Who tried to set fire to Seattle gay night club?

Update February 2:  Police arrest Musab Mohamed Masmari on the way to the airport, here.

That’s what friends of ‘Neighbors’ want to know.  The incident is described here, note how the 700 plus patrons in the club on New Year’s Eve were likely saved by the swift action of a US Army Sargent who described the arson attempt as a “terrorist act.”   Hat tip:  ‘pungentpeppers’

US Army Staff Sgt Christopher Bostick

From NewNowNext:

We reported on the fire that threatened to blaze through Neighbours, a legendary Seattle gay nightclub, on New Year’s Eve. But now two heroes have emerged from the tragedy, and their bravery and skill saved the lives of the 750 people in the club from an arsonist’s murderous plot.

U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Christopher Bostick was in the club shortly after midnight when he noticed the flames.“It was like the Carrie movie,” he told KTVU. “You see just fire everywhere. And that’s all you can see and for a second, that’s all you’re focused on.”

Instinctively, Bostick rushed to grab a fire extinguisher from behind the bar, and then he and Mike Casey, a friend in the Air Force, attacked the flames until the sprinkler system kicked in.

“If that fire did what the arsonist intended, there’s no telling how many people could have died,” said Bostick. “If we hadn’t reacted to it, it would have taken too long for someone to react, and that fire would have become unmanageable in another 30 seconds.’’ Police haven’t arrested any suspects in the blaze, set in a stairwell leading to the second floor, but are searching surveillance tapes for clues.

Bostick, who tracks terrorists for the Army, says the incident has the earmarks of a terrorist act: “This was a planned attack on a large quantity of people in order to affect an entire community—to me, that’s terrorism.” He believes the arsonist walked up the stairs to the second floor with the can, then poured out gasoline as he walked down again.

Why are we writing about this?  Because, although no arrest has yet been made, many are pointing a finger at Musab Mohamed Masmari, described in some news reports as a Libyan from Benghazi.   And, we are mentioning the story because we previously reported on arson as a weapon of choice for Middle Easterners/Africans with grudges to settle.  You know they do bring their ‘cultural practices’ with them!

And, by the way, so far! (if you are wondering) we’ve only taken one or two refugees from Libya, so it is unclear how Masmari came to be living in Seattle or what his immigration status is.

There is one more reason I’m posting this story and that is to use it to tell you about a new facebook page entitled ‘Diversity’s Dark Side’ where news accounts like this one will find a home!  We’ve long complained that there is no central place for US immigrant (legal and illegal alien) crime or cultural clash stories to be posted.  Now there is!   If you are on facebook, click here, and ‘like’ Diversity’s Dark Side! which was created by a loyal reader of RRW.

Obviously, we will continue to post stories here at RRW that involve refugees who commit crimes, but others involving illegal aliens and others with legal immigration status of some sort will be posted at DDS.   If you are not on facebook and have crime/cultural clash stories for Diversity’s Dark Side, please send them to me and I will post them to facebook.

LOL!  We need to provide a little balanced reporting to counter those, who, like parrots, tell us that ‘diversity brings strength’ when promoting open borders and more immigration!

Brooklyn culture clash and settling scores the Middle Eastern way with arson

A Syrian immigrant has been arrested and charged with arson (the poor man’s WMD), accused of hiring a thug (a dumb thug!) to get even with neighbors who complained about his buses clogging their gentrifying neighborhood.

Just another of those hardworking immigrant ‘entrepreneurs’ for our multi-culty neighborhoods “Abdul” Mouna.

Since Syrians are so much in the news, reader ‘pungentpeppers’ sent along yet another immigrant entrepreneur crime story.

As usual, there is no mention of how, through what legal immigration loophole, Syrian immigrant, Abderraham “Abdul” Mouna, came to be running a bus business in New York.  Was he an asylee, did he come through one of our many investor visa programs, did a relative get him in?  Those are the sorts of questions mainstream reporters never seem to ask.

We are still looking for someone to create one internet site to gather all of the immigrant crime stories that come our way—until then we will post some crime stories here.   LOL! we like to provide balance to the usually mushy immigrant stories the mainstream media feeds us—you know like the immigrant-sees-first-snow stories!

