees are being raised in Twin Falls in the wake of the deadliest mass shooting in the nation’s history.

Chris Talktington 2
Councilman Chris Talkington made the moral equivalence argument between potato famine Irish and the Islamists coming to America now. Big difference Chris—the Irish weren’t promoting sharia law and slaughtering Americans, they were grateful to be here. And, by the way, I’ll bet a buck that Talkington knows exactly what the rape allegations are! http://www.tfid.org/index.aspx?nid=133

Less than two days after an American-born son of Afghan immigrants murdered 49 people in a gay nightclub in Orlando, four of the five people who spoke at a City Council meeting this week characterized refugees as a problem or called for more information to be released about a sexual assault that is alleged to have been committed by underage refugees.


On Monday, a small group of residents opposed to refugee resettlement and Islam turned its attention to the City Council, which allows an open-comment period where anyone can speak.

Much of their time was spent disparaging Muslims and asking for more information about an alleged sexual assault, the details of which haven’t confirmed by authorities.

There must be something to the story or we wouldn’t be hearing this. If it were a complete fabrication, they would be saying so.

Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs said Wednesday that the rape case in question is under investigation and may involve juveniles. No one has been charged. Police Chief Craig Kingsbury wouldn’t provide any information about the case.


Julie Ruf is with the local chapter of Act for America, a conservative national security-focused organization involved in promoting anti-Shariah law bills in some states. The group has been accused by critics of being anti-Muslim. She read the Council a list of refugee-related questions and called for some sort of public forum or dialogue where people could express their views and get their questions answered.

Now, please go read the rest of the article at MagicValley.com.
The concerned citizens in Twin Falls are doing what they should—continuing to get information out to the public. By speaking up at this council meeting they have created more news and thus helped educate more citizens about the problem.  I would also be working really hard to replace Councilman Talkington! Some one of your group should run against him and make the election about this issue because even if you aren’t elected, the media would be forced to report on the campaign.
Endnote: In 2009, in Phoenix, a gang of refugee juveniles raped a little girl in the neighborhood, here.  See also Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch yesterday on Islam and rape, here.

Bloomberg and Murdoch (rich globalists) working to control your communities

This morning we learned from a New York Times story that Fox News Corp owner Rupert Murdoch failed in 2013 to persuade you that Marco Rubio’s ‘Gang of Eight’ Amnesty bill would be good for America.

Bloomberg and Murdoch
Greedy old men! Don’t let the globalists (Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch) call the shots for Twin Falls, Idaho (or any other town in America!).

However, having failed through Fox News propaganda, he and other rich globalists (they need cheap labor!) created a new way to change your minds about how, by ‘welcoming’ more immigrants to town, you would benefit and created a special grant program called ‘Gateways to Growth.’
They are coming for you one town at a time!
Here is what I said at American Resistance 2016! a month ago:

Welcoming America and the Partnership for a New American Economy have partnered in a grant giveaway program—Gateways for Growthdesigned to get your town or county softened up to accept MORE immigrants and refugees!  [Since I first wrote about this last month, you can no longer see the grant requirements without a password — typical secretive creeps!—ed]

The gist of the program is that Lefty Open Borders groups would ‘partner’ with business interests and local government to create a kind of political juggernaut that would bring Republicans and Democrats together against you, average citizens who do not want to change the social and cultural make-up of your towns, and who believe Americans should get the first shot at well-paying jobs.

The Twin Falls, Idaho target!

Longtime readers know that we have written a great deal about the ‘Pocket of Resistance’ in Twin Falls, Idaho (where Chobani Yogurt has built its largest plant in the world).  Click here for our extensive Twin Falls archive.
So, now check this out!  Here is Murdoch’s (and former NY Mayor Bloomberg’s) Gateways for Growth trying to go operational in Twin Falls.  In order to get the Murdoch/Bloomberg payola, the Open borders advocates must “partner” with the supposed ‘other side’—local government, Chambers of Commerce etc.

This is our first news of how the globalists and the do-gooders are working together in your towns!

Be sure to see ‘Gateways for Growth challenge’ to see what they hope to gain.  It is a bunch of mumbo-jumbo about “integration” (not assimilation!).  They will really simply be propagandists.
From Magic Valley.com where we learn that the Murdoch groupies got ahead of themselves and listed the local government on their grant application.

TWIN FALLS | The City Council is entering the refugee issue after unanimously voting Monday to appoint a liaison to a local advocate group.

