BOWDOINHAM Maine (Reuters) – A Rwandan man accused of war crimes was arrested by the U.S. Border Patrol in northern Maine after a local citizen reported a “suspicious person” walking near the Canadian border, law enforcement officials said on Thursday.
Jean Leonard Teganya, 42, a Rwandan who authorities said had violated international law and the Canadian Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, walked across the border into the United States illegally on Sunday when he was spotted, according to a statement issued by the Department of Homeland Security.
He was later detained and processed for removal from the United States, a spokeswoman said.
This is not our first Rwandan war criminal by any means. We posted extensively on a multi-million dollar federal trial in New Hampshire which ended last summer with a prison sentence for a Rwandan woman who lied to get into the US as a refugeebut was then found to be a war criminal (and is alleged to have killed a nun). See that post here and follow links back.
Editor: LOL! This is one way to deal with my growing backlog!
“No expense spared” as Saudi Arabia builds the world’s best security fence. The UN and its “humanitarian” lapdogs are silent.
~UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Socialist Antonio Gutteres opines that European financial support for Syrian refugees is no longer enough and that more countries (besides Germany and Sweden) need to open their arms to mostly Muslim ‘refugees’ and invite them in.
~They are breaking into Spain through Morocco, but Spain is not a welcoming place say Syrian refugees who want to move on to Germany, Sweden or France.
~Bulgarian “anti-refugee” border fenceticks-off the international humanitarian industrial complex. But they say nothing that I know of about the best border fences in the world protecting Saudi Arabia! We have reported on several occasions that S.A. rounds up, and deports, all those would-be asylum seekers who do manage to get into the “Kingdom.”
~Turkey attempts to clear Istanbul of Syrian beggars living on the streets. Turkey, a Muslim country, has been “welcoming” but the citizens there are losing patience now.
Notice a common thread. Truth-be-told, Europe isn’t so welcoming to ‘asylum seekers’ because the illegal aliens trying to break in are almost all Muslims. Not even Saudi Arabia wants them.
If Saudi Arabia can build a 1,600-mile-long fence, why can’t we? Just asking!
For more in our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, click here.
US Rep Miller: Send them back and redirect foreign aid to Detroit! Wow!!! Now there is a commonsense proposal!
Update July 6th: Looks like Michigan will get those teenaged illegal alien boys after all, here.
The Governor could object, but typical pol is sidestepping the issue!
The Snyder administration and a member of Congress from Macomb County are calling on the federal government to solve the crisis of tens of thousands of undocumented children entering the U.S.
But the two differ on what should be done with the refugees who make it into the country, some of whom could end up at a private facility in the Thumb-area community of Vassar.
The governor’s office is not involved in deciding whether children might end up being housed at a Wolverine Human Services facility in the community southeast of Saginaw, Dave Murray, a spokesman for Gov. Rick Snyder, said Thursday. The detainees are paid for and cared for by the federal government, he said.
“We all want to help people. We are a welcoming state,” Murray said. However, “this really is a federal government matter.”
The office of refugee resettlement through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is handling the refugee issue and is seeking facilities across the country that have empty, available beds, Derrick McCree, a senior vice president of Wolverine Human Services of Grosse Pointe Park, said this week.
One of Snyder’s initiatives is to welcome more skilled, legal immigrants to Michigan with the expectation they will help the state’s sluggish economy by establishing businesses and creating jobs. [The kids aren’t skilled, remember this about the Governor’s plan for immigration to Michigan!—ed]
The Republican governor has called for immigration reform, Murray said, adding the situation of undocumented children certainly needs to be addressed.
U.S. Rep. Candice Miller, R-Harrison Township, on Friday said the federal government immediately should return those who recently arrived in the U.S. illegally to the country from where they came.
“It is imperative that the people being apprehended at the border not be released from custody because if they are, it is very unlikely they will ever return for immigration hearings on their status, and they will disappear into society,” Miller said.
Click here for all of our previous coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors’ invasion.
I wonder what it will feel like to go down in history, along with his boss, among America’s greatest traitors. Photo:
U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, in an interview with MSNBC, said he found television images of that demonstration “very disturbing” to watch.
I have this wonderful image of instead of sending Washington a bill, how about sending Washington, DC the tens of thousands of illegal alien “refugee” teenagers—I would be along the route cheering the buses onward to the White House! (By the way, where does Jeh Johnson live?)