From DNAinfo:

GOWANUS — A long-simmering dispute over idling buses on a quiet Gowanus block sparked a conflict that led to arson, authorities say.

The FDNY this week announced the arrests of Abderraham “Abdul” Mouna and Jose “Pancho” Andujar in connection with a May 8, 2013, arson.

Fire Marshal investigators say the two men conspired to set the blaze to retaliate against neighbors who complained that Mouna’s charter bus company left coaches idling for hours and parked illegally on the street. The target of the arson was a business owned by one of the people who complained.


The building owner did not want to comment this week for fear of retaliation, but according to a criminal complaint filed with the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office, a rock was tossed through a plate glass window on the building’s first floor, then liquid accelerant was squeezed through the hole, followed by a book of matches and a lit cigarette.

The fire quickly went out, leaving only a scorched floor and no injuries, but locals were shocked.

They immediately suspected Mouna, neighbors told DNAinfo. He had been running his charter bus company on the block since about 2006 and had clashed with neighbors for years, said locals, who didn’t want to be named.

At first, the 53-year-old Syrian immigrant seemed to be a hardworking small business owner struggling to get by, residents said.

But, then things started to go wrong!  Read it all!

I have to laugh a little.  I’m betting many in this Brooklyn neighborhood are the kind of folks who would speak eloquently about how diversity is beautiful, just not in this case and in their neighborhood!

More on settling scores the Middle Eastern way! See what else multiculturalism has brought to Brooklyn by clicking here.

Nevada: Chinese “refugee” going to prison for casino scam

The headline of the AP piece from CBS Las Vegas, calls her a “refugee” but it’s not clear if she was actually granted asylum.  Hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers.’

LAS VEGAS (AP) — A Chinese woman who says she sought asylum in the U.S. after taking part in pro-democracy demonstrations in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in 1989 was sentenced in Las Vegas to nearly four years in federal prison for her role in a multi-million dollar casino baccarat fraud scheme.

Irene Li’s lawyer, Assistant Federal Public Defender William Carrico, said Thursday he’s virtually certain his 53-year-old client will be deported to China after her 47 months in prison.

Li pleaded guilty in October to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud in a plea deal that had other charges against her dismissed.

U.S. District Judge Andrew Gordon also ordered Li on Wednesday to repay $2.2 million in damages to five Las Vegas casinos.

Officials say Li’s husband remains a fugitive in the case.

A more detailed story about the case is here.

Chinese make up the largest percentage of asylum seekers granted permission to stay in the US

Go to Table 6, page 6 of the Department of Homeland Securities 2012 Annual Flow Report.  Here are the stats for Chinese given refugee status (after arriving in the US on their own either illegally or as visa overstays).

2010:  6,693 Chinese granted asylum (31% of the total)

2011:  8,585 (34%)

2012:  10,151 (34%)


By the way, a large number of Chinese men are being granted asylum because they tell immigration judges they want to have more than one child and that is grounds for admission!  Once asylum is granted, the asylee can access all of the welfare programs open to refugees.  See our fact sheet.

Comment worth noting: Are these the immigrant “entrepreneurs” we’ve been told America needs?

This is a comment we don’t want you to miss from ‘pungentpeppers’ in response to the previous post on the South Carolina cigarette trafficking story.

Jordanian immigrant entrepreneur Kamel Qazah will now cost taxpayers a bundle while behind bars for the next 18 years!

“Immigrants open businesses and revitalize communities,” politicians say. Nasser Alquza boasted that he owned 30 businesses! He and his nephew Kamel Qazah (same family name, just spelled differently) ran a pizza parlor, a Subway franchise, a car lot, two gas stations, etc. Ideal, upstanding immigrants – or thieving, economic terrorists?

The nephew Qazah bragged to undercover agents that he could “sell anything.” That ranged from stolen electronics to Christmas decorations pilfered from a hijacked Wal-Mart truck. Uncle Alquza told investigators that he, too, sold a diversified portfolio of stolen merchandise – from baby formula to Advil to condoms. He also confided that he could launder hundreds of thousands of dollars overseas each month through various accounts. The secret to his success: Keep changing your operation, he told agents, and you’ll never get caught. And they weren’t alone – they ran their scheme in cooperation with a large network of family, friends and associates in the immigrant community.

