African ‘Refugee’ Charged With Molesting 7-Year-Old Boy In Washington State
Ibrahim Hire Salat
He looks like it….however…
I put my secret decoder ring to work and couldn’t find a second published report to confirm his refugee status.
So, until we get further confirmation we will assume he is a refugee and is from Somalia. As I said on previous occasions if law enforcement and the media want to play games and keep immigration status a big secret, then I’m just going to assume the worst and let someone correct me.
Here is the newsfrom a local TV station in Kennebeck, Washington:
Man arrested for allegedly licking and kissing 7-year-old boy
KENNEWICK, Wash. (KEPR) — One man is behind bars, accused of licking a 7-year-old’s bottom, and kissing him, according to police in Kennewick, Wash.
The joys of diversity arriving in the hinterlands.
Ibrahim Hire Salat, 32, is facing suspicion of child molestation in the first degree.
Kennewick police say on Saturday, just before 11 a.m., officers were called to an apartment complex off Olympia near the Grocery Outlet.
The mother of the child told police that her son came crying to her, saying that a man had touched his bottom and kissed him on the cheek.
She said that after consoling him, he told her that he had licked his bottom, kissed him, and then offered to buy him a soda.
Police say Salat was detained and says the boy identified Salat as the man that touched him and licked him.
A judge set bail at $75,000.
If Salat is a refugee, no matter from where, my question is, why are we admitting men like him—men who are either unable to live by our laws and culture or are too mentally impaired to understand.
He is headed for a brutal life here in America and I wonder whether, for his sake!, he should have been left in Africa.
Where are the do-gooders, the humanitarians (ha-ha!), who ‘welcomed’ him to Washington, and are they coming to his rescue now? I doubt it.
Just in case you didn’t know that RRW is no longer an active site (although you can still access thousands of posts here!), I want to be sure you see how things are going at my new blog: Frauds, Crooks and Criminals!
However, apparently the mainstream media in Germany has a really hard time with it!
German media isn’t alone! The Left-leaning media here in the US has for the last decade failed to report on some really horrible refugee crime stories I believe out of willful blindness—reports of refugees committing violent crime simply don’t fit their world view!
Just the word refugee is supposed to make people melt with love and be more willing to invite them in as neighbors!
Case in point!
When Esar Met, a Burmese Rohingya refugee, raped and murdered a little Christian girl in Salt Lake City, only the major paper in Utah covered the horrific details and long trial. The story never made it out of Utah.
(In 2014 Met was sentenced to life in prison, see here.)
Now hereis The Local (Germany)with a hand-wringing report on the question.
Do we report the crime and fire up the xenophobes and racists? Or downplay the crime so as not to interfere with the warm and fuzzy meme about refugees that Mama Merkel and company are promoting?
When should the media report on murders by refugees?
“It increasingly appears, therefore, that it will be Sweden that integrates into Islamic culture.”
(Judith Bergman, Gatestone Institute)
For years I’ve been saying that Sweden would be the first European nation to fall to Islamic supremacism and it seems to be happening faster and faster these days. The Netherlands, Germany, France are not far behind. But, LOL! since I am “old”I might see the end of Sweden as a Western Judeo-Christian democracy in my lifetime.
It is all about numbers, and in Sweden the numbers are already too great….