Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) in position to reform refugee program (if he had a will to do it)

This is another in my series on Congress and the budget process as it relates to the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program (RAP).  See Texas last week, here.
Simpson represents Idaho’s 2nd District which wikipedia describes below:
In addition to Boise….

Other major cities in the 2nd district include Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Twin Falls, and Rexburg. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a strong presence in the district; a member of the LDS Church has represented this district continuously since 1951.  [See our recent post about the increasing role of the Mormon church in resettlement of third worlders to America—ed]

Rep. Mike Simpson has been in Idaho politics since 1980. He could help reform the Refugee Admissions Program if he had a will to do so. If I lived in the district I would be researching which industries looking for cheap immigrant labor support his campaign. You should know that on Conservative Reviews Liberty Score card, Simpson has an ‘F’

Regular readers know that Boise and Twin Falls are major resettlement sites in Idaho with large numbers of Muslim refugees arriving to work in places like the Chobani yogurt plant (go here for our huge archive on Idaho).
A recent article at Magic Valley reports on Rep. Simpson’s views on many issues including immigration (he supports ‘comprehensive immigration reform’, aka amnesty, because he says we need workers).
And then here is a standard squishy response on arguably one of the hottest issues in Idaho—refugee resettlement in Boise and Twin Falls.

What are your views on the refugee resettlement program and on accepting refugees from the Middle East, and from Syria in particular? Do you support making any changes to the program or the vetting process? Should we be letting in more refugees? Fewer refugees?

I continue to support the American principle that we will not return a foreign national to a country where his or her life or freedom would be threatened based on their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. That being said, I am still concerned about the current vetting process, in particular for refugees from Syria, and I will continue to support efforts to strengthen that process. The real issue is that this Administration has not been able to effectively communicate to the American people that they can keep us safe. To regain our trust, the State Department and Department of Homeland Security must communicate a clear plan for the screening of Syrian refugees that is stringent and thorough enough to ensure those entering the United States will do no harm.

His answer demonstrates the usual dodge—it’s the Obama Administration’s fault for not communicating clearly how they will keep us safe.  And, no answer to the question of more refugees!

He doesn’t tell you that as the 5th in seniority (he has been in Congress for 18 years!) on the powerful House Appropriations Committee, he is in the catbird seat to do something about security screening of Syrians.

(Simpson is not a member of the House Freedom Caucus nor did he support Rep. Brian Babin’s efforts to cut the funding for the RAP earlier this fall, see here.)
And, what does he mean by “not return a foreign national.”  This isn’t a question of sending someone back, it is a question of bringing them in in the first place!
Again, it is about the money! He could be working to cut the funding for the program until the security screening (the vetting process) is made safe.  Washington representatives like Mike Simpson want you to think it is the Democrats in the White House and the agencies—DOS and Homeland Security—who need to do their jobs.  But, in reality he has more power than they do, because he is one of the key members of Congress holding the purse strings!  He just doesn’t want his voters to know that!
Ironically he says this about the budget process on his website:

It is important for Americans to understand how the federal appropriations process works so that they can advocate for responsible federal spending.

On that he and I agree and that is why I am hounding you all, if you really want to try to get the RAP under control, get it reformed or stopped altogether, you too must understand the appropriations and budget process.
So what do you do if you live in Rep. Mike Simpson’s district?

There is only one thing you can do to slow this flow (besides electing Donald Trump) which at this rate would bring around 20,000 Syrians to America by next fall and that is to persuade your member of Congress and US Senators to DEFUND the program in the lame duck Budget debate coming in November. 

Simpson and other members could stop or slow the flow using their power of the purse!
See the first in a series of posts on the lame duck budget process by clicking here. This is not about Obama! Your Congressional Representatives have the power to rein this in if they wanted to (and they don’t want you to know that they have that power!).

You have 15 days before election day to get a commitment from your Washington, DC representatives to DEFUND!

Citizens concerned about the impact of refugees on the 2nd District of Idaho must haunt Simpson’s campaign for those 15 days!  Frankly, you might be better off with a new representative, no matter what party, but with no power, than a powerful Republican member like Simpson not working for you, but against you.

And, don’t forget Idaho’s US Senators and other Congressman.  There are only 4 total members of the Idaho delegation, here.
All of our posts on the Congressional budget process are tagged: where is Congress.

Twin Falls, Idaho where the Chobani Yogurt company typifies the globalist view of refugees

They are, in short, needed for labor for multinational corporations and as we have been saying ad nauseum for years the US Refugee Admissions Program serves as an important piece of a business model that allows big corporate honchos to wear the white hat of humanitarianism while taking advantage of labor that can’t easily afford to quit and walk away from the meager wages.  You, the US taxpayer, subsidize those wages with welfare payments to try to keep families afloat as the companies get various government tax incentives to assure their business plan is lucrative for them.

World’s largest yogurt plant in Twin Falls, Idaho. Local politicians are responsible for bringing Chobani to Idaho. Beware! Large food processing=refugee resettlement not far behind.

Here is another in a series of investigative pieces (I missed this last week) from Lee Stranahan writing at Breitbart.  For background see some of our earlier posts on Twin Falls and Chobani by clicking here.

TWIN FALLS, IDAHO – Hamdi Ulukaya, the Turkish-born billionaire best known for having founded the United States’ largest greek yogurt company, Chobani, has ties to both Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Global Initiative, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, and a host of other globalist corporatist figures including Warren Buffet. Chobani’s factory in Twin Falls – the world’s largest yogurt factory – has been at the center of Breitbart News’ investigative series into the small town’s refugee resettlement program.

According to CNN Money: starting in 2008, Chobani began to hire refugees to work in its upstate New York plant – and listening to Ulukaya speak at events like the Clinton Global Initiative and Davos, one can tell that the issue closest to his heart is refugee resettlement.

