135 immigrants suspected of entering Turkey illegally were arrested in Turkey’s eastern province of Igdir, according to Igdir city police department.
Last week, the city’s security forces began operations to prevent human trafficking by checking highways to catch illegal immigrants.
During the operations, Turkish police officers revealed that they plan to deport the 135 illegal immigrants caught, including 120 Pakistanis, 11 Afghanis, three Somalis, and one Iranian national.
The migrants attempting to get into Australia are largely from those same countries, so why the double standard?
While Australia and New Zealand increase the number of detainees—migrants who have arrived illegally on their shores and asked for asylum, in the US the Open Borders lobbyists, including federal refugee contractors at the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, if it were up to them, want no one detained.
Is there (more) money in it for the contractors? That is what I want to know!
Keegan Hamilton (a freelance reporter from NYC who writes for the Village Voice) has picked the wrong poster boy for his detention sob story published at the Houston Press!
Reporter Keegan Hamilton really lays it on thick in this propaganda piece.
Hussein Mohamed, the Somali star of the story, had a legal pathway to America (see yesterday’s post, 3,708 Somalis came to the US legally in the first six months of this fiscal year). He was living safely in Kenya (not Somalia) when he launched his trek to America. And, it strains credulity that he had a life savings large enough to pay traffickers the cash needed for his half way around the world travels to the Mexican border.
From the Houston Press ‘For Many Refugees, the Journey to America Ends in a Cold Jail Cell’ (wahhhhhh!):
Hussein Mohamed took a hard road to America. Born into a minority clan in a nation rife with ethnic conflict, the boyish 24-year-old with gangly limbs and intense brown eyes describes fleeing his village in Somalia in 2012 after gunmen threatened to kill him. Mohamed says he was forced to quit his jobs as an English teacher and taxi driver and escape to neighboring Kenya. After making his way to South Africa, he forked over his life savings to human smugglers, who shipped him across the Atlantic to Brazil and guided him north through the jungles of South and Central America into Mexico. [I bet if you gave this one paragraph to the average American and asked if he should be detained while his asylum claim is adjudicated, 90% of those asked would say ‘incarcerate him.’—ed]
When he finally arrived at a border crossing in Brownsville, Texas, this past summer, Mohamed thought he’d safely reached the end of a harrowing ten-month journey. He had no inkling of the ordeal awaiting him on the other side of the Rio Grande.
Mohamed approached a U.S. Border Patrol agent and recounted his story.He explained that he wanted to seek asylum, a classification of refugee status granted to people who arrive in the United States having fled persecution in their homeland. He was immediately handcuffed and placed in immigration detention: a cold, cramped cell in a privately owned and operated prison facility. Soon after, along with hundreds of other detainees, he was herded onto a cargo plane and transferred without explanation to a jail in Newark, New Jersey. [Newark—eeek!—ed]
Then we are told about his dreams of a job and a family in California—blah! blah! blah!
Instead, he will likely be deported, shipped back to the war-torn country on the Horn of Africa he worked so hard to escape. Mohamed’s request for asylum was denied because he lacks a passport or other documents to confirm his identity. [He could be al-Shabaab—ed] He has filed an appeal, and his detention ticks on indefinitely. [He is safe and is fed, right!—ed]
There are no statutory limits to the amount of time a non-citizen like Mohamed may be held in immigration detention. When the process goes smoothly, asylum seekers tend to be released in a matter of weeks. Many end up imprisoned for much longer. [Obviously for a reason!—ed]
So how many ‘poor souls’ like Mohamed are in detention? A measly 6,000 (in the last three years) out of the tens of thousands who arrive each year asking for asylum.
Approximately 6,000 survivors of torture — exiles from Iran, Myanmar, Syria and other nations with brutal regimes — were detained in immigration jails while seeking asylum over the past three years, according to a 2013 report by the Center for Victims of Torture.
Now, are you ready for it! Below is the most revealing paragraph in this whole pathetic propaganda story! The Lutherans have a contract to get asylum seekers out of detention and house them in your neighborhoods.
The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIARS oops! LIRS) is a federal refugee contractor (96% of their income comes from you!) and they seem now to have parlayed that role into one where they are the guardians of people like Hussein Mohamed in several US cities. Recently they lobbied the administrationfor a relaxation of detention for illegal aliens, are they looking for future ‘clients’ for their ‘services’?
Thirty two detainees have been released into the care of LIRS (and signed up for welfare) in the last 20 days in the trial project! They say they aren’t being paid yet for this effort (although remember 96% of their funds already comes from taxpayers, did Keegan know that? Did he ask how they would pay for this pilot project?), they want to convince Congress that this is what should be done—halfway houses you might call them—for thousands eventually. LOL! Like any good business they are expanding their client base!
Though the political climate looks bleak for advocates of asylum reform, an ongoing pilot project offers a glimmer of hope. The project allows Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials at facilities in New York City, Newark, San Antonio, Chicago and Minneapolis-St. Paul to release select detainees seeking asylum into a program coordinated by the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. As of March 31, the program has helped secure temporary housing and social services for 32 people, including survivors of torture, victims of domestic abuse and LGBT individuals, all of whom would otherwise have remained jailed indefinitely.
Read it all, Keegan does eventually discuss the frauds in the asylum racket, but having chosen Hussein Mohamed (if that is his name because he came with no papers), he obviously thinks Mohamed (with the gangly limbs and intense brown eyes) can’t possibly be a fraud.
This is essentially a companion piece to our previous poston Spain.
The “spring migration offensive” is apparently in full swing.
Migrants rescued in February on their way to Italian island of Lampedusa.
