And, they want the Irish Navy to pick up even more illegal aliens crossing the Mediterranean. But, of course they are not offering to take in the astronomical number of migrants they have already ‘saved’ —18,000!
Presumably Italy, Malta, Spain and Greece can have those?
Ireland should more than double its annual intake of refugees over the coming three years to meet its “fair share” of the projected global refugee resettlement need, a migrant umbrella group has said.
The Irish Refugee and Migrant Coalition said Ireland had taken in almost 2,600 people under the Irish Refugee Protection Programme (IRPP) in the four years since September 2015, averaging at 650 people per year.
The coalition, involving more than 20 organisations, said the UN Refugee Agency had estimated that 1.44 million people will be in need of resettlement in 2020.
Nick Henderson: Send the Irish Navy to the Mediterranean to rescue migrants!
The group said that this month was the deadline for Ireland to announce the number of resettlement places it is committing to over the next two years.
The coalition recommended Ireland commit to at least 1,500 resettlement places annually over 2020-2022.
It also called on Ireland, through the Irish Naval Service, to lead in a new Mediterranean search and rescue mission.
Nick Henderson of the Irish Refugee Council called on Ireland to lead a new search and rescue mission in the Med, adding that the Irish Naval Service had rescued more than 18,000 people.
See my archive stretching back at least ten years on the ‘Invasion of Europe.‘
Italy disembarks stranded migrants, Salvini under investigation
CATANIA, Italy (Reuters) – Italy on Sunday disembarked all 150 migrants from a rescue ship that had been docked for five days in a Sicilian port, ending the migrants’ ordeal and a bitter stand-off between Rome’s anti-establishment government and its European Union partners.
The migrants, mainly from Eritrea, had been stranded in the port of Catania since Monday because the government refused to let them off the boat until other EU states agreed to take some of them in.
This is big! We should be telling the Catholic Church in America that they need to spend their own money for the refugees they want to place in your towns and cities.
Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said Albania had offered to accept 20 of the migrants and Ireland 20-25, while the rest would be housed by Italy’s Catholic Church “at zero cost” to the Italian taxpayer.
“The church has opened its heart and opened its wallet,” Salvini, from the right-wing League party, told supporters at a rally in Pinzolo in northern Italy on Saturday evening. [LOL! will they be housed at the Vatican?—ed]
Matteo Salvini
Salvini, who has led a popular crackdown against immigration since the government took office in June, also announced that he had been placed under investigation by a Sicilian prosecutor for abuse of office, kidnapping and illegal arrest.
“Being investigated for defending the rights of Italians is a disgrace,” he said.
More than 650,000 people have reached Italian shores since 2014, and even though the numbers have fallen steeply in the last year, Rome says it will not let any more rescue ships dock unless the migrants are shared out around the EU.
“The next ship can turn around and go back where it came from because our limit has been reached,” Salvini said.
But, yuk, they promised to take 200 migrants from the “French migrant camp in Calais.” 21 have arrived already!
Don’t you love it the way the media makes it sound like the camp at Calais was just one more sanctioned migrant camp. It was not! It was a location in France across the English Channel from the UK where illegal aliens built a make-shift camp as they attempted to break in to the UK.
Lesson here is make demands long enough and you will be ‘welcomed’ to the UK, in this case Ireland!
The French migrant camp at Calais (aka The Jungle) before it was closed and the illegal aliens dispersed. At another time in history they would be recognized for what they are—invaders. Photo and story:
Invasion of Europe news….
From RTE News(Irish public radio):
Ireland is being urged to resolve security issues with Italy to allow for the arrival of more migrants. [Good for them they are at least using the word ‘migrants’ and not automatically calling them ‘refugees!’—ed]
The Department of Justice has previously said that due to issues with the Italian authorities surrounding the security assessment of migrants, relocations from Italy have yet to commence for many countries, including Ireland.
But today the European Commission called on the Government to find ways to overcome these hurdles.
I didn’t get around to posting this map and story last week. The point of it is that Poland doesn’t take refugees and therefore has zero Islamic terrorist incidents (coincidence?). Maybe someone in Ireland should see it! Or, maybe they have already and thus the foot dragging.
Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos said “I call on Ireland and Estonia to find mutually acceptable working arrangements with Italy on security interviews in the way that for example The Netherlands, France and Greece have worked out successfully.”
The latest figures from the Department of Justice show that 21 unaccompanied minors, previously resident in the French migrant camp in Calais, have arrived in Irelandand are in the care of the child and family agency Tusla.
The Government has committed to taking up to 200 unaccompanied minors who were previously resident in Calais.
Two European Council decisions adopted in September 2015 resulted in member states committing to relocate 160,000 asylum-seekers from Italy and Greece by September 2017, but as of last Thursday only 18,418 had been moved.
Under the programme, the Government pledged to accept 4,000 people.
All of my ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is archived here. My Ireland archive is here.
Whew! Does this mean Ireland could dodge a bullet! Invasion of Europe news….
Probably not as the Irish government still plans to persuade them to resettle there and begin Syrian Muslim colonies in the Republic of Ireland. Of course this begs the question—if they think they can go country-shopping, how desperate are the Syrian migrants who came over from safe Turkey (a Muslim country) to claim asylum in Europe? Joan Burton, Deputy Prime Minister: Not to worry, we will take our full quota whether the ‘refugees’ like it or not. Do-gooders know best. Photo and bio:
From the Irish Independent:
The Acting Tánaiste has claimed refugees from the Syrian conflict are snubbing the chance to come to Ireland as they would rather be reunited with family members in other European countries.
Just 10 people out of the planned 2,600 have relocated to Ireland from refugee camps in Greece and Italy under an EU relocation programme.
Joan Burton said the small numbers could be explained by the fact refugees were seeking to join relatives elsewhere.
“They would like to go to friends, relatives and communities and these are, for the most part, in Germany, Austria and the Scandinavian countries. That is what refugees do,” she said.
However, despite the low numbers arriving to date, Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald insisted Ireland remained committed to relocating the numbers committed to under the EU plan.
Ms Fitzgerald said Ireland had committed to taking 2,600 refugees under the EU relocation programme by the end of next year and 4,000 overall when other schemes are included.
Ireland has already a growing Muslim population, here they take in Rohingya.
For more on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ go here.
Controversial Irish Bishop: bring in the Muslim refugees. See 2012 pedophilia controversy in this article.
Invasion of Europe news….
Update July 7: Ireland now says it might admit 600 Mediterranean illegal migrants, here.
Yesterday, we learned that Poland is hanging tough and not bending to EU and United Nations pressure to take in the mostly Muslim invaders coming across the Mediterranean from North Africa. But, it looks like Ireland is caving in…
From the Independent:
The Catholic Church has called on the Government to “open our doors” to more migrants from the Mediterranean.
The comments from Bishop John Kirby come as Defence Minister Simon Coveney said that other EU countries should take responsibility for their fair share of the response to the refugee crisis.
Mr Coveney’s said that Ireland will consider accepting the settlement of more than the 300 refugees already agreed if formally requested to do so by the EU.
He will travel to Malta on Monday to discuss the refugee crisis with officials in Valletta before meeting the 69-strong crew of the Naval Service vessel, LÉ Eithne, which has saved 3,000 refugees off the north African coast since May.