The Council heard from the Magic Valley Refugee Advocates, a fledgling group that intends to establish services for refugees in Twin Falls if it’s able to land a grant and hire staff.

While council members did not offer support for the group’s efforts — and in fact were opposed to being listed as a “supporter” in a letter of intent for the grant being sought — they agreed an exchange of information with the group was appropriate. It marks the first time the city has formally engaged in a months-long heated debate over refugee resettlement in the Magic Valley.


Several Council members were not pleased, however, the city was listed as a partner agency in a grant being pursued by the local advocacy group from the Partnership for a New American Economy, an immigration advocacy organization formed by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Vice Mayor Suzanne Hawkins noted the Magic Valley Refugee Advocates listed the city as a supporter before it had agreed to be a partner.

More here! Read it all!
The leader of the Magic Valley Refugee Advocates is Erika Willsey.  Here she makes a presentation of her support of the resettlement contractor in Twin Falls—the College of Southern Idaho.  Ms. Willsey is carrying the water for globalists Bloomberg, Murdoch and Hamdi Ulukaya/Chobani Yogurt (whether she knows it or not).

I urge all of you to be on the lookout for a similar attempt being made in your towns to use globalists’ grant money to put the business community in concert with the Leftist do-gooders to change your community and to work against your interests.
By the way, the next time you hear some big company boss moaning that they can’t find American workers—tell them they need to pay a decent wage and they will get them!

Idaho citizens defeat proposed resolution in support of refugees

Increasingly city and county governments are making themselves heard on the issue of UN/US State Department refugee resettlement for their communities.  We told you here recently about Craven Co. North Carolina considering a resolution opposing more refugees. And, then here in Montana, the Missoula County Commission opened the door for the resettlement of third-worlders from the Middle East and Africa.
In Idaho, a heated public meeting of the Sandpoint City Council in Bonner County in the far northern reaches of the state resulted in the withdrawal of a resolution to support refugee resettlement to the community.

Sandpoint meeting
Audience cheers as mayor withdraws resolution. Boise Weekly Photo: Ben Olsen

The federal government and their paid resettlement contractors (listed here) will be quick to say that local governments have no right to say whether refugees are seeded there or not.  However, they do frequently say they will not place refugees where the refugees would be “unwelcome”
If Congress was doing its job there would be a major movement to rewrite the Refugee Act of 1980 (or scrap it all together) in order to give local communities a say in what happens to their counties, cities and towns.  I predict there will be increasing tension in towns across America on the controversial issue.
And, it’s not just about the prospect that Islamic terrorists might be in the refugee stream, there are very serious economic costs involved as refugees (as a special immigrant class) are able to access most forms of welfare available only to American citizens. They also add to the shortage of low income housing often pushing poor and disabled Americans to the back of the line.
From Boise Weekly:
Sandpoint mayor
Sandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad

Sandpoint City Council members voted Wednesday night to withdraw a resolution supporting refugee resettlement, bringing an end to a heated, month-long controversy.

Cheers erupted from the audience when newly elected Sandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad asked the council to withdraw the resolution from consideration. A measure meant to counter statements from Bonner County commissioners and Sheriff Darryl Wheeler opposing the resettlement of refugees, the resolution was intended to restate Sandpoint’s commitments to human rights, according to Rognstad.

“This resolution has only served to divide us and this community,” said Rognstad, as he requested the withdrawal. “That saddens me.”

Once again, anti-refugee activists turned out in force to oppose the resolution and, once again, the council meeting procedure was punctured by applause and shouts. When Rognstad called for order, the crowd responded with catcalls.

There is much more, continue reading here.
We have an extensive archive on Idaho, learn more by clicking here.  Both Boise and Twin Falls are already large resettlement sites.
Be sure to learn more about Jan Reeves who is responsible for refugees going to Idaho.  He was a 2013 Obama Champion of Change, see here.

‘Humanitarianism’ is a cover for big business drivers of more immigration.

For citizens of Idaho and everywhere being confronted with this issue, please be sure to investigate and find out what large industries are driving the resettlement where you live.  Big business including BIG MEAT, Chobani Yogurt, and other manufacturing companies are looking for cheap immigrant labor and the federal resettlement contractors act as ‘head hunters’ for them.
The big business pays low wages and the remainder of the refugee family’s support comes from the taxpayer via welfare, education and medical care.
Also, find out which elected officials are receiving campaign donations from those companies.  Expose them!