The Chobani billionaire’s many speeches and soliloquies on the issue of refugees combined with his extensive political connections may explain why establishment politicians, both Republican and Democrat, have swooned over Ulukaya, positively giddy to form “business / government partnerships” with him and to support his position on refugees.

That is a tease, continue here, to learn about Chobani, Clinton, and cronyism! There is some great information in here which may help you understand the strategy known as corporatism where you live!
And, get that idea out of your head that resettling third worlders in your towns and cities is all about saving the downtrodden. It’s not! It is about money.
I wonder do they tell refugees before they get on the plane that they are headed to dirty and dangerous work for a wage that cannot support a family?
For new readers, go here, for many many posts about Twin Falls which is turning into the poster city for what can go wrong when your town ‘welcomes the stranger.’

Twin Falls, Idaho: Is Prosecutor attempting to downplay rape story?

Why would he do that? Because the whole narrative that keeps refugees flowing to cities and towns to supply cheap labor for multi-national corporations under the guise of humanitarianism could come crashing down. 

grant Loebs
Prosecutor Grant Loebs

That, carefully crafted, decades old narrative, is this: refugees are good people, downtrodden souls, escaping war and poverty, and it is US tradition (indeed our role in the world!) to care for those in need and so we must welcome refugees from around the globe who only want a better life for their little children (even if they come from cultures that do not share our traditions, values and laws).
Therefore, news about refugee children raping and sexually assaulting American children simply must be covered-up.  There is too much money involved to let this story grow!
Here is the latest from Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily who interviewed the rape victim’s tenacious new attorney.  I’ll let you read it yourself.
If you are a new reader, this is a good summary of where the case is today.  Here, in a nutshell, is what is going on:

“He’s [prosecutor Grant Loebs] taken a bizarre route and tried to manipulate this narrative into something that he wants, that covers everything up, but he’s not going to succeed. I’m going to lay out why he’s violating the rules of professional conduct and his own oath to represent the victim zealously, regardless of personal cost. He just wants to protect the refugee community so they can work at Chobani and so College of Southern Idaho can continue to get the refugee money.”

Continue reading here.
Our complete Twin Falls archive is here.  It extends back to early 2015 when we reported on the new (expanding) mosque there.

Twin Falls, Idaho refugee contractor needs volunteers (they have a cash value!)

It is just a brief mention in an otherwise unremarkable news bit from a TV news station in Twin Falls, Idaho.  This is what I want you to see at (donations pour in, but not volunteers):

Twin Falls Mormon Temple: leaders there calling for volunteers to help Muslims resettle.

Volunteer Coordinator Jenny Reese says much of the recent donations have come from members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, after the church made a call to action.

Reese says more than books and bikes, the program still needs local volunteers to befriend the refugees who have lost their homes and cultures.

Here are some simple truths about the volunteer situation for most refugee resettlement contractors.
First, they have a very hard time retaining volunteers and the biggest reason I’ve heard for that is that many refugees (especially Muslims) do not show any appreciation for volunteers who drive them to appointments or otherwise help them. I have heard time and again about how rudely refugees treat good-hearted Christians who attempt to befriend them.
And, secondly, you need to know that the contractors (in this case the College of Southern Idaho) are desperate for volunteers because they log the volunteer hours and the federal government places a monetary value on the volunteer’s time which becomes the contractor’s ‘contribution’ in the supposed public-private partnership with the federal government. Oh, and those books and bikes also get a monetary value placed on them and count as a contribution from the contractor.
I think some volunteers catch on to this as they donate their time and their gas money to drive (often ungrateful) refugees around. So, the volunteer turnover is pretty high (or so I am told).
Indeed the shortage of volunteers is ample evidence that this program would crash and burn if it wasn’t so heavily funded by taxpayer dollars.
P.S. If you are considering volunteering be sure to get a briefing on the communicable diseases coming to the US with the refugees so as best protect your family.

Twin Falls, Idaho again! It has gotten worse! Now three refugee criminal arrests since June

When I asked two days ago, could it get any worse for Twin Falls, little did I know that a third criminal arrest had occurred in the ‘poster city’ for what a large refugee influx can do to your town.

College of Southern idaho
In an unusual arrangement, the College of Southern Idaho is the refugee contracting agency in Twin Falls. It is a subcontractor of USCRI, one of the nine major US State Department contractors. Learn more about USCRI here:

Here is the news from Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart (the Eritrean was angry at the Bosnian! Isn’t diversity beautiful?):

A refugee from Eritrea was arrested on felony aggravated battery charges in Twin Falls, Idaho on July 28.

Mulugeta Zemu Mana, 32, told the presiding judge at his Twin Falls bond hearing, “The only guilt I have is the day I decided to come to this country.”

His alleged victim is another refugee, Samuel Gebreegziabher. The arresting officer, Dzevad Mustafic, was also a resettled refugee whose country of origin is Bosnia and Herzegovina. Both disagree with Mana’s claim of innocence.


The court provided a taxpayer-funded interpreter of Tingrinya, his native language, and common in Eritrea and neighboring Ethiopia. Mana told the judge he “didn’t care” if his bond was set as high as $100 million.

The judge obliged and set bond at $100 million.


This is the third public report of an arrest in a major crime in Twin Falls since June that involves Muslims who have been resettled in the community en-masse to take lower-wage jobs in the expanding agricultural industry.

I’ve only snipped a bit of the story because I want you to go read the whole thing!  Click here!
Will this dangerous refugee ever be deported?  I doubt it!  He will be the ward of the US taxpayer for life—either behind bars or on welfare.  We talk a lot about security screening for terrorism, but we wonder if any refugees are screened for mental health problems?
For new readers, see our ever expanding portfolio of stories about Twin Falls, Idaho here.