Is that what America needs?! Immigrant “entrepreneurs” who steal merchandise, sell it, skip paying taxes, and ship the money overseas?!

Our legitimate business owners are burdened by taxes – but at least they have the satisfaction of knowing that the money they send to their to local governments pays for police protection, schools, road repair, local parks, trash collection, and to help fellow citizens who have hit on hard times. But our decent business owners just cannot compete against people who couldn’t give a hoot about the local community, and instead just milk whatever money they can get out of the American cash cow – ignoring all rules and obligations – and then launder their ill-gotten stolen money abroad to the Middle East.

Stop this harmful, “immigrant business” foreign aid program! Our towns and cities cannot afford it anymore!

Readers:  I had forgotten we had this category “Comments worth noting.”   I’ll keep an eye out for other good comments like this one and try to publish them more prominently going forward.

Former South Carolina Mosque President convicted in huge cigarette trafficking ring

What does this have to do with refugees?  Hopefully not much, but a note of warning to the Bhutanese refugees rumored to be trafficking cigarettes, you will likely be caught one day.

Convenience store fraud is not limited to food stamp fraud (a side interest here at RRW).  In addition to SNAP trafficking there is gambling, illegal drug sales, cigarette smuggling and even gun sales going on behind those shoddy facades at the local mom and pop stores.

I sound like a broken record, but someone really needs to create an entire blog about immigrant criminals in America!

Nasser Alquza, former President Central Mosque of Charleston, to do time in the big house!

Here is one account from 2012 of the bust of the ring headed by Jordanian immigrant Nasser Alquza. From The Post and Courier (Hat tip: the ever-vigilant ‘pungentpeppers’):

A Mount Pleasant man fronted cash in a multimillion-dollar cigarette trafficking and money laundering scheme that crossed state borders and hid cash within South Carolina businesses, according to federal court documents unsealed last week.

Nasser Alquza, 56, was president of the Central Mosque of Charleston until after his arrest Nov. 30.

Investigators nabbed Alquza and 10 other men in a 26-count indictment filed in North Carolina, accusing them of crimes ranging from conspiracy to receiving stolen property.

Court records say the men bought nearly 7,000 cases of “stolen” cigarettes, each containing 60 cartons, from undercover officers in exchange for about $7.5 million.

Federal agents searched Alquza’s home, a three-story yellow house on Oakhurst Drive in the upscale Rivertowne community in Mount Pleasant, shortly after 7 a.m. on Nov. 30. They left with computers, cameras, money, check books, receipts, business records, passports and identification documents.

Officials asked a judge to seal the court records as the investigation continued, but the documents became public last week.

And in a recent update of the story, this time at the Lake Wylie Pilot, we learn of the convictions in the case where “business ties” extended to the perps’ native Jordan.  Don’t you wonder which of our LEGAL immigration programs let Alquza and his crew into America?

Key figures in a $20 million cigarette-smuggling ring across the Carolinas, which involved the undercover sale of almost a half million cartons of smokes, received federal prison sentences of up to 18 years this week in Charlotte.

In all, “Operation Burn Notice” led to the arrests of 12 people on cigarette-trafficking and money-laundering charges – all connected to the flow of illegal merchandise between Charlotte, Greensboro and Columbia.


Undercover agents from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg police and other law enforcement groups eventually focused on the uncle-nephew team of Nasser Kamal Alquza of Mount Pleasant, S.C., and Kama Zaki Qazah of Columbia.

Together, the men owned businesses ranging from convenience stores to used-car lots to Subway franchises. They also maintained extensive business ties throughout South Carolina and their native Jordan.


Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Frank Whitney sentenced the 35-year-old Qazah to 18 years in prison followed by two years of supervised release. Whitney also ordered him to forfeit any property associated with his crimes.  [Two years of supervised release? How about deportation!—ed]

That last hit could be substantial. When authorities searched Qazah’s house after his arrest, they came across a cardboard box in his garage. It held $1,299,990 in cash.

According to this report, uncle Nasser Alquza will be sentenced sometime this week.

Just like the stories of refugee criminals we have reported lately here in Utah, and here in Colorado, this story will not reach the national mainstream media, so it’s up to you, bloggers, on-line publishers and readers on the web, to get this news out!

For our complete archive on food stamp fraud, click here.