Again, from the UK Daily Mail(Hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’):
More than 4,000 migrants have arrived on Europe’s shores by boat in the past two days, with the Italian government calling the crisis ‘increasingly glaring’.
The emergency comes days after Italy’s Home Secretary Angelino Alfano warned that more than half a million migrants were ready to set sail from Northern Africa for Europe.
Italy’s southernmost island, Lampedusa, is the gateway for illegal immigrants to enter Europe. [And the Pope went therelast summer to welcome them!—ed]
More than 40,000 people made the journey to Italy last year, often on unseaworthy boats.
So far this year 15,000 migrants have landed on the Italian coastline, a ten-fold increase on the first three months of 2013.
British experts believe one in five of them continue on to the UK.
The economic migrants (NOT refugees) will move on throughout Europe if not detained.
Illegal migrants landing in the EU have to remain in the country where they first seek asylum.
But many hope to pass through Italy undetected to northern Europe, which has better job prospects and generous benefits.
Europe is in deep trouble if leaders there keep dithering about getting tough—tow the boats back to Libya and send a message! Take a lessonfrom Australia!
Of course, European leaders and Obama are to blame for the lawlessness that now is out of control in Libya. And, Gaddafi was right when he predicted that the invasion of Europe could be done without swords—the Muslim population of Europe would eventually bring Europe’s (western civilizations!) downfall.
And, immigration lawyers stand ready to smooth their way! Senator Jeff Sessions was right when he said it’s all over, amnesty is effectively here.
Attorney Felice Schonfeld advises two undocumented minors Denis Girón, 17, left, and Javier Girón, 14, brothers who crossed the Mexican border unaccompanied by adults and are now in South Florida seeking a green card. Photo: Miami Herald
From the Miami Herald(hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’). The story begins with the usual stars of the story and their tales of woe!
Irene Granados celebrated her 16th birthday while walking through the desert two years ago trying to reach the United States — and safety.
Brothers Javier and Denis Girón, 13 and 17, floated on a raft across the Rio Grande last year — also in a bid to reach safety.
Granados and the Girón brothers were fleeing their native Central American countries where gang violence is spreading. The three are part of a surge in unaccompanied children and teenagers flowing across the Mexican border to the United States.
Numbers, of “kids” coming alone to the US, are on the rise according to the Catholic Bishops. We told you about the USCCB reporthereand reminded readers that the Bishops are making big bucks as Office of Refugee Resettlement contractors to care for some of the “kids.”
The USCCB (in their report) denied the “kids” were coming due to the lure of Obama policies; this article puts a lie to that assertion.
A report issued in November by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) showed the sharp increase. Every fiscal year between 2004 and 2011, the report said, the number of children detained by immigration authorities averaged about 6,800. But apprehensions jumped to more than 13,000 children in fiscal year 2012 and to more than 24,000 in fiscal year 2013.
Up to 120 unaccompanied youths are arriving each day, and some estimates suggest that the annual number could soon reach 60,000, according to a Feb. 21 story in the Los Angeles Times.
The “kids” expect amnesty to pass Congress and be signed into law! Gang violence back home just the excuse!
Immigrant-rights activists say more and more unaccompanied minors are arriving for various reasons. Many are fleeing gang violence, like Granados and the Girón brothers. But children are also being sent by families who believe they could qualify for immigration reform — if Congress ever acts on it — or for President Barack Obama’s 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program known as DACA. [The article goes on to explain that the stars of this story do not qualify as “dreamers.”—ed]
If they are too old to be “dreamers,” the “kids” in this story do qualify for green cards with the help of immigration lawyers waiting to serve them!
But some of the children arriving now can qualify for a green card if it can be demonstrated in juvenile court that the child has been abandoned, abused, or neglected. By demonstrating any of those three elements, the court can issue a dependency order. When children are adjudicated as dependent, the court assumes jurisdiction over them and that qualifies them to be considered for green-card status.
Please continue reading the article because it gives a detailed account of how the “kids” get through the legal system and will likely never leave again.
Obama has put the screws to the Republicans who will not have the fortitude to deport the 120 “kids” arriving in America every day!
And, LOL! check out that Ms. Granados says she wants to be a doctor. I would like to have a buck for every time I’ve heard an illegal alien “kid” say they want to be a doctor—could they have been coached?
I thought construction had begun awhile ago, but here is a report from the Turkish Press that tells us work just started on the barbed wire barrier last Wednesday along the border with Turkey.
As we have reported in many posts in recent months, Bulgaria is being over-run by Muslim migrants, the largest group has traveled across Turkey from Syria.
SOFIA, Bulgaria – Bulgaria began on Wednesday building a fence on its border with Turkey to end illegal border crossings into the country.
The idea of building of a 30-kilometer (18 mile) wire fence has gained traction since late last year due to the government’s concerns over the Syrian refugee influx.
A recent activity report released by Bulgaria’s Defense Ministry said 87 military personnel began to put the wire fence on parts of the 30 km long route that was cleared and prepared for the building work.
The Bulgarian Socialist Party government in late 2013 ordered works for the fence in the mountainous region of Elhovo on the Turkish border, one of the areas that are the most prone to illegal crossings.
The project has caused controversy in the country and tension between Bulgaria’s Defense Ministry and Interior Ministry over the government budget allocated for it.
UN chastises Bulgaria for trying to protect itself!
The project has also drawn criticism from the European Union and the United Nations in that it would be considered a measure for limiting the access of refugees to Bulgaria, which violates international law on refugees.
“Introducing barriers, like fences or other deterrents, may lead people to undertake more dangerous crossings and further place refugees at the mercy of smugglers,” said Adrian Edwards, spokesperson for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in November.