‘SEND WASHINGTON A BILL’ [Heck! Send Washington the illegal aliens!—ed]
Immigration officials said most of the families headed for California were likely to be released under limited supervision to await deportation. [What a joke! They will never be deported!—ed] Many would to be placed with relatives or friends or in temporary housing provided by charity groups [Charity groups which you are paying with your tax dollars—ed].
On Wednesday, border protection officials confirmed that a separate group of undocumented migrant families with children were sent to a processing center in El Centro, California, a desert community about 100 miles (160 km) east of San Diego.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency spokeswoman Virginia Kice said authorities were being especially careful to avoid disclosing the whereabouts of the detainees “so that mobs can’t go down and root out those people”.
At the town hall meeting in Murrieta, Mayor Alan Long told the angry throng that he had been advised by U.S. officials to expect another group of about 140 immigrants every three days for several weeks.
He blamed federal officials for the influx, saying that he intended to “send Washington a big fat bill” for expenses.
Residents filled the meeting hall to capacity and spilled out into a parking lot, carrying signs with slogans like “Illegals today, Jihadists with Nukes tomorrow!!”.
***Update*** Read about Murietta’s Patriot Nurse, here, thanks to Cathy for spotting it!
Click herefor dozens of posts on ‘unaccompanied minors.’
The people of Virginia say NO to Obama bureaucrats last week!
You surely haven’t missed this news, it is popping up everywhere as the Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) shops for locations in which to place hundreds of mostly teenaged illegal alien boys (dubbed “asylum seekers” and “refugees”) around the country, rather than returning them to their homes in Central America!
The first story brought to our attention by several readers is the one from Lawrenceville, Virginia. Here at Breitbart (emphasis mine):
LAWRENCEVILLE, Virginia—Over 1,000 angry residents of the small, rural town here gathered at Brunswick High School on Thursday and reamed out local, state, and federal government officials for offering the St. Paul’s College building as temporary emergency shelter for 500 unaccompanied alien children (UACs) coming from Texas. St. Paul’s, a historically black college, shut down five years ago after losing its accreditation.
Lawrenceville resident Arron Smith said firmly, “The people here don’t want to ask you any questions. We really don’t want to hear your selling points. We don’t want to hear your politically correct terms. We talk slow around here. We got a little twang, but talk direct. Let me say this to you as I look square in your eyes. We do not want you here.”
Although the UAC’s were scheduled to arrive on Thursday, the plan was put on hold following a severe backlash from the community. In the meantime, the panel of government officials continued to promise that if Lawrenceville residents did not want the UAC facility in operation, the plan would be scrapped.
See another story on the confrontation at The Blaze and here.
New York state?
In a hurry to establish refugee camps, the feds make a boo-boo in New York State, also from The Blaze(hat tip: Erich):
Searching for places to house the “overwhelm[ing]” influx of Mexican and Central American children crossing the U.S. southern border without parents or guardians, government officials scouted out an abandoned hotel in Grand Island, New York on Friday.
Or at least the government thought the hotel was abandoned.
As it turned out, the 263-room Byblos Niagara Resort and Spa was fully booked.
“It looks like there’s been a mistake,” federal agents with the Homeland Security Department and the Border Patrol told the hotel manager, according to the Buffalo News.
A simple Google search could have saved the agents the trip the the hotel.
What is clear is that the feds were moving quickly, without giving local authorities much notice.
This article also says a location being considered is in Rochester, NY.
No way says Illinois Congressman! Send them home! From Illinois Review(hat tip: Cathy):
OLYMPIA FIELDS – Thousands of children from Central America are entering the United States through the nation’s southern border, overburdening local facilities and resources. The crisis has the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on the search for lodging facilities elsewhere in the states.
One facility being considered is in Chicago’s far southern suburbs – the quiet community of Olympia Fields.
Congressman Randy Hultgren (IL-14) released a statement Saturday morning announcing this week the HHS will be conducting an inspection of a former monastery at 203rd and Governors Highway to be used to house some of the children that were illegally sent to America unaccompanied by their parents.
Hultgren called for the effort to halt, saying moving the children to Olympia Fields will only make matters worse for the children.
“We should immediately halt this effort. It is an ill-conceived stop gap solution that will only exacerbate the terrible situation for these children,” Hultgren said. “Moving these children further away from the border unnecessarily elongates their legal limbo at orphanage-style federal facilities while they undergo removal proceedings.”
Looking for more “pockets of resistance!” Send us stories about the Obama Administration scouting your neighborhood for refugee camp sites to house the teenaged illegal aliens!
See our complete archive on ‘unaccompanied minors’ going back several years by clicking here.